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1、经济学人中英文版篇一:经济学人阅读练习中英对照版50篇经济学家读译参考 Translated amp; Edited by Chen JilongTEXT 1Rebuilding the American dream machine重建美国梦机器Jan 19th 2023 | NEW YORKFrom The Economist print editionFOR Americas colleges, January is amonth of reckoning. Mostapplications for the academica want the moreto been floodedNew

2、 York (CUNY), a public college对美国的大学而言,申请必须在12市大学,一所公立学院,没有田园诗一般fees; of $7,500 (to help with general expenses) and a laptop 2023年开场为聪明过人的学生所设立的培养打算。6约有1100人能得到“免费教育,这在花费宏大的美被纳入城市大学荣誉打算的学生无需支付学费,相反,他们还获得一份请尽早被批准进入下一学年打算的学生到达了70%。Admission has nothing to do with being an athlete, or a child of an alu

3、mnus, or having an influential sponsor, or being a member of a particularly aggrieved ethnic groupcriteria that are increasingly important at Americas elite colleges. Most of the students who apply to the honours programme come from relatively poor families, many of them immigrant ones. All that CUN

4、Y demands is that these students be diligent and clever.批准与否跟学生是不是一名运发动,或者是不是校友子弟,或者有没有颇具阻碍力的后台,经济学家读译参考 Translated amp; Edited by Chen Jilong或者是不是某个爱打抱不平的民族社团成员,都毫无干系而这些在美国的知名学府中已经日益成为重要标准。申请参加荣誉打算的学生大多数来自相对贫困的家庭,其中许多人都是移民。城市大学唯一需要确实实是这些学生必须勤奋同时聪颖。Last year, the average standardised test score of t

5、his group was in the top 7% in the country. Among the rest of CUNYs students averages are lower, but they are now just breaking into the top third (compared with the bottom third in 1997). CUNY does not appear alongside Harvard and Stanford on lists of Americas top colleges, but its recent transform

6、ation offers a neat parable of meritocracy revisited.去年,城市大学学生的标准化考试平均分位居全美最高分的7%均分较低,但是他们马上冲进前三名相比1997年的倒数前三名。这一段请高手参详to be found not in Cambridge or Palo Alto, but in called City20世纪60年代往常,那确实是美国高等教育治理最好的并不在剑桥大学或者是Palo Alto,在一所名叫城市大学1847年,Citys golden era came in Americas best known colleges restr

7、icted the laureates, including Robert Aumann (who graduated in 1950); Hunter, its college, produced two, and a sister branch in Brooklyn a pivotal figure on the Supreme Court (class of of who would later swing to the right, such as Irving Kristol 那时美国最知名的大学都限制犹太人学生入学,当时1933年到1954年之间,城市大学培养出了9个后来获得诺贝

8、尔奖的人,其中包括2023年经济学奖获得者罗伯特奥曼毕业于1950年。城市大学前附属女子学院那么培养出两名诺贝尔奖获得者,而其在布鲁克林的一所分校也培养出一名。城市大学还培养出了最高法院的关键人物费利克斯法兰克福1902届、埃拉格什温1918届、天花疫苗制造者乔纳斯索尔克1934届以及互联网设计者罗伯特卡恩1960届等人。20世纪三、四十年代,城市大学作为左翼分子活动区,城市大学孕育了许多新保守主义知识分子,他们后来都转向了右翼,比方欧文克里斯托1940届,校外活动积极分子,参加过反战俱乐部、丹尼尔贝尔和内森格雷泽。经济学家读译参考 Translated amp; Edited by Chen

9、 JilongWhat went wrong Put simply, City dropped its standards. It was partly to do with demography, partly to do with earnest muddleheadedness. In the 1960s, universities across the country faced intense pressure to admit more minority students. Although City was open to all races, only a small numb

10、er of black and Hispanic students passed the strict tests (including a future secretary of state, Colin Powell). That, critics decided, could not be squared with Citys mission to “serve all the citizens of New York. At first the standards were tweaked, but this was not enough, and in 1969 massive st

11、udent protests shut down Citys campus for two weeks. Faced with upheaval, City scrapped its admissions standards altogether. By 1970, almost any student who graduated from New Yorks high schools could attend.哪里出征询题了呢?简单点说,确实是城市大学降低了它的标准。一局部与憨头憨脑的热忱有关。20世纪60年代,大压力。尽管城市大学对各色人种都放开校门,严格的测试其中包括后来成为国务卿的科林

12、鲍威尔。年,学生大规模的抗议让城市大学停课两周。面对突如其来的变化,学标准。到1970但到了1976By 1997, seven out of the CUNY system were failing at least one remedial test in that they had not learnt it to high-school写作和数学中至少一门加试亦。1999年纽约市府发布的一项报告总结认为,“纽约城市大学历但是学生的高退学率和低毕业率引发了如此一。Using the report as ammunition, profound reforms were pushed th

13、rough by New Yorks then mayor, Rudolph Giuliani, and another alumnus, Herman Badillo (1951), Americas first Puerto Rican congressman. A new head of CUNY was appointed. Matthew Goldstein, a mathematician (1963), has shifted the focus back towards higher standards amid considerable controversy.纽约市当时的市

14、长鲁道夫丘里安尼以及同样是城市大学校友1951届的美国第一名波多黎各裔议员赫尔曼巴蒂洛,利用该报告为导火索,对城市大学进展了深化改革。一名新校长上任,他叫马修高德斯坦,是一名数学家。他把争议的焦点重新引回到了更高的入学标准之上。经济学家读译参考 Translated amp; Edited by Chen JilongFor instance, by 2023, all of CUNYs 11 “senior colleges (ie, ones that offer full four-year courses) had stopped offering remedial education

15、. This prompted howls from the teaching faculty, who said it would “create a ghetto-like separation between levels of colleges, keeping black and Hispanic students out of the best schools. In fact, the racial composition of the senior schools, monitored obsessively by critics, has remained largely u

16、nchanged: one in four students at the senior colleges is black, one in five is Latino. A third have ties to Puerto Rico, Jamaica, China and the Dominican Republic.例如,到2023年,所有城市大学的“高级学院亦即提供全部四年培养课程的学院停顿提供加试教育,随即引起了老师们的强烈不满,他们认为这将如犹太人区一般的分裂着,高级学院学生的种族构成大局部保持不变:bright locals, especially in science. One at City now has twice as many Rhodes scholarships, and a Bronx Intel Science Prize is入学标准


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