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1、基于J2EE的绩效考核系统的设计与实现Design and implementation of the performance appraisal system based on J2EE摘要:绩效考核是一项科学性、系统性的工作,也是绩效管理的关键,其是否能够达到预期的目的直接关乎到管理的效益。而绩效考核就是评估人员将工作的最终目标、工作业绩、工作效益作为参考体,通过科学的评估手段,对员工的工作进行考核,得出员工在过去工作中是否达到了预定的工作目标、取得了工作成效,携同员工自身的发展一并反馈给工作人员的一个系统性的工作。近几年来,中国的IT软件行业不断的发展,软件不同的使用模式、管理方案差异,


3、考核的结果作为指导内容,引导员工向更健康、更成熟的方向发展。将两种考核相结合,对职工的工作成果和职工的发展做双向考核,最终实现考核的最终目的,促进企业的开发和管理。针对本系统进行实际考核,结合软件研发效益,在整体设计方案上采用了B/S架构模式,在软件实现的功能上采用DAO技术,其主旨在于将数据同逻辑隔离,与此同时,采取Struts框架,辅之以MVC设计方案,将软件的视图能够与逻辑完美结合,最终实现本系统在工作时不受到时间的限制、地理的限制,具有灵活性,可以随时随地的进行信息收集,保证数据的准确和安全。关键词:绩效考核;J2EE;项目考核Abstract:Performance evaluati

4、on is a scientific and systematic work, and is also a key performance management, whether it can achieve the desired objective directly related to the management benefit. Performance appraisal is the evaluation of personnel will be the ultimate goal, work performance, work efficiency as reference, t

5、hrough a scientific assessment methods, assessment of the staff, the staff will work in the past to achieve the intended target, made the work efficiency, and development with the staff own also feedback to a a systematic work staff. In recent years, development of Chinese IT software industry, soft

6、ware usage patterns, different management scheme of IT difference, enterprise management has a level of ascension, and performance as a system of evaluation work, can inspire staff motivation, and promote the staffs working enthusiasm and working enthusiasm, but through the analysis of the performan

7、ce appraisal of the display, in the domestic IT industry, many enterprises for the employees performance still exist. This paper will be to improve the software development workers skills as the goal, in the performance evaluation is based on the examination of the R & D. The project appraisal as th

8、e main body, supplemented by the department assessment to achieve the overall assessment of the employees. The so-called project appraisal, is refers to the evaluation of staffs daily work, combined with the project overall evaluation. User satisfaction as evaluation standard, at the same time, also

9、 reflects the benefits of this project; the so-called department assessment, the main object is to assess the treatment of workers work ability, work attitude, work performance and so on, the project appraisal results as a measure of work efficiency standards, departmental test results as the guidan

10、ce, guide the employees to develop more healthy, more mature direction. Two kinds of combination of the assessment, development work and workers to staff do a two-way, achieve the final goal of evaluation, promoting the development and management of enterprises. The actual evaluation for the system,

11、 combined with the software development efficiency, in the design of the overall scheme adopts the B/S architecture, using DAO technology in the functions of the software, its purpose lies in the data and Logic Isolation, at the same time, take the Struts framework, complemented by MVC design, the s

12、oftware can be combined with perfectly logical view finally, this system is not restricted by time, work in the geographical restrictions, flexibility, can whenever and wherever possible to collect information, and ensure the data accuracy and safety.Keywords: J2EE; performance evaluation; project e

13、valuation目 录第一章 绪论11.1 系统开发背景11.2 国内外技术开发状况11.2.1 绩效考核系统的开发概况11.2.2 MVC的应用现状21.3 系统解决的主要问题31.4 本文的主要技术41.4.1 J2EE应用服务器技术41.4.2 静态页面生成技术41.4.3 数据库访问技术41.5 本文的主要工作41.6 本文的组织结构5第二章 相关理论和技术研究62.1 B/S 结构62.2 J2EE 技术介绍62.3 MVC模式9第三章 需求分析113.1 系统总体业务概述113.2 系统需求获取模式113.3 系统需求描述123.3.1 业务流程分析123.3.2功能需求分析19

14、第四章 绩效考核的算法434.1 经验公式仿真元模型构建方法434.1.1 经验公式基本形态编码434.1.2目标函数与适应度函数454.1.3交叉算子454.1.4选择算子464.1.5变异算子464.2 试验方案47第五章 系统架构设计485.1 系统设计目标和原则(约束)485.1.1 系统的设计目标485.1.2 系统的设计原则485.2 系统技术架构设计495.3 系统功能架构设计495.4 系统程序流程设计50第六章 系统实现与测试526.1 系统总体实现526.2 系统功能实现526.2.1 系统通用模块526.2.2导航界面526.2.3系统设置模块536.2.4 月考核管理模

15、块536.2.5 半年考核管理模块556.2.6 项目管理模块556.2.7 日常报表管理模块576.2.8 信息管理模块576.2.9 个人管理模块576.3 系统测试576.3.1 系统测试目的576.3.2 系统测试的环境与方案586.3.3 web界面测试586.3.4 系统功能测试用例表596.3.5 系统测试结果与分析60第七章 总结与展望61参考文献62致谢66第一章 绪论第一章 绪论1.1 系统开发背景绩效考核主要从两个方面出发1,第一,管理层面;第二,发展层面;其主旨在于能够加强软件研发人员的整体素质、增强职工的技能水平、提高工作效益、促进组织的平稳快速发展,最终实现双赢的局面。除此之外,绩效考核也是同企业的工作目标相协调的。而一个完整的绩效考核系统不仅仅能够提高职工的职业技能,更能够促进职工的工作积极性,并且合理利用资源,促进员工之间互助互利。而如果绩效考核系统不科学,则会起到负面作用,不仅仅降低职工的工作积极性,对企业自身的发展也是一种影响,尤其是在人力管理上,降低了管理的工作效益,削弱团队精神,阻碍职工之间交流。所以说,绩效考核不论针对整体还是个人,都有着举足轻重的地位,应当受到高度的重视2。当绩效考核快要结束的时候,相关的负责人必须要依据已经制定出来的计划,对员工进行评估


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