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1、FOREWORDThis specification is under the jurisdiction of lle API Subcommittee on Drilt Stem Ele-ments and Compounds.Amencan Petrolenim Institute(API)specifications are published as ads to the procuremnent of standardized equipment and materials.as well as instuctions to manufacturers ofequipmnent or

2、matcrials covered hy an API specification.These specificulians are notintended lu ubviale thc nccd for sound engineering.nor to inhibit in any wuy anyonc frompurchasing or producing pruduels to othcr xpecifications.The formulation and publication of API spceificutions and the API monogram programt i

3、snot intended in ay way to inhibit the purehus uf prexluets from companies not licensed touse the APl monogram.APr specitications may be used by anyone Jesiriug to do so,andi diligent etfort has beenmade hy rhe Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained therein.However,th

4、e Institute makes no representation.waranty,ur guarantec in connection withthe puhlication nt any APl specification and hereby expressly disclaims any liahility orrexpunsibility for loss or damage resolting from their use.fo ay violation of any federal,ale,or mnunicipal rcgulation with which an API

5、specification may confict,or for theinfingenent of uny putent rcsulting from the use of an APspecitication.Any manufacturer inrking Lquipment or matcrials in conformance with the maikingrequirements of an API specification is sully responsible for complying with all the appli-cahle requirements of t

6、hat specification.The Americn Pelrulcum Tnstitute does not repre.sent,warrant or guarantee that such products do in fact cunfonn to the applicahle APlxpccification.Metric(SI)converxions ot U.S.cnstomary units are provided thuoughout the text of thisspecificulion in parenthescx,e.g.inches(152.4 milli

7、meters).Metric equivalents of IJ.S.customary vulues are also included in tahlexs and tigures,some of which are repruduced inthe metric systein in Appendix M.Suggested revisions are invited und shuuld be xubmittcd to the standardization managei.American Petroleum Institute.1220 L Steel.N.W.Washington

8、,1).(:205.This vandard shall become cffecrive on the dute printed on the cover hut voluntry conMancR的the revisinns may he used in whote ar in purt unl cither in licu ofor i讲co时jtton with the current specificatton from the date of distribution to conslitle cunformancewith the edin applicable at the d

9、ate ofmanufacture.CONTENTSPapr10PE.1】.Coverage1.2Material Requirement.2REFERENCES3DEFINITIONS.I4 UPPER AND LOWER KRI.Y VALVES.4.14.2Gemeral.44.3Design Criteria.44.4Inspection and Testing.54.5Ifydrostatic Testing.54.665SQUARE AND HEXAGON KELLYS.5.1 Size.Type.and Dimensions.525.3(onnections.n545.5Squa

10、re Horged Kellys.665.6Micchanicat Properties.Marking106T00l.JU1NTS.6.1 Fol joint Size and styl.106.206.3Mechanical PropertieDimcnsional Requi山re0elb.:.-10646.5TooJointDrinl Pipe Weld Zone Requircmcnts.10Co1 ections,.156.hMarkingIK7 DRILL-STEM SUS187.1 Cluss and Type87.2T下ypeA&B【imensions.:.187.1Type

11、 C(5wivcl Sub)Dimensions.7.4TypeD(Lif Sub)hmensions.187.5Material Mechanical froperties.197.6Connection Suess Relicf Feature7.7Cold Working On Treud Roots27.8Marking,98RLC0LLRS2.(eneral.228.25 randard Steel Dril Cullars.228.3 Nonmagnetic Dril Collars.259 DRILLING AND COKING RITS2K9.】Roller Bils und Blade I)rag Bits.284.2.Diamond Drilling Bits.Diamond Core Bits,atd PulycrystallieDiamond Compacl(pDC)Bics.28


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