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1、STD.ASME B18.24.2-ENGL19980759b7006148b7014The American Society ofMechanical EngineersAN AME RI C A NN AT IO N A L ST AN D A R DPARTDC匪YSSA服B18TACOMMERCIAL AND的旺RNMENT ENTITY(CAGE CODE FOR ASME:05047StB18.24.2-1998STD.ASME B18.24.2-ENGL199807596700614859997FOREWORDA joint U.S.government and ASME B18

2、 meeting was held November 4,1977 at DefenseIndustrial Supply Center.Philadelphia.Pennsylvania.A planning group was established toexpedite government acceptance and use of national voluntary standards.This group.designated the Ad Hoc Fastener Planning(iroup.held its first meeting February 2,1978at A

3、merican Society for Testing and Materials(ASIM)Headquarters in Philadelphia.Atthe inceting.goverment appendices to ASME B18 metnc product standards were endorsed.In addition.an American National Standards Institute(ANSI)Metric Log was establishedto prevent dupiicaie efforis and to provide the iatest

4、 status of Bi8 metric fastener projects.The U.S.Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center was tasked toprovide government appendices for metric fastener standards on an as needed basis.At the ASME B18 Main Committee mecting on December 5,1991,the B18 MainCommittee unanimously approve

5、d a motion,based on a B18 SC02 suggestion,that Sub24.Industry/Goverment Liaison.be rcactivated and tasked by B18 to addiess the issue ofhow to best handle needed changes to the various Government appendices.At the SC24 meeting of May 12,1993 at ASME Headquarters in New York City,thePart Identifying

6、Number(PIN)Code System concept for B18 product standards was approvedto provide a B18 code system for all users without exception.Committee members suggestedthat the availability of a PIN code system be extended to all users and not just limited togovernment users.Earlier standards,including 28 B18

7、metric and inch(ASNSI B18.2.1)standards,contained Government appendicesfor Department of Defense(DOD)PINacquisition usage and were not considered part of the B18 standard.Based on the Main B18 mandate.an SC24 Task Group was formed to develop B18.24.1(externally threaded B18 fasteners)followed by B18

8、.24.2(internally threaded BI8 fasteners)and B18.24.3(nonthreaded fasteners)standards.ASME B18.24.2-1998 was approved by the American National Standards Institute(ANSI)on October 14.1998.iiSTD.ASME B18.24.2-ENGL199807596700b14870609ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE B18Standardization of Bolts,Nuts,Rivets,and

9、Screws(The foiiowing is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)OFFICERSD A Clever.ChairR.D.Strong,Vice CnairS.W.Vass,Vice ChairJ.R.Bird.SecretaryCOMMITTEE PERSONNELJ.C.Akins.Safety Socket Screw CorpJ.Altman,Rotor Clip Co.J.H.Slass,Afternate,Rotor Clip CoJ.B.Beltord,Law

10、son Products.Inc.J.R.Bird,American Society of Mechanical EngineersD.Broomfield,Illinois Tool Works,Inc.J.A.Buda,SPS TechnologiesR.M.Byrne,Trade Association Management,Inc.A.P.Cockman.Ford Motor Co.T.Coilier,Carn-Tech industries,inc.A.C.Dicola,Wrought Washer Manufacturing,Inc.A.Dinh,Defense Industria

11、l Supply CenterW.D.Downing.Black and Decker,Inc.B.A.Dusina.Federal Screw WorksD.S.George,Ford Moter Co.R.J.Harrington,Spirol International Corp.B.Hasiuk,Detense Industrial Supply CenterA.Herskovitz,U.S.Army ARDCCA.C.Hood,ACH TechnologiesJ.Hubbard,Rockford Fastener,Inc.W.H.Kopke,ITW ShakeproofP.D.Kor

12、smo.ConsultantJ.G.Langenstein,ConsuitantM.Levinson,ITW ShakeproofJ.B.Levy,ConsultantL.L.Lord,Caterpillar,IncA.D.McCrindle.Stelco Fasteners LimitedK.E.McCullough,ConsultantR.F.Novotny,TextronM.D.Prasad.General Motors Corp.W.Schevey,BGM Fastener Co.,inc.J.F.Sullivan,National Fastener Distributors AssociationR.L.Tennis,Caterpillar,Inc.R.G.Weber,Fairfield UniversityC.J.Wilson,Industrial Fasteners InstituteR.B.Wright,Hand Toois instituteJ.G.Zeratsky,National Rivet and Manufacturing CoPrevious pageis blank


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