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3、们更加了解榆林饮食文化。为了更好地了解,这一局部要在不同阶段、不同人群里去进行实际考察,加以完善,以凸显出社会变革下的榆林饮食文化。第三章概括社会变革下榆林饮食文化的特点,它具有包容性、多元性、地域性。这也是需要在长时间开展中才能凝聚而成的,是一种见证。第四章根据这些方面,分析社会变革对榆林饮食文化的影响。最后一局部是结语,也是对全文的概括总结。关键词:饮食文化 特色美食 特色 影响ABSTRACTWith the change and development of society, one of the things that people can not live without is a

4、lso changing. It is a necessary condition for human existence. From the beginning, people want to fill their stomachs, to start to pay attention to taste, and finally to form a whole set of culture system. Local diet is an important factor to understand the human feelings and historical development

5、of a region, which also makes some famous places that people often pay attention to are studied, while some small places are often ignored, there are incomplete gaps. Therefore, this article will discuss the food culture in Yulin and Yuyang region from the characteristics of the food, the season, th

6、e structure and main contents of the article as follows: First of all, the introduction part from the study of the significance of food culture in Yulin, the current situation of food culture in Yulin, the content and methods will be studied. This paper explains the importance of this topic and the

7、lack of food culture in Yulin, and finally, the content and research methods of this paper.The first chapter from the cultural profile of Yulin , geographical overview, historical evolution of these aspects, show that due to different regions, the environment caused by different food culture is diff

8、erent. Through narration to make people understand the advantages and disadvantages of Yulin land, even in the complex environment, can also create different diet, form a diet culture, this is a kind of wisdom accumulation. It also helps people understand the relationship between history, geography

9、and food culture, dietary culture is also changing in different periods of society.The second chapter is the main content of this article, which will be carried out from two aspects. The first is to start with the Yuyang district cuisine, to understand that these diets and their production will chan

10、ge at different times, so that the food culture is not the same. The second is the food culture from the season funeral, plus some folk sayings to make people more aware of Yulin food culture. In order to better understand, this part should be carried out in different stages, different people in the

11、 practical investigation, to improve, in order to highlight the Yulin Diet Culture under the social change. The third chapter summarizes the characteristics of food culture in Yulin, which is inclusive, pluralistic , which need to be condensed in a long period of development, is a witness. From thes

12、e four characteristics.The fourth chapter according to these two aspects, analyzed the influence of the social change of yulin diet culture. The last part is the conclusion, but also the summary of the full text.Keyword: Food culture Special food characteristic influence绪论一、研究社会变革对榆林饮食文化影响的意义饮食是每个地域

13、,每个民族生存的根本,是在人类日常生活中与衣、住、行并列存的四大种类,这使人类和饮食之间产生密不可分的关系。战国时期告子就说:“食、色、性也。仁,内也,非外也。义,外也,非内也。 在这句话中,完整表达出饮食是人类离不开的事情,人只有填饱自己的肚子,满足生存的根本需求时,才可以有力气精神去从事其他的活动。饮食文化是受时间、地理、交流等许多因素长期开展会聚形成的,由于各种因素的存在,所以在同一地域也有可能产生南北饮食文化的差异。饮食作为一种文化,它给人类带来了经济、带来了交流、带来了融合。在中国这片辽阔的土地上,大致形成了东北、京津、黄河中游、黄河下游、素食、青藏高原、西南、东南、西北、中北、长江



16、文化进行了表达,在风俗习惯这一板块涉及到饮食。汪东锋陕北民歌与陕北民俗广西社会科学2023年版这本书从地理的角度住处陕北的农作物,并且引用民歌,以民歌谈论陕北饮食习惯。陕北文化的研究成果大都是整体地域进行表达,而且现有的研究是涉及宗教、语言、民歌、建筑等方面,没有单一针对榆林饮食文化特别的研究,只是进行寥寥介绍。第一章 榆林的人文地理概况和历史沿革一、地理概况榆林,要介绍这里的地理,首先得从这座城市的名称呼起。听长辈们说,在明永乐六年,因为这里的土壤特别适合种植榆树,所以榆树大片成林,故得此榆林。而在陕西通志中有:“驼山,在城东,城半踞其巅,高数十丈,俗呼为东山,土人多穴山而居之,山形类驼,镇之得名驼城。从狭义上来说它地处于陕北,是西北黄土高原与毛乌素沙漠交界处,西北的地势高,东南低。从广义上来说这座城市自古是边塞要地,兵家必争之地,


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