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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1I found my computer functioning much better, _ a new operating system.Ato installBinstallingChaving installedDinstalled2During _ afternoon, the rain

2、 became smaller, but towards_ evening, there was a sudden landslide that buried the village.A/; theBthe; /Cthe; theDan; the3This kind of gel pen which _ smoothly is quite popular with students.Ais written Bis writing Cwrote Dwrites4Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, _ anyone can start now

3、 and make a new ending.Afor BandCbut Dso5Japan has been trying to bring its nuclear crisis under _ control, but _ spread of radiation has raised concerns about the safety of the nuclear energy.Aa; theBthe; /C/; theDa; /6A mother recognizes the feel of her childs skin when blindfolded. _, she can ins

4、tantly identify her babys cry.ASimilarly BMeanwhileCNevertheless DAccordingly7_ a book in front of your face, youll feel the air moving against your face.AWaved BWaveCTo wave DWaving8I certainly expect to be elected best student of the year. Its really _!Aa good Samaritan Ba wet blanketCa feather in

5、 my cap Da piece of cake9Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to _ a good researcher.Amake BturnCget Dgrow10 Did you go to last nights concert? Yes. And the girl playing the violin at the concert _ all the people present with her excellent ability.A. impressedBcomparedCconvey

6、edDobserved11They _ the business deal in less than an hour, after which they had a golf game.Awrapped upBpicked upCcalled upDtook up12Peterson, a great archaeologist, said: “Archaeologists have been extremely patient because we were led to believe that the ministry was _ this problem, but we feel th

7、at we cant wait any longer.”Alooking outBbringing outCcarrying outDsorting out13On the bus I saw a student I believed was your brother.AwhoBwhomCwhichDwhoever14You never really understand a person_you consider things from his point of view.AifBonceCasDuntil15While studying, fix your mind on what is

8、really important,or you will _ remembering nothing.Aend upBtake upClead toDstick to16Faced with economic slowdown, some companies are planning to use robots to _ human workers to reduce their labor costs.AcompensateBsubstituteCsymbolizeDdiscriminate17Thanks for your useful advice; otherwise I _ such

9、 rapid progress.Adidnt makeBcouldnt have madeChadnt madeDshouldnt have made18-Has John ever broken his promise?-No. For example, he said he would show me around his school, and .Aso would he Bso did heCso he would Dso he did19The old road is indeed less direct and a bit longer. We wont take the new

10、one, _, as we dont feel safe on it.Asomehow Botherwise Ctherefore Dthough20Many of us see reading as an investment in ourselves,so its only natural that we want to learn something useful _ our efforts.Ain view of Bin response toCin parallel with Din return for第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项

11、中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Did you know that sixty percent of your body weight is water? However, a loss of only two percent of this water through dehydration (脱水) during exercise can significantly affect your performance. The more you sweat, the more your exercise performance declines, unless you drink enough

12、to replace your loss of fluids (液体).When you lose too much water, you can overheat quite easily, especially in a warm environment. But this is not the only problem you may face. Dehydration leads to your heart pumping much faster, which means exercise becomes more difficult and requires more effort.

13、 Despite these problems, however, many of us simply do not take enough fluids in when we head for the gym or set out on a run.So why is this? How do we manage to lose so much water without simply drinking more to replace it? Well, its easier than you think. When we are at rest, we quickly become awa

14、re that we are thirsty and will put that right by having a drink. When we exercise, on the other hand, our thirst mechanism (结构) does not work as effectively, so we dont notice early enough that we are actually thirsty. In fact, we only start to fed thirsty when we have already lost around two perce

15、nt of our body weight.Another problem is that, the more dehydration we become during exercise, the more difficult it is to prevent further dehydration-because our stomachs become intolerant (不能容忍的) to fluids and we do not absorb water properly, just when we need it most.The key thing about fluids and exercise is to


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