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1、LWTE 2B期末练习班级 学号 姓名 得分_Part I Listening 听力部分 (57%)I. Listen and choose the words you hear. 听一听,选择你所听到的单词。(10%)1.( )A. flourB. flowerC. floor2.( )A. rodeB. rideC. rod3.( )A. pearB. poolC. poor4.( )A. Ron B. wrong C. on5.( )A. FridayB. friesC. find6.( )A. sandwichB. SaturdayC. strawberry7.( )A. cageB.

2、 careC. cake8.( )A. pairB. pearC. pairs9.( )A. cutB. catC. cute10.( )A. CherryB. chessC. cheeseII. Listen and tick. 听音,打。 (5%)1. 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. ( ) ( ) 4. ( ) ( )5. ( ) ( )III. Listen and circle the words you hear. 听音,圈出你所听到的单词。(6%) 8 / 81. note not2. Juice Cheese3. take tack4. tope top5. ban

3、 bang6. tun tuneV. Listen and choose the correct answers. 听一听,选出正确的答句。(5%)( ) 1. A. Itshot.B. Ilikesweet.C. Its sour.( ) 2. A. Its time to have a shower.B. Its time to have lunch.C. Its time to go to bed.( ) 3. A. Yes, Ido.B. No, I dont.C. Yes, she does.( ) 4. A. Two pupils.B. He waters the plants.C

4、. I set the table.( ) 5. A. She likes playing tennis.B. She likes hamburgers. C. I like running.IV. Listen and circle the correct days. 听一听,圈一圈。(5%)1. Monday Tuesday Friday 2. Tuesday Friday Thursday 3. Wednesday Monday Sunday 4. Wednesday Thursday Friday5. Tuesday Saturday WednesdayVI. Listen and n

5、umber. 听音,标号。(8%)VII. Listen and tick the correct answers. 听短文,在正确的回答的方框内打钩。(6%)1. My name is Johnny Wu, sir. Its time to go, sir. Its under the sofa, sir.2. I have one hundred dollars, sir. I only have one pair of shoes, sir. I dont know the time, sir.3. I dont know, sir. I didnt make them. Theyre

6、one hundred dollars, sir.Yes, its beautiful, sir.4. I cant make shoes, sir. Theyre one hundred dollars, sir. Theyre beautiful, sir.5. Yes, sir. Here you are. Theyre silver, sir. Theyre not here, sir.6. I cant buy any shoes today. Its ten fifteen, sir. Dont worry, sir.VIII. Listen and write the numbe

7、rs. 听音,在括号内填入相应的阿拉伯数字。(6%)1. sweep the floor ( )2. tidy the living room ( )3. make the bed ( )4. water the plants ( )5. wash the dishes ( )6. set the table ( )IX. Listen and choose the correct answers. 听短文,选择正确的答案。(6%)( ) 1. Mr and Mrs Wu are _. A. rich B. poor C. happy( ) 2. The shoes are _. A. bea

8、utiful B. small C. big( ) 3. Mr and Mrs Wu are _. A. tired B. curious C. angry( ) 4. The little men are _. A. tall B. small C. big( ) 5. The little men are _. A. sad B. happy C. angry( ) 6. Mr and Mrs Wu are _. A. lucky B. tired C. poorPart II Listening 笔试部分 (43%)I. Look at the pictures and sentence

9、s, write the words.看图片和句子,写单词。(6%)1. Look at that elephant. It has eyes and big ears. 2. Im from . 3. Look at this picture. I have a big . 4. The ball is the box. 5. Lets buy some fruit. Do you like ? 6. I can see balloons. II. Reorder the sentences. 连词成句。(4%)do doing you What like Mary (, ?)them pu

10、ts She beside note a (.)III. Choose the correct answers. 看图片,填序号。(4%)A. draw B. make a model C. play chess D. paintE. set the table F. tidy the living room G. wash the dishes H. sweep the floor ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )V. Read and circle. 读一读,圈一圈。(5%)。1.He ( eat / eats ) ( our / his ) lunch at

11、 half past one.2.When ( do / does ) the children go to school? They ( go / goes ) to school at eight oclock.3.Lily likes go ( ice-skateing / ice-skating ) TV.4.(Do / Does ) Jane like coconut ice cream? Yes, she ( doesnt / does ).5. I can see ( a / two ) packets of fries.6. Sam is hungry. He wants to buy some ( cookies / hamburger ) 7. Dont drink ( too many / too much ) orange juice. 8. There ( is / are ) some water. 9. ( Is / Are ) there any children in the park? 10. The dog wants ( drink / to drink ) some water. IV. Fill the blanks. 用正确的词填空。(4%)for at

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