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1、2023-2023学年仁爱版英语八年级下册词汇创新拓展学习法第191组第191组 succeed 英音:/sksid/美音:/sksid/ 1. vi. 2. 完 3. 发迹;就 4. vt. & vi.继承, 继任, 继位 5. vt.随之后; 继续 时 态:succeeded, succeeding, succeeds 形容词:succedent 名 词:succeeder 词组 | 习惯用语 succeedingadj. 随后的,接着的; v. 成功;接替succeed 的现在分词; succeededv. 成功;继承succeed过去分词succeeder继承人 succeed to继

2、承;继任;接着发生 succeed with在方面取得成功 to succeed成功;继承 succeed at成功方面,在方面成功 succeed in成功;在方面成功;顺利完成 succeed in doing成功地做了,成功地做某事 succeed in doing sth成功地做成某事 网络短语: Succeeded成功; 承购; 兴旺; 继承; Succeeder赛科希德; 成功节点; to succeed to succeed走向成功 founder succeed失败 succeeding impulse后续脉冲 Campaign Succeeded战役成功 Succeeding

3、 You继承你 英语例句库 1.Theysucceededin overthrowing the fascist dictatorship. 1.他们成功推翻了法西斯专制统治。2.Theysucceededin -fling the enemys attack. 2.他们成功地阻止了敌人的进攻。3.Hesucceededin pulling through the difficulty. 3.他平安地渡过了困难。4.They experimented with new reagents andsucceeded. 4.“他们用新试剂做了试验,获得了成功。“ 5.Were in a fair w

4、ay tosucceed. 5.我们很可能会成功 6.If you try hard, you willsucceed. 6.如果你努力, 就会成功。7.He had no son tosucceedhim. 7.他没有儿子继承他。8.The heir apparentsucceededto the throne. 8.法定继承人继承了王位。9.Honda havesucceededin penetrating Western motorcycle markets. 9.本田已经成功地打进西方摩托车市场。10.Shesucceededin patching the broken vase to

5、gether. 10.她成功地把打破的花瓶拼凑好了。11.He hassucceededin patching up the car. 11.他把汽车修好了。12.It is hardly probable that he willsucceed. 12.他不会成功。13.He is bound tosucceedin his enterprise. 13.他在事业上一定会成功。14.Shes the type of person whosucceedsanywhere. 14.她是不管到什么地方都会飞黄腾达的那种人。15.Little did I dream ofsucceedingso w

6、ell. 15.我做梦也想不到如此圆满的成功。16.A decisive person acts quickly and oftensucceeds. 16.果断的人行动迅速, 常常成功。17.Shesucceededin fulfil(l)ing herself as an actress. 17.她作为演员充分发挥了自己的才能。18.Theysucceededin the conquest of that city. 18.他们夺取了那城市。19.Dont be so cocksure that he willsucceed. 19.不要那么确信他会成功。20.Probably Daff

7、willsucceedto him as director. 20.可能达夫要接替他当厂长。21.They inculcated the will tosucceedin their children. 21.他们向他们的子女反复灌输立志成功的决心。22.Hesucceededin negotiating Britain into the European Community. 22.他通过谈判成功地使英国进入了欧洲共同体。23.It was a rational plan and bound tosucceed. 23.这是一个合理的方案, 肯定会成功。24.Shesucceededin s

8、olving the problem after hard work. 24.由于努力干, 她终于解决了那个问题。25.It is not yet certain who willsucceedhim. 25.谁来接他的班还未确定。26.I am confident you wouldsucceedas a lawyer. 26.我有信心你会成为一名成功的律师。27.I am confident you wouldsucceedin the theater. 27.我相信你在戏剧界会成功的。28.Weeks of exercisesucceededin trimming down her wa

9、istline. 28.几个星期的锻炼使她苗条多了。29.A new idea is a crankery until itsucceeds. 29.按照我的句义反过来翻译就是这句了,完全不同。30.Abraham Lincoln campaigned for the abolition of slavery,hesucceeded. 30.亚伯拉罕林肯曾为废除奴隶制而战,他成功了。31.The militiasucceededin ambushing the invading enemy soldiers. 31.民兵们成功地伏击了入侵的敌军。32.We havesucceededin be

10、nding the thick steel plates. 32.我们终于把这些厚钢板弄弯了。33.With no direct descendent, who willsucceedto the title 33.没有直系后裔, 谁来继承爵位呢 34.Hesucceededin his studies by dint of steadfast application. 34.由于坚持不懈的努力他获得了学业上的成功。35.I was quite impressed by her dogged determination tosucceed. 35.她想成功的坚决决心让我印象深刻。36.He s

11、trained every sinew to help us, but didntsucceed. 36.他尽全力帮助我们,可是没有成功。37.At last the climberssucceededin conquering the difficult mountain. 37.登山队员们终于成功地征服了这座难以攀登的山峰。38.Reportingsucceedexperience and met problems of using flexible cysto-urethroscopy. 38.报告软式膀胱尿道镜检查的成功经验及所遇问题。39.Some of you deserved t

12、osucceedand others only scraped through. 39.你们当中有些人成功是理所当然, 而有些人只是勉强及格。40.His father exerted a lot of pressure on him tosucceed. 40.为了使他成功, 他父亲给他施加了很大的压力。41.When King George abdicated, his brothersucceededhim on the throne. 41.国王乔治退位时, 其弟继承王位。42.You cant expect tosucceedif you attempt tasks above yo

13、ur ability. 42.如果你要做能力达不到的事, 就别指望成功。43.The policesucceededin flushing the criminal from their secret meeting place. 43.警察成功地把这名罪犯从秘密据点赶出来。44.The councilors proposal didntsucceedbecause his argument failed to carry conviction. 44.那个议员的建议不受欢送, 因为他的论据没有说服力。45.Hesucceededin his profession, but he always

14、 secretly considered himself an impostor. 45.他在专业方面很成功,但他常暗自认为是个冒牌货。46.Idleness enervates the will tosucceed. 46.懒惰削弱了成功的决心 47.He speculated that he wouldsucceed. 47.他推测他将成功。48.Cold and heatsucceedeach other. 48.寒来暑往。49.He willsucceedagainst all odds. 49.他将会克服困难获得成功。50.We believe that he willsucceed

15、. 50.我们相信他会成功。51.He had several goes at the high jump before hesucceededin clearing it. 51.他跳高时试跳了几次才跳过去。52.How could he eversucceedin politics He wouldnt say boo to a goose. 52.他怎么能在政治上取得成功?他为人温顺懦弱。53.The mountaineerssucceededin climbing the north face of the mountain to the top peak. 53.登山队员们成功地从这座山的北坡爬上了顶峰。54.The astronautssucceededin returning from the moon to the earth according to the plan. 54.宇航员们按方案成功地从月球返回到地球。55.Daysucceedsday. 55.日复一日。56.Our plansucceed-ed. 56.我们的方案顺利完成了。57.Wellsucceedsomeday. 57.有朝一日我们会成功的。58.Lazy people se


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