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1、2023-2023学年仁爱版英语九年级下册词汇创新拓展学习法第23组第23组 brick 英音:/brk/美音:/brk/ 1. n. 砖,砖块;砖形物;口心肠好的人 2. vt. 用砖砌 3. adj. 用砖做的;似砖的 形容词:bricky 词组 | 习惯用语 bricksn. 砖块brick的复数; v. 用砖砌brick的第三人称单数; brick and brick无灰浆砌筑 brick by brick一点一点地砌 brick in用砖填补; 用砖围砌; solid brick实心砖;坚实砖 brick batn. 砖片,碎砖块 dressed brick磨光砖 bauxite b

2、rick建 铝土砖 brick tean. 食品 砖茶;茶砖 brick building砖混筑物 网络短语: bricking仿砖工作; 砌砖; 砖衬; Bricks砖块; 金砖国家; 发音与砖块; 金砖五国; brick k and brick无灰浆砌筑 Brick By Boring Brick上一首 T Brick by brick德国摇滚 brick being and brick无灰浆砌筑 brick course砖层 clinkery brick缸砖; 红地砖; 英语例句库 1.He hurled thebrickthrough the window. 1.他用力把砖头从窗户投进

3、去。2.The whole garden was stacked withbricks. 2.这园子里堆满了砖。3.They fronted the building with redbricks. 3.他们用红砖作这个建筑物的正面。4.I threw abrickthrough the window. 4.我把一块砖扔进了窗户。5.A home isnt justbricksand mortar. 5.家不仅仅是一所房子。6.An overlay of wood covers thebrickwall. 6.砖墙上覆盖了一层木板。7.Were thesebricksbaked by the

4、sun or fire 7.这些砖是太阳晒干的还是由火焙制的 8.He compounded water, sand and soil and formedbricks. 8.他用水拌和沙和泥土做成砖块。9.Youre like a cat on hotbrickstoday.Whats wrong 9.你今天烦躁不安, 出什么事了 10.The outer walls of the house were made ofbrick. 10.这座房子的外墙是砖的。11.The house has a wooden frame which is braced withbrick. 11.这幢房子是

5、木结构的砖瓦房。12.She stared blankly at thebrickwall in front of her. 12.她面无表情地瞪着面前的砖墙。13.The equipment is used for mensurating anti-oxidability of magnesium carbonbrickand aluminum magnesium carbonbrick. 13.该设备用于镁碳砖、铝碳砖抗氧化性的测定。14.I caught my coat on a loosebrickprojecting from the wall. 14.我把大衣挂在一个突出于墙外的一

6、块松动的砖头上。15.Arches are built of wood, stone,brickor any other building material. 15.拱门是用木料、石块、砖头或其他建筑材料建成的。16.Mortar in between thebricks; two crackers with a filling in between. 16.砖层之间的灰浆;夹心饼干 17.We now need funding to turn the plans intobricksand mortar. 17.我们现在需要资金将这些方案变为实实在在的大楼。18.We usebricksan

7、d branches of trees to form a simple shelter. 18.我们用砖和树枝搭成一个简陋的避难所。19.Bricksare baked in a kiln. 19.砖是在窑里烧成的。20.He knows how to bakebricks. 20.他会烧砖。21.Brickwalls give a room texture. 21.砖墙使房屋外表不平 22.Hes a wrestler Well, that doesnt surprise mehes built like abrickshithouse! 22.他是个摔跤运发动?哦,我一点也不觉得奇怪他膀

8、大腰圆的! 23.Bluestone, cement andbrickleave space so all of the things are gleamy. 23.而周围的青石水泥砖墙都留有间隔的缝隙,让一切假设隐假设现。24.Caesious facingbrick, with considerably tactile material nature, showing architectures extended sense taste. 24.青灰色的面砖,以其颇具质感的材质表现建筑外延的感观感受。25.One-off demoulding severalbricksholistical

9、ly,which realized concentrical portage and stoking improves production efficiency. 5. 25.一次性数块整体出模,实现了集中搬运码垛,提高了生产效率;26.He came down on me like a ton ofbrickswhen I arrived late. 26.我迟到时他对我大发脾气。27.Hell be like a cat on hotbrickstill he gets his exam results. 27.他在知道考试结果前会一直局促不安。28.It will be helpful

10、 in development of superduty refractory used for the CDQ liningbrick. 28.根据干熄焦工艺特点,分析了内衬砖的损蚀机理以及影响性能指标因素的排序。29.The old man stood on a pile ofbricksalmost as high as a house. 29.那位老人站在一堆跟房子差不多高的砖上。30.Hebrickedthe body up. 30.他把尸体砌在砖墙里藏起来。31.Our main products is indoor decoration artwork and the garde

11、n ormaments,including lamps,pricket,flowerpot ,wall decoration,waterscape,culturebricksect. 31.以其丰富的想像力和博采众长的创作理念,创造出一系列独具一格的系列装饰艺术产品。32.Thebricksare stacked up over there, all ready to be used for the new wall. 32.砌新墙用的砖都准备好了, 堆在那边。33.Balcony from the masonrybrickstructure, floor, starting as a rid

12、ge of hard-Peak, Pantile Long double eaves. 33.楼座由砖石砌成,楼身为起脊硬山顶,筒瓦拢重檐。34.The building was going well, but the delay in delivering morebrickshas really gummed up the works. 34.建筑工程本来进行得很顺利,可是砖头供给方面的耽误使得工程停顿下来。35.The Imitation AncientsBrickare usually called the Glazed Tile, which idiosome might be po

13、rcelain , thesere mainstream . 35.仿古砖通常指的是有釉装饰砖,其坯体可以是瓷质的,这是主流;36.What are put down by us are not onlybricks, stones, steel, concrete and limbers, but culture as well. 36.除了文化,就是这些文化的载体,也在推土机的烟尘中消散殆尽了。37.We had to step over piles of brokenbrickswhen we went to see our new house being built. 37.当我们去看

14、正在建造的新房时, 必须小心地走过一堆堆碎砖头。38.AQUASOL is used as a hard wearing, protective coating for all building surfaces including concrete,brick, masonry, dry lining, asphalt and asbestos. 38.高雅素是一种耐磨、防水、防尘的水基环氧树脂保护膜。可用于各种砖、混凝土、水泥、石制建筑及石棉外表。39.The workers eventually stumbled upon a redbrickwall a few meters from

15、 Hermas mausoleum with even more graffiti in a patternless jumble. 39.工人们最终在离赫尔马陵墓几米远的地方,偶然发现了一段红砖墙,在那里,他们发现了甚至更多的雕刻,不过都是杂乱无章的。40.The bottom of exterior outwall was covered by iron netting andbricks, which can protect the wall from the rain-wash and the inroad of mice. 40.最大限度减少对砖、水泥等不可回收材料的使用。41.Th

16、e business scope of the Company is production and sales of compost, organic compound fertilizer, building block, color paviorbrick, regenerated plastics and harmless vegetables. 41.公司的经营范围是生产和销售堆肥、有机复合肥、建筑砌块、彩色路面砖、再生塑料颗粒、无公害蔬菜等。42.It inhibited the ketoacyl reduction of FAS weakly, which indicated that the ketoacy

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