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1、上海市杨浦区中考英语三模试卷I.Choose the best answer(选择量恰当的答案)(共20分)1(1分)Which of the following words is pronounced as /sel/?()AsaleBsellCsailDshall2(1分)Sending email has almost taken _ place of writing letters()AaBanCtheD/3(1分)The church caught fire _ Monday, causing major damage to the centuriesold building()Ao

2、nBinCatDby4(1分)Lets eat somewhere with fast service I only have _ time()AfewBa fewClittleDa little5(1分)Which can go_, a racing bicycle or a mountain bicycle?()AfastBfasterCfastestDthe fastest6(1分)This drink tastes_, but in a good way!()AstrangeBwellCbadlyDbeautifully7(1分)The teacher asked the boys t

3、o be quiet, but they just kept_()AtalkBtalkingCto talkDto talking8(1分)Is_ a gas station nearby, please? My car is running out of petrol()AitBhereCthisDthere9(1分)Its difficult for me to tell cheese_ butter()AaboutBbyCfromDbetween10(1分)Cakes from the supermarket are usually terrible, _ I always bake m

4、y own cakes()AorBbutCforDso11(1分)I _ find the remote control Have you seen it anywhere?()AcantBneedntCmustntDshouldnt12(1分) _ is it from the nearest hospital? About 200 metres()AHow farBHow longCHow manyDHow much13(1分)You _ Tim, one of the team guides as soon as you arrive at the centre()AmeetBwill

5、meetCmetDwould meet14(1分)My grandpa is getting so forgetful I have to remind him _ his medicine()AtakeBtakesCto takeDtaking15(1分)Last night in Garden City, many trees _ down in the storm()Abe blownBare blownCwere blownDhave been blown16(1分)_ everything was going according to the plan, there is no ne

6、ed to worry()ASinceBAlthoughCUnlessDBefore17(1分)_ beautiful way to celebrate Easter! I wish we could have been there()AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow18(1分)Can I borrow your calculator, please? Sorry, I_ it to work out the figures at the moment()AuseBwill useCusedDam using19(1分)How do you feel about Tinas d

7、ress? _()AShe likes itBShes too thinCIt feels softDIt is lovely20(1分) _ Id like to, but I have guitar lesson()AWhy cant you wash your dirty socks sometimes?BIf you like, I can help you with that project tomorrowCWould you like to go to the book fair on Saturday?DWould you mind helping me with the ma

8、ths problem?II.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次)(共8分)21(4分)Aelectric B amount C all the way D turn down E turn onOur eyes need light to see When we walk into the sun,(1) a lamp, or look at a

9、screen, light enters our eyes There are many kinds of it Some are visible, and some are not visible Light comes in several different colors Each color has a different(2) of energy Blue light has the most energy, and it is everywhere, Of course, you can see it in the sky, but it is also common in(3)

10、lights Computers, TVs, and phones all produce lots of blue light, too Our eyes are bad at blocking blue light because it is very strong It can reach(4) to the backs of our eyes That is a problem because too much blue light causes damage22(4分)Afeet B mood C blind D prevent E protectThe most harmful b

11、lue light comes from screens Looking at them too much gives you eye strain Blue light from screens also affects your sleep Your body thinks you are looking at the sun all the time So, it stops creating the chemical that makes you sleepy Too much blue light can even make you(1) We cant avoid all blue

12、 light, and we wouldnt want to It keeps us in a good(2) during the day However, we can(3) our sight from it There are special glasses and apps that block blue light They are very helpful Also, try following the 202020 rule Every 20 minutes, look at something 20(4) away Do that for 20 seconds each ti

13、me It gives your eyes the rest that they needIII.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)23(1分)The grade is very important for students who want to get into the right school (nine)24(1分)If we win the next three , we could still go through to

14、 the final (match)25(1分)My view is that pet owners should leave their pets at home (person)26(1分)In football you always need a bit of luck and this time luck is on side (we)27(1分)The museum in the town is so huge that its to see everything in one day (possible)28(1分)Everyone sat in a room, listened and took notes (quiet)29(1分)Nothing gives him more than helping those in trouble (please)30(1分)Remember to your notes very carefull


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