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1、 西 京 学 院本科毕业设计(论文)试论我国中小企业融资的现状与对策 教学单位: 经济系 专 业: 会计学 学 生: 李鹤 学 号: 0811030350 指导教师: 蒋娜 2023年 05月改革开放30多年来,我国中小企业的迅速开展,为地区经济开展,增加就业岗位,缓解就业压力,实现科技创新与成果转让等方面发挥出越来越重要的作用,决定了必须重视中小企业的生存与开展。由于中小企业自身的特点,规模小,可控资源更为稀缺,又往往处于快速开展阶段,需要大量的资金投入。所以,大多数中小企业都面临着融资难的困境,严重阻碍中小企业的开展。中小企业所获得的融资与其在国民经济和社会开展中的地位和作用是极不相称的。

2、中小企业在我国经济和社会开展中具有特殊的重要作用决定了中小企业的开展是我国国民经济开展中的战略性问题,也是与中小企业可持续开展联系最为密切的问题,如何促进中小企业的开展,是一个复杂的问题,需要全面的解决方案。所以,本文重点在对中小企业融资难的原因进行分析,找出我国目前中小企业融资难存在企业本身、银行、政府三个层面的原因,并通过中小企业融资难原因,提出缓解中小企业融资难的相关对策,以求在融资方面促进中小企业的更好开展。 关键词:中小企业;融资现状;解决对策AbstractMore than 30 years of reform and opening up of SMEs in China ha

3、s made rapid development momentum, and our national economy, rising living standards, as well as social harmony and stability played an invaluable role. Financing plays a decisive role as an important factor in the internal management mechanism for SMEs to enhance their market competitiveness. SMEs

4、is an important component of our national economy, plays an important role in socialist modernization, therefore, enhance SME financing without delay.However, with the development of SMEs in China, many problems were gradually exposed, in particular the financing difficulties of SMEs has become a bo

5、ttleneck hindering the development of SMEs in China. In this paper a detailed analysis of the SME financing difficulties for various reasons, and the countermeasures.朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼.30 years of reform and opening up, Chinas small and medium-sized enterprises in the rapid development, for the regional

6、economic development, increasing employment, alleviate obtain employment pressure, realize the innovation of science and technology and the results of transfer plays a more and more important role, decided to must pay attention to the survival and development of SMES. Due to the characteristics of S

7、MES, small size, controllable resources more scarce, often at a stage of rapid development, need much capital investment. Therefore, the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises are faced with financing difficulties, serious obstacle the development of medium and small businesses. The small an

8、d medium-sized enterprise to obtain financing in their national economic and social development in the status and role is extremely unworthily. Small and medium-sized enterprises in Chinas economic and social development has special important role in determining the development of medium and small e

9、nterprises is developing of economy of our country countryman strategically problem, but also with the sustainable development of small and medium-sized enterprises the most closely relationship problems, how to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, is a complex question, ne

10、eds a comprehensive solution. Therefore, this paper focuses on the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises to carry on the analysis, discovers our country at present the financing difficulty of small and medium enterprises existence enterprise itself, bank, government of the three aspects of

11、 reasons, through the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises and reason, put forward to alleviate the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises countermeasures, in order to promote the financing for better development of SMES.Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprises; Financing; S

12、olution countermeasure2目录1 绪论11.1选题背景11.2研究意义11.3国内外研究现状11.3.1 国内研究现状11.3.2 国外研究现状21.4本文主要研究内容22 我国中小企业融资的现状32.1内源融资是最主要的融资方式32.2银行贷款是重要的外源融资方式32.3 民间借贷比例越来越高42.4 市场的不成熟,融资缺乏渠道42.5 中小企业缺乏信用机制42.6 中小企业抵押困难、担保机制不完善42.7 金融机构仍然是中小企业融资的主要渠道53 我国中小企业融资难的原因分析63.1 中小企业自身的原因63.1.1 企业自身的经营状况63.1.2 中小企业信用低下63.

13、1.3 中小企业贷款缺乏足够的抵押和担保73.1.4 中小企业经管风险大及交易本钱过高73.2 中小企业外部环境的制约83.2.1 政府对中小企业的支持缺乏83.2.2 间接融资渠道的所有制歧视83.2.3 有效的直接融资渠道的缺乏83.2.4 银行制度缺失93.3银企信息不对称94 缓解中小企业融资问题的对策及建议104.1 完善中小企业自身体系建设104.1.1 加强企业管理,尤其是财务管理104.1.2 健全完善中小企业信用管理体系104.2 疏通中小企业内源融资渠道104.3 建立多层、全方位的金融体系和健全的经营机制114.3.1 建立多层次、全方位的金融体系114.3.2 完善中小

14、企业信用担保体系114.3.3 大力开展金融业务的创新与机制创新124.3.4 采取多种融资方式,拓宽中小企业的融资渠道124.4 完善政府效劳职能,加强对中小企业的支持124.4.1 进一步强化法律保障机制124.4.2 转变政府职能,为中小企业融资提供有效效劳124.4.3 建立中小企业开展的国家级管理机制与架构134.5 扩大银行的货币支持力度134.6 完善融资管理机制134.7 加强间接融资渠道效劳13结论16致谢17参考文献18II西京学院本科毕业论文1 绪论1.1选题背景改革开放30多年来,我国中小企业取得了迅猛的开展势头,当前我国中小企业在开展过程中面临的最大困难是资金问题。对

15、于这些问题,可以通过了解我国中小企业融资的现状,提出相应的对策和建议,使得在中小企业在以后的开展的过程中不会受资金的限制;使中小企业成为推动国民经济开展,构造市场经济主体,稳定社会的根底力量。1.2研究意义中小企业是我国经济舞台上一支极为活泼的力量是推动国民经济持续、稳定、开展、构造市场经济主体和促进社会稳定的生力军。特别是在当前,在确保国民经济增长、缓解就业压力、实现国民经济战略调整、优化经济结构、开展地方经济和增加财政收入等方面日益发挥极其重要的作用。然而,近年来,中小企业的开展势头有所减缓,主要原因在于中小企业融资困难。融资难成为中小企业开展盼个很大障碍。通过对我国中小企业融资现状调查和分析,找到一些能够缓解中小企业融资难的对策和建议,使我国的中小企业在优化经济结构,科技创新,提供效劳和解决就业等方面发挥重要作用。同时也加快我国中小企业的改革和开展,保持国民经济持续健康开展和促进我国经济和社会协调开展。1.3国内外研究现状1.3.1 国内研究现状田妍妍在2023年第17期法制与

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