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1、2023学年度临沂市上学期期末考试八年级英语试题 本试卷分第一卷选择题和第二卷非选择题两局部。共120分,考试时间90分钟。请考生掌握好时间,沉着答题。第I卷 选择题 共55分一、听力考试共20小题,计20分一录音中有四组句子,每组句子读一遍,然后从每组的A、B、C三个句子中选择一个与图画内容相符合的选项。1 2 3 4 二录音中有六个句子,每个句子读一遍,根据你听到的内容,选择最正确答语。 5AIts too dirty BYes,sure CThanks 6AI go to the mall BI looked after my sister CI was thirty7ATwo cups

2、 BTwo teaspoons CTwo8AI have a headache BI should go to bed CI should have a rest 9ABy boat B14 years old C3 miles10AIm angry BOf course CYoure welcome三录音中有五组对话和五个问题,每组对话读两遍,问题只读一遍,根据你听到的对话内容和相关问题,选择最正确答案。11AOnce a day BThree times a day CTwice a dayDFour times a day 12AAt school BAt a restaurant CI

3、n a shopDAt home13AThis afternoon BYesterday afternoonC. This morning. D. Yesterday morning.14. A. He is doing chores. B. He is going to the movie. C. He is doing shopping. D. He is playing chess.15. A. Cindy. B. Jack. C. Jacks grandpa. D. Cindys grandpa.四录音中有一篇短文,短文读三遍,根据你听到的短文内容,选择最正确答案。16. Nancy

4、was born in A.1990 B.1993 C.1995 D.199717. is the youngest child in the family. A. Bill B. Nancy C. Alice D. Tom18. Nancy often goes for a trip with A. her friends B. her teachers C. her brothers D. her classmates19. Nancy, Alice and Bill go to school A. by train B. by bus C. by car D. by bike20. Th

5、e family often have a good weekend A. in the park B. in the city C. in the countryside D. by the lake 请同学们翻到第二卷第五大题的5660小题。你们有5秒钟的准备时间。 二、单项选择共15小题,计15分 选择最正确答案。21. You must cut up onion and tomato first. A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an22. We the team from No.1 Middle School in the basketball ma

6、tch last week. A. lost B. won C. beat D. got23. - _ yogurt do we need - One cup. A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often24. Last Sunday I _ to the zoo and _ some tigers. A. go; saw B. went; see C. went; saw D. went; see25. _ my next day off, I want to go for a drive. A. In B. With C. At D.

7、On26,There werent _ sharks, but there were _ smart seals.A. any; some B. any; any C. some; any D. some; some27. Lisa went to Beijing University in 2023 and _ Chinese and management. A. majors B. majored C. majors in D. majored in 28. - When did you start _ English - About. two years ago A. learn B.

8、learned C. learning D. learns29. - Mom, I cant finish all my homework today. - You can finish it tomorrow. You dont have to get._ _ A. hungry B. thirsty C. stressed out D. relaxed30. The car runs well, it is very old. A. if B. although C. than D. because31. I want to go _ for a vacation.A. interesti

9、ng somewhere B. somewhere interested C. somewhere interesting D. interested somewhere32. Cheng Han is going to _ a musician when he _ up. A. do; grow B. do; grows C. be; grow D. be; grows33. - Could you please do the dishes - . I am busy. A. Thats right B. No problem C. Sure D. Sorry, I cant34. - Wh

10、ich has _ seats, New City Cinema; Free Time Theater or Movie Palace - Movie Palace, of course. A. comfortable B. more comfortable C. the most comfortable D. much comfortable35. - Must I be home before eight oclock - No, you A. mustnt B. neednt C. can t D. shouldnt三、完形填空共10小题,计l0分 根据短文内容,选择最正确答案。Abou

11、t a hundred people lived in a very small mountain village. It was very 36 from the other villages and towns. They had few friends and they got bad harvest 收成. And 37 ever left the village. Of course there wasnt electricity 电 38 gas 煤油 here. Once a writer 39 the village. The backwardness 落后 of the vi

12、llage surprised him. He decided 40 about it to the world. So he took the oldest villager to London. The old man told all about his home village to the people. Several months 41 he returned. All the villagers went to see him and asked him 42 he had enjoyed the time in the city. Everything is wonderful in 43 , the old man said, I visit


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