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1、AN AM E R IC AN NAT IO NAL STANDARDASME B16.36-2020(Revision of ASME B16.36-2015)Orifice FlangesASME B16.36-2020(Revision of ASME B16.36-2015)Orifice FlangesAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDxDate of Issuance:December 31,2020The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2025.ASME issu

2、es written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Standard.Periodically certainactionsoftheASMEB16CommitteemaybepublishedasCases.CasesandinterpretationsarepublishedontheASMEwebsiteunder the Committee Pages at http:/cstools.asme.org/as they are issued.Errata to c

3、odes and standards may be posted on the ASME website under the Committee Pages to provide corrections toincorrectlypublisheditems,ortocorrecttypographicalorgrammaticalerrorsincodesandstandards.Sucherratashallbeusedon the date posted.TheCommitteePagescanbefoundathttp:/cstools.asme.org/.Thereisanoptio

4、navailabletoautomaticallyreceiveane-mailnotification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard.This option can be found on the appropriate CommitteePage after selecting“Errata”in the“Publication Information”section.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical

5、Engineers.ThiscodeorstandardwasdevelopedunderproceduresaccreditedasmeetingthecriteriaforAmericanNationalStandards.TheStandardsCommitteethatapprovedthecodeorstandardwasbalancedtoassurethatindividualsfromcompetentandconcernedinterestshavehadanopportunityto participate.The proposed codeorstandardwasmad

6、eavailable forpublic reviewandcommentthatprovidesanopportunityfor additional public input from industry,academia,regulatory agencies,and the public-at-large.ASME does not“approve,”“rate,”or“endorse”any item,construction,proprietary device,or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to t

7、he validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in thisdocument,anddoesnotundertaketoinsureanyoneutilizingastandardagainstliabilityforinfringementofanyapplicableletterspatent,norassumeanysuchliability.Usersofacodeorstandardareexpresslyadvisedthatdeterminationoftheval

8、idityofanysuchpatentrights,andtherisk of infringement of such rights,is entirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s)or person(s)affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industryendorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsi

9、bility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASME proceduresand policies,which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without th

10、e prior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersTwo Park Avenue,New York,NY 10016-5990Copyright 2020 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSForeword.ivCommittee Roster.vCorrespondence With the B16 Committee.vi

11、Summary of Changes.viiiList of Changes in Record Number Order.ix1Scope.12General.13PressureTemperature Ratings.14Material.15Size.26Marking.27Flange Facing Finish.28Gaskets for Raised Face Flanges.29Pressure Taps.210Jack Screw Provision.311Flange Dimensions.312Flange Threads.313Tolerances.3Mandatory

12、AppendicesIDimensional Data for Class 400 Flanges in U.S.Customary Units.24IIReferences.27Nonmandatory AppendixAQuality System Program.28Figures9.1-1Corner Taps.229.1-2Angular Meter Tap for RTJ Flanges.229.3.2-1Weld Attachment of NPS34Nipple to Flange.2310.1-1Jack Bolts.23Tables5-1Class 300 Orifice

13、Flanges,Welding Neck,Threaded,and Slip-On.45-2Class 600 Orifice Flanges,Welding Neck.85-3Class 900 Orifice Flanges,Welding Neck.125-4Class 1500 Orifice Flanges,Welding Neck.165-5Class 2500 Orifice Flanges,Welding Neck.20I-1Class 400 Orifice Flanges,Welding Neck.25iiiFOREWORDAugustof1956marked thefir

14、strecordedcorrespondencenoting thelack ofstandardizationfororificeflanges.Therewere,and still are,several codes for the performance and calibration of orifice flanges,but there had been no stan-dardizationoftheflangesthemselves.Overtheensuing3years,correspondencecontinuedamongtheInstrumentSocietyof

15、America,American Gas Association,and the B16 Standards Committee.On December 3,1959,Subcommittee 3(now Subcommittee C)of B16 authorized the appointment of a Task Force toundertake drafting of a standard.Although the initial work progressed smoothly,a controversy developed over thestandard size of ta

16、ps to be specified for the flanges.This required many years to resolve.It was finally achieved in1973with theissuance ofa draft from the Task Force.Comments and objections to this draft from members ofSubcom-mitteeCwereresolved,andaredraftwasapprovedbytheSubcommitteelatein1974.TheB16StandardsCommitteewasballoted in the spring of 1975 and approval was gained.Comments from B16 members from the gas industry requestedthattheClass400orificeflangebeincluded,andtheB16SubcommitteeCagreedtoconsiderthisfo


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