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1、高中40年同学聚会方案高中40年同学聚会方案(一) 一、聚会目的 同学情、师生爱、交流、沟通、分享。 加深同学间的联系、分享40年来人生经历,让同学们能在短暂的聚会时间里叙说当年的友情。 40年,岁月荏苒,每个同学都已经不再青春年少,都各自拥有了自己的家庭,体验到了生活的艰辛。同时也收获了自己的幸福。所以这次40年的聚首我们力求做好,给大家留下一个美好的印象,一个美好的回忆。 二、聚会原那么 少花钱办好事,可以通过合理的支出、恰当的安排,在一天的短暂时间内到达促进全面交流和沟通的目的。40年大家凑在一起很不容易,所以要给大家一个美好的记忆。除了要发挥个人特长,还要依靠大家的一切力量以及配合。这

2、次活动主要坚持以下几点原那么! 1、坚持自愿的原那么。 2、聚会的费用问题,原那么上实行AA,但我们还是本着人性化的原那么进行筹备,目前正在进行,欢迎经济条件好的同学赞助。(我需要募集10-14人),尽量出一些(方案x月x日前完毕),碰个场(我估计也是大多数的一个意愿、大多数捧人场)同学们告知一下,给我反响。 3、坚持财务公开原那么。 4、坚持一切从俭原那么。 三、聚会安排 1、聚会时间拟定于2023年x月x日。 2、聚会地点:xx宾馆。 3、为了保证这次同学聚会圆满完成各项规定动作,成立组委会: 组委会人员: 具体人员工作安排: 筹备宣传:xxx负责整体统筹安排、与会人员名单联系整理和打印通

3、讯录,合影,整理上传照片等工作。 联络财务:xxx负责联络每位同学,老师、搜集每个同学目前的生活照,邀请大家参加聚会活动,财务监管把控。经费收支、领批、采购、统计、公布等。 活动筹划:xxx负责聚会LOGO的设计、纪念品的制作、聚会背景板的制作、场地布置、活动筹划方案的撰写。 现场统筹:xxx负责聚会的场地的布置、餐饮准备、一些活动物资(签字笔、胶带、双面胶、聚会横幅、相机、气球)现场指挥平安等。 4、参加人员:xx届xx班的全体同学。 5、聚会经费: x月x日当天午餐费用,需住宿的费用,晚上就餐的费用、购置物资的费用、购置礼品等费用。 四、聚会要求 1、平安:为了平安起见,尽量搭乘公交或附近

4、的合伙拼车前往,我们的聚会时间会考虑大家路上花费时间、夜间安排住宿、周x早晨结束大家返回。按照聚会日程安排,统一进行活动。提高时间观念,服从组委会的领导。 2、健康:随着年龄的增长,大家对“酒精的认知能力应该更强了,首先不反对喝酒,但只是一个传媒或平台,交流沟通感情、坚决反对“十几年了,啥也别说了,你干了吧,主张吃饭喝酒量力而行、要喝好、不一定非要喝多。难得聚首,切勿贪杯,大家把握自己酒量,喝酒不是主要,沟通才是重点。40年见一面,清茶淡水也是情。 3、文明:每位同学都要讲团结,讲风格,互谅互让,防止斤斤计较,力争经过我们大家的努力,把这次聚会办成一次团结、活泼、热烈、融洽的盛会,留下一个美好

5、的回忆。本次聚会是毕业40年后的第一次聚会,希望各组成员能够认真按照分工,认真履行各自的职责,互相之间密切配合,团结协作,确保这次聚会到达增进友谊、加深了解、促进交流的目的。本活动方案为征求意见稿,欢迎同学们提出修改意见。 4、我们要把尽量多的同学(xxx班主任、其他任课老师)联系起来、参加,希望大家相互转告。每名同学都要在自己的照片上签字留念(尽快将近期照片发给我),都要发言跟大家说几句(介绍一下自己的情况),至少一个节目、游戏、歌曲等等。 五、活动安排 主题:深情相拥,真情沟通。 x月x日上午:布置会场等相关事情。 下午 13:00-14:00宝坻宾馆报到领取纪念品。 14:00-17:0

6、0同学联谊茶话会(组委会主持并组织)。 活动内容1、班主任讲话 2、同学上台发言(尽量每个同学都要上台发言)。 3、游戏活动。 4、唱歌才艺表演(要求同学都准备节目、宾馆有KTV)。 5、大家集体合影、或分别自行组合留影。 17:00-晚餐。 19:00-尾声: 不着急回家的晚上再小聚一下,把来不及说的掏心窝话好好说说。 温馨提示:结束活动:距离远的同学安排住宿,近的可以回家,回家到里,给各位同学打打 ,发发短信,报报平安。 六、其他事项 仅安排已联系上的且在本地的同学,供参考,如有资源的同学可主动申请,为本次活动、为本班同学热忱效劳。 40 years of Senior High Scho

7、ol Student gathering Scheme (1) First, the purpose of the party Students feelings, teachers and students love, communication, sharing. Deepen the relationship between students, share 40 years of life experience, so that students can tell the friendship in a short party time. 40 years, time flies, ea

8、ch student is no longer young, have their own family, experienced the hardships of life. At the same time, he also gained his own happiness. So this 40 years of gathering we strive to do a good job, to leave a good impression, a good memory. Second, the principle of gathering By spending less money

9、to do good things, we can achieve the purpose of promoting comprehensive communication and communication in a short period of time through reasonable expenditure and appropriate arrangements. It is not easy for everyone to come together for 40 years, so we should give everyone a good memory. In addi

10、tion to giving full play to personal strengths, we also have to rely on all the strength and cooperation of everyone. This activity mainly adheres to the following principles! 1. Adhere to the principle of voluntary. 2, the cost of the party, in principle, the implementation of AA, but we are still

11、based on the principle of humanization of preparations, is currently under way, welcome students with good economic conditions to sponsor. (I need to raise 10 to 14 people), try to come up with some (plan x month x by the end of the day), meet a field (I think it is also most of the wishes, most of

12、the popularity of the field) students let me know, give me feedback. 3. Adhere to the principle of financial disclosure. 4. Adhere to all the principle of honesty. III. Party arrangements 1, the party time is scheduled to be 20 x month x day. 2, meeting place: xx Hotel. 3. In order to ensure that th

13、e students gathering has successfully completed all the prescribed actions, an organizing committee has been set up: Members of the Organizing Committee: Organization of work of specific personnel: Preparation and publicity: xxx is responsible for the overall arrangement, the list of participants co

14、ntact collation and print address book, group photo, collate and upload photos and so on. Contact Finance: xxx is responsible for contacting each student, teacher, collecting the current life photos of each student, inviting everyone to participate in party activities, financial supervision and cont

15、rol. Revenue and expenditure, approval, procurement, statistics, announcement, etc. Event planning: xxx is responsible for the design of party LOGO, the production of souvenirs, the production of party background board, the layout of venue and the writing of event planning plan. Site planning: xxx is responsible for the layout of the party venue, catering preparation, some activities (pen, tape, double-sided glue, party banners, cameras, balloons) on-site command safety and so on. 4, participants: all the students in xx class of xx. 5. Party funds: X month x day lunch, accommodation


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