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1、摘 要商标是商品的名字,是商品广告不可缺少的一部分,是现代经济的产物,是用来区别一个商品的品牌或服务和其他商品或服务不同之处的一个标记。一个好的商标可以便利于消费者认牌购货,有利于宣传此产品,有利于美化商品和开展国际贸易。在经济全球化不断发展的今天,要想商品成功进入国际市场,好的商标翻译必不可少。商标翻译是指把商标的源出国语言转化为目的国语言的这一过程,一般而言,商标的译名即等同于商标,所以翻译一个好的译名是建立一个成功的,国际化品牌的基础。尤其是在如今国际市场竞争日益激烈的情况下,对商标翻译的研究呈现出很大的必要性和紧迫感,从而这成为了一个意义重大的热点问题。我国学者对商标翻译的研究开始于2

2、0世纪80年代,并总结了一些翻译方法和策略。然而目前商标翻译的研究还有一些局限性,因而本文将从奈达的功能对等理论出发,来探索商标翻译的原则和方法。本文旨在以研究分析功能对等理论为基础,通过研究翻译在网上收集到的150个英文商标的中文译法,采取定量分析和定性分析结合的方法,来分析总结商标翻译采取的直接翻译和间接翻译方法,来更好的指导商标翻译。关键词:商标,功能对等,翻译方法,翻译IAbstractA trademark is the name of a commodity, an indispensable part of a product advertisement, a product o

3、f a modern economy, and a mark used to distinguish one operators brand or service from other operators goods or services. A good trademark can facilitate the purchase of goods by consumers, facilitate the promotion of merchandise advertisements, beautify the products, and conduct international trade

4、. Today, with the continuous development of economic globalization, good trademark translation is indispensable for successful entry of goods into the international market. Trademark translation refers to the translation of the source of the trademark into the language of the destination country. Si

5、nce the translation of the trademark is equivalent to the trademark, a good translation is the basis for establishing a successful international brand. Especially in the premise of todays international market, the study of trademark translation shows the necessity and urgency, which has become a hot

6、 issue with realistic significance.Chinese scholars research on trademark translation began in the 1980s and summarized some translation methods and strategies. However, there are still some limitations in the study of trademark translation. Therefore, this paper will explore the principles and meth

7、ods of trademark translation from the perspective of Nidas functional equivalence theory.This paper aims to analyze and translate the Chinese translation of 150 English trademarks collected on the Internet through the research and analysis of the functional equivalence theory, and adopt a combinatio

8、n of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis to analyze and summarize the direct and indirect translation methods of trademark translation so as to better guide the translation of trademarks.Keywords: trademark, functional equivalence, translation methods, translationII目录摘 要 IAbstract IIChapt

9、er 1 Introduction 11.1Background 11.2 Research significance 11.3 Objective of the study 21.4 Outline of the thesis 2Chapter 2 Literature Review 42.1 An overview of trademarks 42.1 .1The definition of trademarks 42.1.2 Types of trademarks 42.1.3 Functions of trademarks 42.2Previous studies on tradema

10、rk translation at home 62.3 Previous studies on trademark translation abroad 8Chapter 3 Research Design 103.1 Theoretical Framework 103.1.1 Introduction to functional equivalence theory 103.1.2 Four Principles of functional equivalence theory 113.1.3 Three translation steps of functional equivalence

11、 113.1.4 The feasibility of the functional equivalence theory when applied in the trademark translation 123.2 Research methods and steps 13Chapter 4 Translation Methods and Case Analysis 144.1Trademark translation strategies and methods 144.1.1 The strategy of trademark translation 144.1.2The method

12、s of trademark translation 154.1.1 Principles of trademark translation 184.2. Case Analysis 204.3 Summary 21Chapter 5 Conclusion 235.1Major findings of the study 235.2Limitations of the study 23References 25Acknowledgements 26VIIIChapter 1 IntroductionThis chapter will include the research backgroun

13、d, research significance, the objective of the study and outline of the whole paper, aims to make an overview of the whole paper.1.1BackgroundA commodity trademark refers to the text, graphics or combination mark used by producers or operators of a commodity in order to distinguish the goods they pr

14、oduce or operate with those produced or operated by others. Trademark translation refers to the translation processoftrademarksfromthesourcelanguageintothetargetlanguage.Thetrademarktranslation is so relevant to the trademark that a good translation is the foundation of building a successful and int

15、ernational brand. Especially in todays international market, the research on the translation of trademarks shows necessity and urgency, thus it more and more becomes a hot issue with great significance. Successful trademarks are the companys intangible assets and great wealth, reflecting the company

16、s image and the credibility of its products. Trademark translation plays a decisive role in the sales of goods outside the local market.With the acceleration of globalized integration of economy, brand has been the main means of competition between countries. Trademark translation plays an important role in the sale of goods outside the home. How to carry on the translation ca


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