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1、法院党员自我剖析材料 法院党员自我剖析材料 一、存在的问题题 (一)在理想、信念方方面,自己存在的主要问题是是缺乏责任意识和政治敏锐性性。在审判工作中,实践三三个代表重要思想的自觉性性不强。 (二)在宗旨观观念方面,存在着考虑个人利利益多,自觉履行党员义务不不够的问题。在近几年提职、晋级等问题上,想得多的是是自己应该得到什么,很少思思考自己作为一名党员为集体体都做了什么。在从事审判工工作中,存在着对当事人态度度不好、思想工作做得不细的的问题。 (三)在党的观观念方面,片面地认为,审判判应该独立。对市委、市政府府过问的案件及市人大、政协协对法院工作的监督,存在抵抵触情绪,认为这是干扰法院院独立审

2、判。 (四)在业业务学习和工作方面,存在不不适应的问题。近年来,工作作满足于过得去,缺乏开拓创创新意识,对新形势下审判工工作中出现新情况、新问题缺缺少对策,审理复杂案件、破破解难题的能力不强。 (五)在纪律作风方面,参加加党组织开展的活动不够积极极。尤其是近几年,对机关党党委组织的活动缺乏兴趣,对对党委组织的政治学习在态度度上不认真,得过且过;纪律律观念比拟淡薄,工作作风比比拟松懈,在审判工作中,出出现了一些失误,造成了不良良影响。200x年,我在审审理一起房屋买卖纠纷案件中中,将一次庭审笔录丧失。此此案审理结束后,败诉一方当当事人以此为由到处上访,造造成了不良的影响。 (一)放放松了理论学习

3、。对马列主义义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论论,特别是三个代表重要要思想学习不够,政治理论水水平不高,总觉得自己是一个个普通的法官,能够依法做好好审判工作就是讲政治了。 (二)放松了对世界观的的改造。随着年龄的增长,个个人主义、享乐主义也不断有有所滋生。在司法实践中,宗宗旨观念淡薄,群众利益观念念不强。 (三)全局观念念和大局意识比拟淡薄。对做做好审判工作与全市改革开展展稳定的关系认识不深,不能能自觉地把自己的工作同全市市的改革开展稳定联系起来,做好自己工作。 (四)进取精神不强,满足于维持持现状,缺乏钻研精神。对新新形势下审判工作出现的新情情况、新问题研究不够,使自自己在某些方面的能力、水平平不适

4、应形势开展的要求,影影响了办案的质量和效率。 (五)在思想作风、工作作作风、组织纪律方面放松了对对自己的要求,尤其是在工作作作风上,不够严谨细致,工工作责任心不强,总认为不会会出大问题,丧失笔录事件的的发生就是这种思想所致。随着开开展保持共产党员先进性教育育活动的不断深入,通过对照照检查,分析评议,使我更加加清醒地认识到自己存在的问问题,也更加增强了我改正错错误、提高自己思想素质的信信心和决心;在今后的工作中中,我决心从以下几方面进行行改良:第一,加强理论学学习。认真学习马列主义、毛毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想,坚决定共产主义信念,增强责任意意识和政治敏锐性。自觉接受受党的领导,使


6、律,坚决杜绝办关系案。第五,努力学习业务。努力提提高法学理论水平,始终以饱饱满的热情、最正确的精神状态态投入到审判工作中去。industrialization, industrial characteristics, contribute to ecological environmental protection. One is to actively implement the project support, vigorously implement the Microfinance in the area of hope project assistance projects; two

7、 is the key to implement talent support in the initiative for the economic development in the reservoir area of the introduction of talent at the same time, vigorously implement the reservoir youth transfer plans to promote employment, promote the transfer of labor in youth, promote the resettlement

8、 work in youth labor employment; three is to vigorously implement ecological support , in the reservoir area to carry out the service for the Three Gorges migrants, building a green reservoir activities, in order to protect the ecological environment of the reservoir area to make a real contribution

9、.Five, continue to consolidate the work of the Communist Youth League FoundationAlways adhere to the party building, strengthen rural grassroots league construction, push the construction of rural youth center, vigorously extending the work of arms, and carry out the rural education to strengthen th

10、e sense of Youth League activities, continue to lay a solid foundation for the rural work of the Communist Youth League.(a) to strengthen the construction of rural organizations. Relying on Party building, strengthen the construction of rural grassroots organizations, the Communist Youth League work

11、 demonstration town construction of 50 XX, 100 XX the construction of socialist new countryside demonstration village. And carry out rural education activities. To strengthen the sense of Youth League education activities as an opportunity to actively seek the support of the party and government rel

12、ying on the activities of the village Party branch, village organization room, building bases, and strive to 3 years to achieve the city each village has a room.(two) to promote the work of the Communist Youth League into the park. According to the organization with the people, in the construction i

13、ndustry ideas, flexible set of key links in the industrial chain of each group on the organization, relying on leading enterprises, professional associations, production base, professional technology service base, farmers market construction group, the implementation of company + the youth , base +

14、+ + capable members of youth , Youth League Organization + + rich hotshot Jiantuan mode, actively explore the youth center based on the association, branch (group members) + members (members) approach, in the County Industrial Park, the establishment of Agricultural Industrial Park and perfect group

15、 the organization, to achieve the flow of youth Consistent with the organizations settings.(three) to promote a strong construction of rural youth center. The rural youth center construction to make a breakthrough in quantity, improve the quality of rural youth center, the construction of the county

16、 to implement target assessment system. Actively explore the rural youth center social operation mechanism, to fully integrate all kinds of resource group, continuous mining potential service give full play to the youth center, youth, youth services, youth achievement function. The rural youth cultural activities, the new century reading plan, youth employment and Entrepreneurship Prog


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