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1、By Pamela Osment Make Your Brain Smarter 让大脑更聪明让大脑更聪明 Tips for developing an exercise plan for your brain You know that eating a sensible diet and getting plenty of exercise help make your body healthy and strong.But do you know that there are ways to make your brain healthier and smarter?拟定锻炼大脑计划的诀

2、窍拟定锻炼大脑计划的诀窍 你知道恰当的饮食以及充足的运动能让身体健康强壮。你知道恰当的饮食以及充足的运动能让身体健康强壮。但是你可知道让大脑更健康、更聪明也有方法吗?但是你可知道让大脑更健康、更聪明也有方法吗?Tips for developing an exercise plan for your brain 拟定锻炼大脑计划的诀窍拟定锻炼大脑计划的诀窍 Studies show that when the brain is compelled to do something new,it creates new neural pathways.The more pathways you h

3、ave,the faster you can think and the better memory you will have.研究显示,大脑被迫接触新事物时,会产生新的神经路径。研究显示,大脑被迫接触新事物时,会产生新的神经路径。神经路径越多,思考就越快,记忆力也越好神经路径越多,思考就越快,记忆力也越好。Tweet 发推文发推文 Limit Your TV Viewing 看电视要限制看电视要限制 Travel 旅行旅行 Read Often 时常阅读时常阅读 Use Your Non-dominant Hand 使用非惯用手段使用非惯用手段 Master A New Subject 精

4、通新主题精通新主题 Learn A New Language 学习新语言学习新语言 Calculate While You Shop 买买东西时心算东西时心算 Play Video Games 玩电玩玩电玩 Do Puzzles 玩益智游戏玩益智游戏 十个步骤让你的大脑变得更聪明十个步骤让你的大脑变得更聪明 Limit Your TV Viewing Watching an average TV show requires very little brain power and brings the same result as neglecting physical exercise.You

5、r brain will become weak just as your muscles do.If you watch TV,choose something educational and informative.看看一般一般电视节目所电视节目所花的脑力极少,得花的脑力极少,得到的效果就跟疏忽到的效果就跟疏忽运动一样,你的大运动一样,你的大脑会衰弱,就跟肌脑会衰弱,就跟肌肉会衰弱一样。如肉会衰弱一样。如果要看电视,就选果要看电视,就选择择具有具有教育性或见教育性或见闻广博的节目闻广博的节目。Traveling to a new country forces you to see and

6、do things in a new way,providing stimulation to the brain.到到陌生的国家旅行迫使你用陌生的国家旅行迫使你用不同的眼光和不同的处理方不同的眼光和不同的处理方式面对事情,这会带给大脑式面对事情,这会带给大脑刺激。刺激。Learn a new language 学习新语言需要不同的学习方法。学习新语言需要不同的学习方法。学习语言能让大脑敏锐,并且有助学习语言能让大脑敏锐,并且有助于防止晚年出现记忆力问题。于防止晚年出现记忆力问题。Acquiring a new language involves different learning meth

7、ods.Learning a language sharpens your brain and helps prevent memory problems in later years.Master a new subject 每周可选定一种动每周可选定一种动物,鸟也好,鱼也物,鸟也好,鱼也好,尽可能阅读相好,尽可能阅读相关的所有文章关的所有文章。Stretch your brain as you become an expert on the subject.动脑的同时,你也动脑的同时,你也成为该主题的成为该主题的专家。专家。Each week,select an animal,a bird

8、 or a fish,and read everything you can about it.If you are right-handed,use your left hand for everyday activities,or use your right hand if you are left-handed.如果你是右撇子,就用如果你是右撇子,就用左手从事日常活动,反左手从事日常活动,反之,如果你是左撇子,之,如果你是左撇子,使用右手。使用右手。Doing familiar things in a new way will cause your brain to create ne

9、w neural networks.用新方式做熟悉的事情,用新方式做熟悉的事情,会让大脑产生新的会让大脑产生新的神经神经网络。网络。Read often According to the Mayo Clinic,doing sudoku and crossword puzzles keeps the brain sharp into your senior years.梅梅约医学中心指出,做数独或填字游约医学中心指出,做数独或填字游戏让你年长后仍能保持大脑敏锐戏让你年长后仍能保持大脑敏锐。As you put things in your grocery cart,total everythi

10、ng in your head.See how close you get to the actual total.把东西放进购物车时,在脑中计算所有东西把东西放进购物车时,在脑中计算所有东西价钱的总和,看看你能多接近真正的总价。价钱的总和,看看你能多接近真正的总价。Play video games Studies have found that certain video games force you to use critical decision-making skills and can even improve students math scores.研究发现某些电玩游戏会迫使你

11、运用评研究发现某些电玩游戏会迫使你运用评判的决策技巧,甚至还可提升学生的数判的决策技巧,甚至还可提升学生的数学成绩。学成绩。阅读来自爱好各异的人发出的讯息,然后阅读来自爱好各异的人发出的讯息,然后学习只用一百四十个字来表达你自己(备学习只用一百四十个字来表达你自己(备注:注:TwitterTwitter推特上的推文限制是一百四十推特上的推文限制是一百四十个字),这可是一项很棒的大脑挑战个字),这可是一项很棒的大脑挑战!Read messages from people who represent a wide range of interests.And some say that learn

12、ing to express yourself in just 140 characters is a great brain challenge!Tweet So get in the habit of challenging your brain,and make yourself smarter!来来吧,养成挑战大脑的习惯,让自己变得更聪明!吧,养成挑战大脑的习惯,让自己变得更聪明!Word Bank compelcompel (v.)(v.)强迫;使不得不强迫;使不得不 When I was in the military,we were compelled to get up ear

13、ly every morning.当我在当我在部部队时,每天早晨我们都必须起得很早。队时,每天早晨我们都必须起得很早。informativeinformative (adj.)见闻见闻广博的广博的 I was afraid the speaker would be boring,but he was actually very interesting and informative.我曾担心发言的人会无聊,但实际上他很风趣并且见闻广我曾担心发言的人会无聊,但实际上他很风趣并且见闻广博。博。i involvenvolve (v.)需要;包含需要;包含 The driving test invol

14、ves a written and a driving portion.Youll need to pass both.驾照驾照考试包括书面考试和实际驾驶部分。你需要两者皆通过。考试包括书面考试和实际驾驶部分。你需要两者皆通过。sharpensharpen (v.)使使敏锐;使敏捷敏锐;使敏捷 In order to sharpen her writing skills,Sadie participates in many different types of writing contests.为了提高她的写作技巧,为了提高她的写作技巧,SadieSadie参加了许多不同参加了许多不同类型的写

15、作竞赛。类型的写作竞赛。1 Word Bank nonnon-dominantdominant (adj.)(adj.)不占优势的;不占优势的;非惯用的非惯用的 My left hand is my non-dominant hand,but I can still write with it.我不是左撇子,但我可以用左手来写字。我不是左撇子,但我可以用左手来写字。look uplook up (v.)(v.)查询查询 Look up the address before we leave.Then we can tell the cab driver where to take us.在我们

16、离开前查下地址,这样我们可以告诉出租司机带我们去哪。在我们离开前查下地址,这样我们可以告诉出租司机带我们去哪。seniorsenior (adj.)(adj.)年长的;年长的;年纪较大的年纪较大的 Lara enjoys working with senior adults and says that she gains a lot of wisdom from them.LaraLara喜欢和年长的人工作,她说可以喜欢和年长的人工作,她说可以学到学到他们的聪明才智。他们的聪明才智。criticalcritical (adj.)(adj.)判断的;判断的;关键性的关键性的 The task requires critical thinking skills.这项任务需要批判性思维能力。这项任务需要批判性思维能力。2 END Thanks!


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