1、R ecommended Practice for Design,Installation,and Maintenance of Electrical Systems for Fix ed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class I,Division 1,and Division 2 LocationsAPI R ECOMMENDED PRACTICE 14FSIXTH EDITION,OCT OBER 2018energ-it?I.AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE Sp
2、ecial Not esAPI publicat ions nec essarily address problems of a general nat ure.With respect to part icular circ umst ances,loc al,st at e,and federal law s and regulat ions should be reviewed.Neither API nor any of APIs employees,subcont ractors,consultant s,c ommittees,or other assignees make any
3、warrant y or represent at ion,either ex press or implied,w ith respect t o the accuracy,complet eness,or usefulness of theinformat ion contained herein,or assume any liabilit y or responsibility for any use,or the results of such use,of anyinformat ion or process disclosed in this publicat ion.Neit
4、her API nor any of A PIs employ ees,subcont ractors,consult ants,or ot her assignees represent that use of this publicat ion w ould not infringe upon privat ely ow ned right s.API publications may be used by anyone desiring to do so.Every effort has been made by t he Institut e to ensure t heaccurac
5、y and reliability of the dat a c ontained in them;how ever,t he Instit ute mak es no represent ation,w arrant y,orguarantee in connection w ith this publication and hereby ex pressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss ordamage result ing from its use or for the violation of any autho
6、rities having jurisdiction w it h w hich this publication mayconflict.API publicat ions are published to facilit ate the broad availabilit y of proven,sound engineering and operatingpract ices.These publicat ions are not intended t o obviat e t he need for apply ing sound engineering judgmentregardi
7、ng w hen and where t hese publications should be ut ilized.The formulat ion and publicat ion of API publicat ionsis not int ended in any w ay to inhibit anyone from using any other practices.Users of this recommended practice should not rely exclusively on t he information c ontained in t his docume
8、nt.Soundbusiness,scientific,engineering,and safety judgment should be used in employing the information contained herein.API is not undert aking to meet the duties of employers,manufacturers,or suppliers to w arn and properly train andequip their employees,and others ex posed,concerning health and s
9、afety risks and precautions,nor undertak ing theirobligations to c omply wit h aut horities having jurisdiction.Any manufacturer mark ing equipment or mat erials in conformance w ith the marking requirements of an A PI st andardis solely responsible for comply ing w it h all t he applicable requirem
10、ents of t hat standard.A PI does not represent,warrant,or guarant ee that suc h product s do in fact conform t o t he applic able A PI standard.All rights reserved.No part of this work may be reproduc ed,translated,stored in a retriev al system,or t ransmitt ed by any means,elec tronic,mechanic al,p
11、hotocopying,recording,or otherwise,wit hout prior w ritt en permission from the publisher.Contact the Publisher,API Publishing Servic es,1220 L Street,NW,Washington,DC 20005.Cop yright 2018 Ame rican Petroleum Institu teForewordThis recommended prac t ice(R P)contains information for use primarily b
12、y engineers w it h a w ork ing k now ledge ofelect rical sy stems and produc t ion operations.Some of t he informat ion can be useful to experienced electricalmaintenance and operat ing personnel.The int ent of t he document is t o identify import ant features of offshoreelect rical sy stems and t o
13、 present generally accepted practices for electrical design and installat ion t hat ex perience int he offshore pet roleum indust ry has show n results in safe,reliable,efficient,and maint ainable operat ions.Nothing int his RP is t o be c onstrued as a fix ed rule w ithout regard to sound engineeri
14、ng judgment,nor is it int ended tosupersede or override any federal,state,or local regulation w here applicable.The First Edit ion of API 14F w as published in July 1978 as A PI 14F,Design and Installation of Electrical Systems forO ffshore Produ ction Platfo rms,under the jurisdic t ion of t he A P
15、I Produc t ion Department.The Second Edition w aspublished on July 1,1985.The Third Edition w as published September 1,1991.The Fourth Edition w as publishedJune 1999,with a new title,Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Fixed andFloating Offshore Pe troleu m Fa
16、cilities for Unclass ifie d and Class I,Divisio n 1 and Division 2 Locations.The FifthEdition w as published in July 2008.A related document,API 14FZ,R e commended Practice for De sign andInstallation of Electrical Systems for Fixe d and Floating O ffshore Petroleum Facilitie s for Unclass ified and C lass I,Zone 0,Zone 1 and Zone 2 Locations,First Edition,w as published in Sept ember 2001 to address zone classificat ionsand wiring methods int roduced initially in Article 505 of the 1996 Nationa