1、FOREWORDNonwater urinals were introduced into the United States plumbing fixture marketplace in 1991A national standard was developed by the International Association of Plumbing and MechanicalOfficials(IAPMO)for the fiberglass version of the product,which was the only version availableat that time.
2、That standard,ANSI Z124.9,Plastic Urinal Fixtures,remains as a national standard.Later in the decade,another manufacturer introduced a nonwater urinal of vitreous chinamanufacture.No ANSI standard existed for that product.In 2002,Project Initiation Request(PIR)02-22 was submitted to the ASME A112 Co
3、mmittee requesting that a standard be developed forthe vitreous china product.On July 29,2003,at its meeting in San Diego,California,the A112Standards Committee formed a new Project Team 19.19 to address the request in PIR 02-22.TheProject Team immediately began its work on the standard.This Standar
4、d is similar in many respects to that portion of ANSI Z124.9 for plastic nonwaterurinals.However,considerable discussion was given to incorporating a test for odors that wouldbe more objective than that contained within the Z124.9 Standard.As a result,the test methodfor odors that became a part of t
5、his Standard relied upon instrumentation to detect odors,if any,rather than the human nose.Suggestions for the improvement of this Standard will be welcome.They should be sent toThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers,Attn:Secretary,A112 Standards Committee,Three Park Avenue,New York,NY 10016-5990.This Standard was approved as an American National Standard on September 28,2006.iCopyright C2001 by the American Society of Mechanical EngineersNo reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME