1、Pry Bars A H A M E R I C A N HATIONAL STANDARD Date of Issuance:December 1.2004 This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the Issuance of a new edition.There will be no addenda issued to this edition.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning inlerpretations of techncal aspect
2、s of this Standard.Interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages at http:/www.asme.orglcodesl as they are issued.ASME is the registered trademark of lhe American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting
3、the criteria for American Elallonal Standards.The Standards Cornminee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals horn competent and concerned Interests have had an opportunity to participate.The proposed code or standard was made available for public revim and comment
4、 that pmvides an opportunity for additional public input from industry,academia.regulatory agencies,and the publc-at-large.ASME does not approve.rate,or endorse any item,construction,proprietary device,or activity ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent right5 aren
5、ed In connection with any items mentioned in this document,and does not undertake to insure anyone utlllrlng a standard against liability far infringement of any applicable letters patent,nor assume any such liabllrty Users OF a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validi
6、ty of any such patent rights.and the nsk of lnfnngement of ruth rights,is entirely their own responsibility.Particpaton by federal agency representative$)or person(s)affilialed w l h indusrq IS not to be Interpreted as qovemment of industly endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsib
7、ility for only those interpretations of this docurnen1 Issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies,which precludes the issuance of interpretalion5 by individuals.No pan of this document may be reproduted in any form.in an electronic retneval system or otherwise,without the
8、 prior written permission of the publisher.The Arnencan Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue.Hew York,NY 10016-5990 Copyright Q 2004 by M E AMERICAN SOClEPl OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All flghl5 resewed Pnnred In U.S.A.CONTENTS Foreword.ir,Cornmitt=Roster.v Correspondence With the B107 Com
9、mittee.VI 1 Scope.1 2 Classifications.1.3 References.1 5 Requirements.2 7 Sakty Requirements and Limitations of Use.4 Figures 1 Type I:Close Quarter.2 Type 11:Die Setter.3 Type 111:Handled.4 Type IV:Pinch.5 Type V:Rolling Head.6 Prying Test.7 Point End Tst.8 Handle Impact Test.Tables 1 Prying End Tm
10、t Specificatiom.3 2 Pmnt End Tet Specifications.3 3 Handle Tensle Force Test Loads.3 4 Handle lmpact Test Specifications.3 The Amrrican Natonal Standards Committee B107,Socket Wrenches and Drives,under spon-mrship of The American Society o f Mrllhanical Engineers,was reorganized as a n ASME Standard
11、s Commttee and its ttle was changed to Hand Tmls and Accessories.In 1996,the Committee scope was expanded to include safety considerations.The purposs o f this Standard a;to define essential performance and safety requirements spesifically applicable to pry bars,to specify test methods to evaluate p
12、ertormance relating to the defined requirements,and to indicate lirmtato o f safe use.The format of this Standard is in accordanre wth T E ASME Cades dtld Stnldnrds Wrrtrrg Guide 2000.Requests for interpretations of the technical rcquiremenb,and suggestions for the unprovement of this Standard,shoul
13、d be addressed to The American Srw-icty o f Mechanical Engineers,Secretary,8107 Standards Committee,Thrw Park Avenue,New York,NY 10016-5990.The requiremenis o f this Standard become effective at the time o i publicahon.This new edition was approved as an Arnencan National Standard on Cktober 5,2004.
14、ASME B107 STANDARDS COMMITTEE Hand Tools and Accessories me followng 1 s the rorter 01 the Committee a1 the time of approval rll ths Standard 1 OFFICERS G.L Olson,Choir W.T.Rpc V I C Chai J.Karian,Secretory COMMRTEE PERSONNEL 1.D.Dsddscrn.5ears.Roebuck and Co.P.A.Desrnanis,Danaher Tool Gmup J.5.F w
15、t r Trade Assiation Management.lnc A.Gaq,5tanley Works R A.Goldmann II,Kleln To315 A.H t r s h m h Consultanl 1-Karian.The American Society f Mechanical Engineers D.S.McKHtrlA Weslem Foqe Corp.G.L Olson,Gene Olson.Engineering Consultant5.Ltd.W.T.Pdgat,Snapon.Inr.D.M.Eggwt.Alternote.Snapon.Inc.J.M.St
16、er.Federal Supply Servce Hardware Super Store L W.Fahlstmm.Alternote.Fedeml Supply Service Hardware Super Store R B.Wright.Wright Tool Cn.W.Snyder.Alternate.Wnght Tool Co.SUBCOMMITTEE 4-SRIKING/STRUCK 6.L Ohn,Choir,Gene Olson.Engineering Consultants,Lld.I.D.Dawdson.Sears,Roebuck and Co.W.T.Pagar,Snap-on,Inc.CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE 6107 COMMITTEE GeneraL ASME Standards arc developed and malntalned wih the intent to rcpmsent the cawnsus of concerned interests.As such,users of this Standard may int