1、法律英语口语:赠与(双语) 赠与 Gift 1.A donation of $1 million has been presented to the sufferers by a wealthy lady.一个有钱的太太向受难者捐赠了一百万美元。 2.A gift is a present transfer of property by one person to another without any consideration or compensation.赠与是一方不考虑任何对价或补偿而现实的转移财产所有权予另一方。 3.A gift to my child“ that does no
2、t set out the childrens name is a class gift.不详细写明子女姓名,只写出赠与我的子女“之赠与是概括赠与。 4.Capacity of donor is one of the essential requisites of gift“.赠与人的行为才能是赠与“的一个重要前提。 5.In the case of a gift the thing itself passes to the donee.就赠与而言,赠物本身要交付给受赠人。 6.Only a complete gift is taxable under the gift tax.按照赠与税规定
3、,只有完全赠与才应纳税。 7.payment of gift tax is the obligation of the donor务在赠与人而非受赠人。 8.The gift is subject to the federal unified transfer tax.该赠与应交纳联邦统一转让税。 9.The gift must be made with a view to the donors present illness or peril.该赠与必须是在赠与人目前生病或遇到危险时作出。 10.The gift was made subject to certain conditions imposed on the recipient.此赠与附有受赠人必须遵守的某些条件。