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本文(2023年TED英语演讲我的阅读世界.docx)为本站会员(la****1)主动上传,蜗牛文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知蜗牛文库(发送邮件至admin@wnwk.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。TED英语演讲:我的阅读世界年安.摩根认为自己擅于阅读,直到她在自己的书架上发现到不得了的文化盲点;在众多的英、美作家之列,极少作品出自英语世界以外的作家。所以她订出一个豪情万丈的目标-在一年的历程阅读世界各国的一本书;现在她鼓励其他的崇尚英风者们去阅读翻译作品。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:我的阅读世界年,欢迎借鉴参考。演说题目:我的阅读世界年!演说者:Ann MorganIt's often said that you can tell a lot about a person by loo

2、king at what's on their bookshelves. What do my bookshelves say about me Well, when I asked myself this question a few years ago, I made an alarming discovery. I'd always thought of myself as a fairly cultured, cosmopolitan sort of person. But my bookshelves told a rather different story. Pr

3、etty much all the titles on them were by British or North American authors, and there was almost nothing in translation. Discovering this massive, cultural blind spot in my reading came as quite a shock.And when I thought about it, it seemed like a real shame. I knew there had to be lots of amazing

4、stories out there by writers working in languages other than English. And it seemed really sad to think that my reading habits meant I would probably never encounter them. So, I decided to prescribe myself an intensive course of global reading. 2023 was set to be a very international year for the UK

5、; it was the year of the London Olympics. And so I decided to use it as my time frame to try to read a novel, short story collection or memoir from every country in the world. And so I did. And it was very exciting and I learned some remarkable things and made some wonderful connections that I want

6、to share with you today.But it started with some practical problems. After I'd worked out which of the many different lists of countries in the world to use for my project, I ended up going with the list of UN-recognized nations, to which I added Taiwan, which gave me a total of 196 countries. A

7、nd after I'd worked out how to fit reading and blogging about, roughly, four books a week around working five days a week,I then had to face up to the fact that I might even not be able to get books in English from every country. Only around 4.5 percent of the literary works published each year

8、in the UK are translations, and the figures are similar for much of the English-speaking world. Although, the proportion of translated books published in many other countries is a lot higher. 4.5 percent is tiny enough to start with, but what that figure doesn't tell you is that many of those bo

9、oks will come from countries with strong publishing networks and lots of industry professionals primed to go out and sell those titles to English-language publishers. So, for example, although well over 100 books are translated from French and published in the UK each year, most of them will come fr

10、om countries like France or Switzerland. French-speaking Africa, on the other hand, will rarely ever get a look-in.The upshot is that there are actually quite a lot of nations that may have little or even no commercially available literature in English. Their books remain invisible to readers of the

11、 world's most published language. But when it came to reading the world, the biggest challenge of all for me was that fact that I didn't know where to start. Having spent my life reading almost exclusively British and North American books, I had no idea how to go about sourcing and finding s

12、tories and choosing them from much of the rest of the world. I couldn't tell you how to source a story from Swaziland. I wouldn't know a good novel from Namibia. There was no hiding it - I was a clueless literary xenophobe. So how on earth was I going to read the worldI was going to have to

13、ask for help. So in October 2023, I registered my blog, ayearofreadingtheworld , and I posted a short appeal online. I explained who I was, how narrow my reading had been, and I asked anyone who cared to to leave a message suggesting what I might read from other parts of the planet. Now, I had no id

14、ea whether anyone would be interested, but within a few hours of me posting that appeal online, people started to get in touch. At first, it was friends and colleagues. Then it was friends of friends. And pretty soon, it was strangers.Four days after I put that appeal online, I got a message from a

15、woman called Rafidah in Kuala Lumpur. She said she loved the sound of my project, could she go to her local English-language bookshop and choose my Malaysian book and post it to me I accepted enthusiastically, and a few weeks later, a package arrived containing not one, but two books - Rafidah's

16、 choice from Malaysia, and a book from Singapore that she had also picked out for me. Now, at the time, I was amazed that a stranger more than 6,000 miles away would go to such lengths to help someone she would probably never meet.But Rafidah's kindness proved to be the pattern for that year. Time and again, people went out of their way to help me. Some took on research on my behalf, and others made detours on holidays and business trips to go to bo

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