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1、Recommended Practice for Well Control OperationsAPI RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 59 SECOND EDITION,MAY 2006 REAFFIRMED,DECEMBER 2018Recommended Practice for Well Control OperationsUpstream SegmentAPI RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 59SECOND EDITION,MAY 2006REAFFIRMED,JANUARY 2012SPECIAL NOTESAPI publications necessari

2、ly address problems of a general nature.With respect to particular circumstances,local,state,and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed.Neither API nor any of APIs employees,subcontractors,consultants,committees,or other assignees make any warranty or representation,either express or implie

3、d,with respect to the accuracy,completeness,or usefulness of the information contained herein,or assume any liability or responsibility for any use,or the results of such use,of any information or process disclosed in this publication.Neither API nor any of APIs employees,subcontractors,con-sultants

4、,or other assignees represent that use of this publication would not infringe upon pri-vately owned rights.API publications may be used by anyone desiring to do so.Every effort has been made by the Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them;however,the Institute m

5、akes no representation,warranty,or guarantee in connection with this publication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use or for the violation of any authorities having jurisdiction with which this publi-cation may conflict.API publicat

6、ions are published to facilitate the broad availability of proven,sound engineer-ing and operating practices.These publications are not intended to obviate the need for applying sound engineering judgment regarding when and where these publications should be utilized.The formulation and publication

7、of API publications is not intended in any way to inhibit anyone from using any other practices.Any manufacturer marking equipment or materials in conformance with the marking requirements of an API standard is solely responsible for complying with all the applicable requirements of that standard.AP

8、I does not represent,warrant,or guarantee that such prod-ucts do in fact conform to the applicable API standard.All rights reserved.No part of this work may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwise,without prior

9、written permission from the publisher.Contact the Publisher,API Publishing Services,1220 L Street,N.W.,Washington,D.C.20005.Copyright 2006 American Petroleum InstituteFOREWORDThis publicaiton is under jurisdiction of the American Petroleum Institute,Upstream Depart-ments Executive Committee on Drill

10、ing and Production Operations.Drilling and well service unit(production well service,well workover,well completion,and plug and abandonment)operations are being conducted with full regard for personnel safety,public safety,and preservation of the environment in such diverse conditions as metropolita

11、n sites,wilderness areas,ocean platforms,deepwater sites,barren deserts,wildlife refuges,and arctic ice packs.Recommendations presented in this publication are based on extensive and wide-ranging industry experience.The goal of this voluntary recommended practice is to assist the oil and gas industr

12、y in pro-moting personnel and public safety,integrity of the drilling and well service equipment,and preservation of the environment for land and marine drilling and well service operations.This recommended practice is published to facilitate the broad availability of proven,sound engineering and op

13、erating practices.This publication does not present all of the operating practices that can be employed to successfully install and operate well control systems in drilling and well service operations.Nor does this publication imply that all of the practices herein are applicable to all drilling and

14、 well service operations.Drilling and well service operations throughout the world vary widely and take place under a wide range of downhole and surface conditions.Practices at one operation will not necessarily be required at a similar operation due to different conditions.Practices set forth herei

15、n are considered acceptable for accomplishing the job as described;equivalent alternative installations and practices may be utilized to accomplish the same objectives.Individuals and organizations using these recom-mended practices are cautioned that operations must comply with requirements of nati

16、onal,state,or local regulations.These requirements should be reviewed to determine whether vio-lations may occur.Users of recommendations set forth herein are reminded that constantly developing technol-ogy and specialized or limited operations do not permit complete coverage of all operations and alternatives.Recommendations presented herein are not intended to inhibit developing technology and equipment improvements or improved operational procedures.These rec-ommended practices are not intend


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