1、大学生村官村党支部副书记工作总结 大学生村官村党支部副书记工作总结XX年8月至今担任任“村官已整整一年时时间,刚参加工作的前半半年主要是不断适应新环环境,努力使自己从一名名大学生转变成一名“大大学生村官。而回忆XXX刚刚过去的半年,感感觉收获颇多,自己已经经能根本胜任这项工作,在各级领导部门的关心心和帮助下,完成一系列列工作,担当好“村党支支部副书记这一角色。现将半年来的各项工作作做一简单总结。作为一名名中共党员,我时刻以共共产党员的标准来严格要要求自己,以党员的身份份来带动他人。按时参加加村党委召开的每一次党党员例会,并认真做好会会议记录。闲暇之余,我我主动学习党中央的各种种政策特别是惠民政
2、策、方针,了解党中央关心心解决“三农问题的各各种政策和方法,并时常常翻阅与新农村建设和农农村工作有关的书籍,认认真地学习有关党内表决决、代表会议、民主选举举、民主理财等方面知识识。在不断的学习中,我我努力充实自己使自己更更加的全面。二、工作作上:扎实努力工作以培培养自己农村工作琐碎碎而繁杂,但我始终不折折不扣完成各项工作。1、了解民情,调研农农村 2、春季植树树造林工作115000余元,并组织织村民高标准、高质量完完成了今年的绿化任务。3、分管教育工作 6月全区的期末统考中中,我所教的梁村中学447班学生英语单科排名名比上次考试前进了两名名。4、远程教育工作作3天,针对不同的人人群和村民不同的
3、需求,有针对性地通过远程教教育给他们播放致富信息息、农林畜牧知识以及休休闲娱乐等节目,村民们们通过远程教育既能学习习,也能娱乐,开阔了他他们的视野,同时也拉近了我和他们之间的距离离。5、为四川“特大大地震灾区捐款23080元。6、方案生育工作 7、“创三三优环境卫生整治工作作XX】2号关于开展展农村环境“创三优工工作实施方案文件精神神,经村两委班子研究决决定,从XX年起,用三三年时间在全村广泛开展展以创立优美环境、优良良秩序、优质管理为主要要内容的农村环境综合整整治活动。“创三优活动为载体,大力推进全村环境综合合整治,增强全村居民的的环境意识、提升梁村的的整体形象,实现环境优优美、管理优化、秩
4、序优优良和形象、品味提升的的工作目标;以整治村里里五乱、门前三堆为重点点,突出抓好全村“创三三优工程,全力实现“一年打根底,两年上台台阶,三年根本实现创创三优的奋斗目标。确定了具体目标和要求求,即:梁村要按照全村村“创三优的目标要求求,即有整洁有序的生产产生活环境,有美观大方方的园林绿化景观,有基根本完备的环卫根底设施施,有相对固定的环卫保保,全面开开展创立工作。争取在一一年内实现 “五有标标准。8、做好手足口病的“防防范宣传员49月月份是手足口病的高发季季节,尤其是7、8月,随着气温的不断升高,发病率也随之增高。据据7月30日统计,我镇镇已有病例30例,居全全县第三位,而梁村也发发现了三例,
5、为了更好的的控制疾病的传播,首先先必须做好宣传工作,我我坚持每天早上向村民宣宣传手足口病的预防知识识。目前通过我的播送,广阔村民已经深刻意识识到了病情的严重性,积积极配合乡政府做好预防防工作,疫情得到了有效效控制。9、镇便民服效劳中心“党员管理工工作 回忆这半年年的工作,感觉愉快而充充实。在工作中,我对农农村有了更进一步的了解解,更加深刻地了解和懂懂得了农村的生活环境和和农民的想法,这些使我我受益匪浅。当然在不断断的努力工作、学习、生生活中,我也有某些方面面做的缺乏,如理论联系系实际的能力还不够强,农村工作经验还很欠缺缺。但我相信在以后的工工作中我会不断完善、不不断充实、不断提高自己己。我将以
6、十足的信心做做一个合格的直至优秀的的“大学生村官。and style rectification activities revealing implementation plan stage also ask questions does not exist a lot of problems, such as the ideological and political quality, theoretical level, work stress and other aspects still can not fully meet the new situation and new task
7、s, mainly has the following several aspects:One is the theory of learning initiative, self-consciousness is not high. Often recent information submitted to the task heavier than or is writing material for reasons, not consciously take the initiative to take the time to calm down to learn, work and l
8、eisure use of spare time to learn less. Often is asked to learn what to learn what what to learn more, and close working relationship, with little working relationship, often need less to learn, what is urgent with what to learn, what to learn, with only material to find the basis, check the informa
9、tion. There is no system to learn some legal knowledge and modern scientific and technological knowledge, not high quality writing material work especially. Pay attention to the study of political theory degree is not enough, not to be able to understand and grasp the essence of the socialist concep
10、t of rule of law leading quality connotation, for the use of the socialist law comprehensive concept to guide their work and the importance of learning should also lack the necessary understanding.Two is the business foundation is not solid, the text level is not high. Their work in the army before,
11、 although the understanding of the material, but also just only know fur, text level, writing ability is still in a low level interface. The knowledge is not complete, especially it is very little about professional some departments know knowledge, to write Chinese but not false, sometimes rely on o
12、nline writing or presentation of ready-made one-sided materials, unwilling to make a deep thinking, put all sorts of things together, the presentation quality is not high, due to the overall quality of their own quality is not high, the leadership of departments can not understand, it is difficult t
13、o stand in the perspective of leadership to think of thinking, lack of overall To grasp, not very good understanding of the leadership intention and meaning into the text. Although his eyes now write only a relatively small number of materials, but also quite difficult, even to a molding material he
14、rself seems not very satisfied with the quality of service needs to be enhanced.Three is a lot of work to implement passive, active and advanced. Most contractors do matters assigned by the leadership, work is often in the orders, to implement the task, do not want to lead, not want to think ahead,
15、plan ahead, and to seek the leadership; seek deep into the research, provide information good staff seek. Especially in the writing process of material, it encountered much, time tight, heavy task, is often the soldiers to be blocked, the water to soil cover water, struggling to cope. Overall, the w
16、ork of the prospective, innovation is not enough, as the leading service just to write some simple briefing. Other work is not enough, and leadership There is a considerable gap between the requirements. And in the encounter the tedious work, complex things, sometimes take the method of escape, that bridge the boat to the bridge straight , not their own