1、IssuedNovember 1977Supplement 1toAPI Spec 2E(First Edition)Specification0:forDRILLING RIG PACKAGINGforMINIMUM SELF-CONTAINEDPLATFORMSForewordThis supplement covers the addition of packagearrangement on a 95 x 88 ft.platform to API Spec 2E(First Edition,May 1973),adopted at the 1977 Stan-dardization
2、Conference.Issued byAMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTEProduction Department211 N.Ervay,Suite 1700Dallas TX 75201Copyright1977 American Petroleum Institutee1194534API Spec 2EFirst EditionMay 1973APISPECIFICATIONforDRILLING RIG PACKAGINGforMINIMUM SELF-CONTAINEDPLATFORMSOFFICIAL PUBLICATIONREG.U.S.PATENT OF
3、FICEAMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTEUP TO D.TEWashington,D.C.AS AT.0GNERITLIBRARYPTEIssued by13MAR1981AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTEProduction DepartmentRECEIVED211 N.Ervay,Suite 1700Dallas TX 75201Copyright1973 American Petroleum InstituteUsers of this publication should become completely familiar with i
4、ts scope and content,including any provisions it may have regarding marking of manufactured products.Thisdocument is intended to supplement rather than replace individual engineering judgment.Spee 2E:Drilling Rig Packaging69Major equipment used to establish di-mensions*551012-2.200 HP DC electric po
5、wer units2-500 KW diesel power AC electricgenerator unitsEstimated lift weight of package=300 tonsA C GEN.In each arrangement shown in Fig.5.1GENERATORthru 3.7 the two 1.230 cu ft P-tanks forcement are located on the engine genera-c5红tor packages.Necessary support membersmust be included in the desi
6、gn of thisD CGENERATORA C GEN.module to carry the additional load.*Note:The size of equipment displayed isto provide a frame of reference forequipment that will fit into thespace available.It does not con-PLANstitute a recommended size fordrilling machinery.000D C PANELSSIDE ELEVATIONEND ELEVATIONFI
7、G 2.1ENGINE GENERATOR PACKAGE75Major equipment used to estab-4552lish dimensions*2-1.000 cu ft P-tanks for drybariteEstimated lift weight of package175 tons*Note:The size of equipment dis-played is to provide a frameof reference for equipmentthat will fit into the space3L7available.It does not con-s
8、titute a recommended sizePLANfor drilling machinery.Removable CantileverCantilever For OffloadingExtenstonsMud PalletsSIDE ELEVATIONEND ELEVATIONFIG 2.2DRY STORAGE PACKAGEAmerican Petroleum Institute691Major equipment used to establish di.5513mensions*2-1,300 HP triplex mud pumps pow-ered by electri
9、c motors3-60 HP mud mix and charge pumps000Estimated lift weight of package=350tons(includes crane weights)Cranes shall comply with API Spec 2C.*Note:The size of equipment displayedis to provide a frame of referencefor equipment that will fit into thespace available.It does not consti.PLANtute a rec
10、ommended size for drillingmachinery.5518SIDE ELEVATIONEND ELEVATIONFIG 2.3PUMP PACKAGE551Volume:2-300 bbl active mud tanks1-300 bbl reserve tanksMIXERS-Estimated lift weight=100 tonseSHALEMud processing and lab equipment mounted onSHAKERDEGASSERtop of tanks.Tanks may be compartmented to accommodatePLANdifferent volumes needed for flexibility.RESERVE MUDA C T I V EMU DSIDE ELEVATIONEND ELEVATIONFIG 2.4ACTIVE MUD SYSTEM PACKAGE