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1、20202020-20212021 学年外研版英语七年级下册学年外研版英语七年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法(第词汇讲义拓展学习法(第 7878 组)组)第 78 组 tourist 1)tourist 英trst 美turst 游客 1.Analysis and design idea of kaifeng city landscape based on tourist apperceiving image;基于游客感知印象的开封城市景观分析与设计 2.Study on the Tourist Perception of Island Tourist Environment:A Case Stud

2、y of Dongshan Island;游客对海岛旅游环境的感知研究以东山岛为例 3.A Tourists Spatial Behavior Simulator Based on GIS and Multi-Agent System;基于 GIS 与 Multi-Agent System 的景区游客空间行为模拟系统 4.A STUDY ON THE PREFERRED TRAVEL BEHAVIORS OF OUTBOUND TOURISTS BASED ON PERCEPTION OF TRAVEL RISKS-Case on Beijing Tourists 出境游客的旅游风险感知及旅游

3、偏好关联研究以北京游客为例 5.tourists acting like boors;行动象乡巴佬的游客;6.a pickpocket,pretending to be a tourist,一个扒手扮成一名游客,7.The resort was crawling with tourists.此度假胜地挤满了游客。8.Visitors are respectfully requested not to feed the giraffes.游客请勿喂长颈鹿。9.The traveller was walking up and down in the hall,游客在大厅里走来走去,10.In da

4、ys of old travelers often fell among thieves.从前游客常常碰上坏人。11.a Mecca for Japanese and Taiwanese tourists 日本和台湾游客的圣地 12.The tourists were preceded By their guide.向导走在游客的前面。13.Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.游客请勿触摸陈列品。14.The beggars pestered the tourists for money.乞丐们纠缠游客要钱。15.The numbe

5、r of tourists starts to tail off in October.游客在十月份开始见少.16.Tourists invade Rome in spring.春天,游客拥入罗马。17.Tourists frequent the district.游客常去那个地方。18.For the convenience of overseas tourist?为了外国游客的方便?2)tourist 英trst 美turst 观光者 1.The first metaphorical identity is tourist,which discussed three issues.第一类是

6、“观光者”,主要从现代“朝圣者”与后现代“观光者”的比较,文化消费时代作为普遍隐喻的“观光者/消费者”统一体呈现出审美泛化,以及对这种审美泛化现象中的“观光者/消费者”的主体性与个体性的反思,这三方面展开讨论。 inveterate seer of sights.锲而不舍的名胜观光者 3.The castle was full of sightseers.城堡里到处都是观光者。4.Its all for the tourists,really.这一切全然是着眼于观光者。5.The trees planted by the foreign visitors are growing wel

7、l.外国观光者种的那些树长势良好。6.The sightseers got drenched with the sudden rainfall.观光者被突如其来的大雨淋透了。7.a guide who conducts and informs sightseers.引导或给观光者讲解的向导。8.Tourists luxuriate in the hot baths in a hot spring resort.观光者们在温泉胜地尽情享受温泉 9.The tourists will get an eyeful of the city from the top of that tall build

8、ing.观光者从那座高楼顶上可以饱览全城的景色。10.For tourists who love to shop,what does Norway have to offer?对于那些想要购物的观光者,在挪威能买到什么?11.The courier rounded up the tourists and hurried them back into the coach.导游把观光者集中在一起,催他们回到车中。12.a percipient onlooker 目光敏锐的旁观者.13.The tourist carried a pack on his back.观光旅行者背了个包。14.Beaut

9、y is relative to the beholders eye.美和观者的眼光有关系。15.Sightseeing tours are laid on for visitors.已为来访者安排了观光活动 go mountaineering,or to visit the South Pole.来南极登山,或者来南极观光。17.The Sacred Authority-about the Classic Views of Author 闪烁神圣光芒的权威古典作者观刍议 18.On the road away from home there are generally two k

10、inds of people-tourists and travelers.离家出远门的人大致可分两类观光客和旅行者。3)tourist 英trst 美turst 旅行者,游览者,观光者 4)tourist 英trst 美turst n.旅游者,观光客;巡回比赛的运动员 5)Tourist 英trst 美turst 旅游者 1.Environmental Awareness Analysis of Tourists and Its Implication for the Management of Scenic AreaA Case Study of Jiuzhaigou Natural Re

11、serve;旅游者环境意识分析及其景区环境管理意义以四川九寨沟自然保护区为例 2.Investigation of the Mental Health Status of the Tourist;旅游者心理健康状况的调查分析 3.Discussion and Analysis on the Experience Authenticity of Rural Tourists;乡村旅游者体验真实性探析 4.A study on tourism preference of American tourists to China;来华美国旅游者旅游偏好的实证研究 5.The second throws

12、his watch,第二位旅游者扔下手表,6.Ali is a well-heeled tourist.阿里是个有钱的旅游者。7.tlays per tourist per day 每一旅游者日平均花费 8.a tourist who is visiting sights of interest.访问风景名胜的旅游者。9.We came up with a group of tourists.我们赶上了一群旅游者。10.a restaurant catering to tourist 专供旅游者就餐的饭店 11.Hong Kong is the travel persons paradise.

13、香港是旅游者的乐园。12.A STUDY ON THE MOTIVATION OF MOVIE-INDUCED TOURISTS-A Case Study of Tourists in Longquan Villa of Tieling;影视旅游者旅游动机研究铁岭龙泉山庄旅游者实证分析 13.Cross-cultural Research on Inbound Tourists Motivation:A Case Study of Inbound Tourists in Guilin and Yangshuo 入境旅游者旅游动机及其跨文化比较以桂林、阳朔入境旅游者为例 14.He belong

14、s to a group of the hardest and most efficient travelers in the world-backpackers.他属于一群最辛勤、最高效的旅游者背包旅游者。15.Codes of Tourist Conducts in the Perspective of Tourism Stakeholders;旅游利益相关者视域内的旅游者行为规范 16.The cases and belongings of a traveler.旅行行李旅游者的随身衣物及箱子 17.The travelers lodged in motels every night.旅

15、游者每晚在汽车旅馆投宿。18.The Study on Tourist Satisfaction with the Service Quality of Travelagency;旅游者对旅行社服务质量满意度研究 6)Tourist 英trst 美turst 旅游 1.Multiple nursing of VIP ward in tourist area;旅游地区特需病房多元化护理的实施 2.The design and come true of tourist geographical information system of Yuntai mountain in the city of Jiaozuo;焦作云台山旅游地理信息系统的设计与实现

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