ASME NUM-1-2004(Revision of ASME NUM-1-2000)Rules forConstruction ofCranes,Monorails,and Hoists(WithBridge or Trolleyor Hoist of theUnderhung Type)AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDThe American Society ofMechanical EngineersNo reproducion or working permitted wihou lioese from HSNot for ResaleASME NUM-1-2004(Revision of ASME NUM-1-2000)Rules forConstruction ofCranes,Monorails,and Hoists(WithBridge or Trolleyor Hoist of theUnderhung Type)AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDThe American Society ofMechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue New York,NY 10016Notfor Psae