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1、AMERCAN PLAIN WASHlERS S T A N D A RD ASA B27.2-1965 UDC 621 A182.4 Society of Autorhotive Engineers The American Society of Mechanical Engineers T H E A M E R I C A N S O C I E T Y O F M E C H A N I C A L E N G I N E E R S United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street New York,N.Y.10017 Copyright

2、ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001,User=trert,rtyrtyrtyNot for Resale,03/07/2015 13:27:55 MSTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Foreword Responding LO the request of the US.War Department,ASA Sectiona

3、l Committee 1327 on Standardization of Plain and Lock Washers was organized August,1925,with the Society of Automotive Engineers and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers as joint sponsors.Since 1950 this committee has been known as Sectional Committee on Standard-ization of Washers and Machi

4、ne Rings.,Subcommittee 1 on Plain Washers was appointed in May,1928.A proposed standard hubmitted by the subcommittee in October,1932,was revised after CirculatiQn for criticism.nd comment.A second revision of the proposed standard was prepared and distributed in lay,1935.The third and last revision

5、 of the proposal was referred to the sectional corn-,flittee but did not receive the vote necessary for recommending its approval as an American.Standard.From 1937 until 1946 the Subcommittee 1 activity was dormant,owing in part:to industry preoccupation with the war effort and in part to sectional

6、committee concentration 1)n the development of American Standards for lock washers.,-there being some resistance t o the concurrent development of both projects.In 1346 the Subcommittee 1 project was reactivated and in December of that year a new Iroposal for an American Standard was approved at a m

7、eeting of the sectional committee,ubjcct to confirming approval by letter ballot vote of the sectionalrommitree.As the Imposal received an overwhelming vote of approval in the letter ballot canvass,the s e d I ic)nnl committee at a meeting in December,1948,ordered its referral to the sponar:.tcictie

8、s.It was subsequently approved by the sponsor societies and by the American.;r.lndards Association,and officially designated as an American Standard on August 31,1 N.Uhcn thc standard was brought up for triennial review it was decided to revise it c.,litorially to include notes covering general appl

9、ications,material,thickness,and defects.ltich were inadvertently omitted from the 1949 original printing.A proposed revision dated I IllIe 1952,was approved by letter ballot vote of the sectional committee,sponsors,and,l l l i l n Standards Association.Official designation as an American Standard (v

10、as given+.l.lrc.h 30,1953;Sl.lbsequcnt to publication of the 1953 issue certain changes and inclusion of an.,l,liit,mal scries of washers were proposed.A.proposed revision dated February 1356.l,pprved by letter ballot vote of the Sectional Committee sponsors and the American b i ,;r d s Association.

11、Official designation as an American Standard was given on August 3,195H.:ollowing issuance of thc 1958 standard,Subcommittcc 1 continued to refine the.,.;.l.ific;tions lor plain washcrs.Sevcr;ll meetings resulted i n adjustment of the tolerances I,I illxitlc ant1 outside diameters to conform with go

12、od commercial stamping practices a.nd,l l r.,l.,pIicati)o f the same toleranccs to both Typc A;Ind Type B washers.Also,to,IC I)ettcr guidance for u.sers,it was agrccd to t;lbulate thc preferred sizes of Type A.,.,.,Ilc,r scpnr;lccly.:propascd revi.Gion drltcd Novcmber 1963,was circul.1ted for simul-

13、,l l l.l,i .letter t,;1ilot approval o f Subcommittcc 1 and the Sectional Committee on November,;,l l ,1.111 tlisapprov;lis and conmcnts wrrc rcsolvcd by circulxion oi suggested dis-,I(illl:,on I:cbrunry 12,1965.Thc propos;d was sllbscquc*ntly approvcri by the sponsw&I,.,lllz.l(ion.r;Ind the Alneric

14、;ln Stnncl.lrrts Association and granted formrll recognition;IS Illa.ric;m%mJard 1111 Septcrnber 20,1965.Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=University of Alberta/5966844001,User=trert,rtyrtyrtyNot for Resale,03/07/2015 13:27:55 MSTNo reproduction or network

15、ing permitted without license from IHS-,-,-B27 Standardization of Washers and Machine Rings R.P.Trowbridge,Chairman,Director,Engineermg Standards Section,Engineering Staff,General Motors Technical Center,Warren,Michigan 48030 Personnel of Subcommittee No.1 on Plain Washers Perry llousy,Chairman,Delc

16、o Rcmy Division,General Motors Corp.,Andcrson,Indiana l60ll S.J.Adamek,Pheoll Mfg.Company,5-00 Ioosevelt Kod,Chicago,Illinois 60650 R.n.Iklford,Lndustrial Fastcners Institute,1517,Terminal Tower,Clevclxtil,Ohio .i4113 V.F.Uohman,(Alternate to ltr.Van tlorn),Uell Telcphone Laboratories,Inc.,161 West St.,Sc-.U.F.Borges,Wrought Washer Mfg.Cu.,2100 South Bay St.,lilwaukee.Wisconsin F.J.lorowsky,President,George K.Garrett Division,SISL Industries,Inc.,lorresdale Ave.9 J.A.Doxail,Engineering Rescarch,


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