1、社区党支部书记典型事迹 社区党支部书记典型事迹 文章标题:社区党支部书记典型事迹 抓社区党建促社区开展 xx市东路街道益民社区党支部书记xx同志,她没有豪言壮语,没有惊人之举,用自己对党对居民群众的赤城之心,在社区党支部书记的岗位上,忠诚地实践着“三个代表重要思想,近年来她狠抓党建工作,促进了社区各项工作的全面开展,她心系居民群众,无私奉献的精神,赢 得了社区居民的好评。对党员实行分类管理,不断提高党员思想觉悟本文来源于-有文章需求,请到站留言板,12小时内解决您的问题 xx同志从上任支部书记后,十分重视党员的管理工作,首先对社区党员进行了调查摸底,对社区党员实行了分类管理,她每月召集党员政治
3、,党员活泼在社区的大街小巷,党员的先锋作用得到了体现。党建联席会促进了社区共驻共建工作 xx社区共有企事业单位9个,9个党组织,如何让单位党组织参与到社区建设中来,发挥他们的作用,做到共驻共建是社区党支部的一项重要工作,首先xx同志成立了社区党建工作联席会,每月定期召开一次会议,在党建联席会上互相交流经验,加强沟通,取长补短,社区需要解决的问题,通过联席会协调解决,如社区中老人员急需要解决活动场所,xx同志在党建联席会上提出后,得到了公路段领导的大力支持,主动把本单位的中老年活动中心为社区居民免费开放,社区没有文化活动广场,安监局领导立即表态,利用本单位的空地和设施为中老年人活动提供了场地。社
4、区卫生管理较差,xx同志提出后,得到了环卫处的重视,仅用三个月的时间,彻底扭转了社区脏、乱、差的局面,二00五年社区居民关某,因看病住院家庭困难,xx同志提出后,仅用三天时间社区单位纷纷伸出援助之手,捐款2500余元,通过党建联席会,社区单位增强了共驻共建意识,丰富了居民的文化生活,改变了社区卫生环境,增强了社区单位与居民之间的团结和友爱,促进了社区单位和社区党支部、党建工作的共同提高。修路建桥 想居民之所急 王xx同志作为一名社区干部,时刻想着居民,为居民解难事;办好事。益民社区新民巷和益民巷,因多种原因,路面全部没有硬化,道路上下不平,刮风时尘土飞扬,下雨天泥泞难走,特别是夏季,居民家没有
6、来。会后,她深入社区单位、个体户及居民家中一一征求意见。一个月后,她拿出了建桥方案,石块由她想方法,水泥由社区单位解决,钢材由社区局部个体户居民捐献,所需人力由社区居委会人员承当。在施工中,她以身作那么,拌水泥搬石块,经常满身泥巴,样样活儿抢着干。在她的影响下,社区居民纷纷赶到河边,争先恐后地投入到建桥中去,仅用了五天时间,在没有投入资金的情况下,在碱沟河河面上建起了一座长5米宽2米的小桥,方便了沿河两边的居民生活。社区居民都说:“我们几十年想办的都没有办成的事情,王书记一个月就办成了,是王书记实现了我们的架桥梦!。心系居民乐于助人 王xx同志经常说:“实践“三个代表重要思想,就要多为居民办实
7、事办好事。她是这样说的,也是这样做的。XX年5月的一个上午,xx同志在社区检查工作时,偶遇回族孤寡老人马秀珍,谈话中,她知道马秀珍老人正在患病,政府发给她的最低生活保障金已经花完,生活陷入困境,当天下午,她买了20公斤大米,5公斤清油送到 construction opportunities, inheritance and innovation, to build the cloud temple of Buddhist culture, West queen culture two name card, full integration into the national province
8、s and cities, scenic spots construction and Silk Road Economic Belt construction, all efforts to build China Fobao shrine, the international Center for research on international and National West Queen Mother Buddha relic The base of cultural studies, the x x silk road has become the key point of ec
9、onomic sectors. The development of fusion, to fully developed culture tourism resources, improve the cultural content of tourism, the static static cultural resources and cultural elements dispersed fully activated, concentrated has a connotation, characteristic the Cultural Park, and create a brigh
10、t spot, selling the traveling scenic area, and continuously improve the regional competitiveness and the impact of the cultural tourism industry x x force, efforts will create a cultural tourism has the advantage, can support across the development of county economy and the first important supportin
11、g industry.To fully grasp the project to go, strong support, efforts to improve the economic strength of the county. The project is a powerful engine to accelerate the development of county economy. The whole county to continuously strengthen the awareness of the project, in accordance with the requ
12、irements of 33411 overall project, find the breakthrough, hold on contact, continue to strengthen for the introduction, and construction of large projects to pull huge investment, pushing and promoting the great development. To closely guide planning planning projects, reflecting the strategic. Keen
13、 on the docking state, and the Silk Road economic zone construction, new urbanization, and aspects of Chinese civilization inheritance and innovation area construction planning, careful argument reserve Preparation of a number of the policy oriented, able to fight to win, come to reality, support th
14、e development of the strategic project x x years, demonstration projects more than 500 reserves, to introduce more investment to win to win the initiative. To break through the conventional introduction project, embodies the initiative. On the levels of responsibility, the county building grasping t
15、he project, grasping investment, a good atmosphere for the people of the whole county leaders and departments of all the main Township, is mainly responsible for the scratch as in the past, as an important responsibility to promote the development of exhibition, grasping investment, thinking careful
16、ly plan to break the normal procedure, the project, led the fight for the project, the full introduction of the project, especially not on ecological paper Ming County, the construction of major projects to stick, tracking, until convergence, to ensure that the annual air plant, for funding for the project exceeded 800 million yuan. To focus on the integration of the implementation