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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Your red coat looks so good. It stood out clearly _ the snow.Aacross BagainstCthrough Dover2 I wonder what chance there is of me passing by the old

2、places without thinking of you. _. Time cures all wounds.AMy pleasureBDont mention itCI cant agree moreDNever mind3I know he feels upset about his failure, and I can _ that.Arelate toBlive withCanswer forDpull through4Good food,good sleep,no exerciseThats he gained weight Ahow Bwhen Cwhat Dwhether5I

3、nternet shopping is really _ when people are sure of its safety and security.Ataking offBtaking upCsetting offDsetting up6Cell phones are now widely used in our daily lives,_ it possible for us to talk to anyone easily.Ato makeBmadeCmakeDmaking7She doesnt speak our language, she seems to understand

4、what we say.Ayet BandCor Dso8My TV set doesnt work, the water tap is dripping and my car is still under repair!You sure _ bad luck these days.AhadBwill haveChad hadDare having9House prices are usually much higher _ there are subway stations around.AwhereBunlessCwhileDthough10One of our rules is that

5、 every student _ wear school uniform while at school.AmightBcouldCshallDwill11They do have a different to the problem of overpopulationAsolution BopinionCdecision Dconclusion12New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before _.Abeing fully accepting Bfully accepting Chaving fully accepted Dfully ac

6、cepted13 “Drive-ins” have large parking lots _ customers are served in their cars by waitresses.AwhoBwhenCwhichDwhere14Jack should have calmed down at the party!But the kids made so much noise that he couldnt help but _.Aface the music Beat like a birdCmend his ways Dfly off the handle15The health o

7、f garden plants depends on the soil _ -the proper balance of mineral pieces, organic matter, air and water.Aconstruction BconservationCcorporation Dcomposition.16In my opinion,_ shouldnt be any doubt that China will become one of the most powerful countries in the near futureAthisBthatCitDthere17-Di

8、d you visit the famous cultural relics last month?-No, we_ it, but we spent too much time shoppingAcould have visitedBmust have visitedCcant have visitedDshouldnt have visited18I am always delighted when receiving your invitation, _ the party on June 9th after the national college entrance examinati

9、on, I shall be pleased to attend.AOn account ofBWith regard toCIn response toDIn view of19Don t worry. A number of efforts are being made _ the whole system operating normally.Abeing keptBkeptCkeepingDto keep20What a mess! Youre always throwing things about.Dont be _, Mum. I will tidy it up now.Ahot

10、 under the collar Bon cloud nineCoff the top of your head Ddown in the dumps第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Radio newsreaders and television hosts at Irelands national broadcaster RTE are mostly up in arms at being told to pronounce words according to the Queens English.A repo

11、rt in The Irish Sun newspaper says that RTEs workers have been given an A-Z style guide of words which instructs them on how to pronounce certain words in an effort to make sure they are clearly understood. The A-Z comes with videos containing lessons of how to “properly” pronounce the “problem” wor

12、ds. An official at RTE told the Irish Sun that producers gave the guide to keep up standards. “The guide is there for anyone who needs it.” he said, “RTE often get letters from the public over how certain words were mispronounced. The word issue is a big one at the moment, people dont like how its p

13、ronounced. There is an expectation that as the national broadcaster we are correct.”However, Irish linguistics expert Professor Raymond Hickey, who took the side of most of the radio newsreaders and TV hosts, called the RTEs actions “internalized colonialism (内化殖民主义)”. He expressed his disbelief tha

14、t Irish speakers were being asked to use words with an English accent. He said: “The basic problem is RTE expects its workers to speak as if they were English. Why? We have our own form of English, which is different but fully reasonable and accepted worldwide.” Professor Hickey specially talked of

15、some examples of the words Irish hosts are being asked to pronounce with a British English accent. He said: “The Irish dont pronounce the TH in birthday as a fricative, but as a stop with no breath. The same is true of news the Irish pronunciation is and always has been nooze.”1、When told to speak the


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