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1、基础速测(八)(限时:15分钟).根据句意及所给中文提示,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填一词。1.This activity showed us the(重要性) of protecting our environment.2.Go (径直地) on and youll find the museum on your right.3.Its our duty to (献身) ourselves to protecting the environment.4.Beijing is the (首都) of China and there are many places of interest ther

2、e.5.If you havent seen the film, you cant (想象) how exciting it is.6.Because of the strong winds, the forest fire (扩散) very fast and the government had to use some helicopters(直升机) to put it out.7.Eating (健康地) is very important to everyone.8.In China and Japan, it is considered (不礼貌的) to be late for

3、a social activity.9.Our teacher asked us to keep a (日记) every day.10.We all know that Thomas Edison (发明) the light bulb.根据句意及首字母提示,或所给英文解释,写出句中所缺单词,每空限填一词。1.Lets play computer games after school.It s just a w of time. We should do some reading instead.2.Many students took part in the writing competi

4、tion. Each of the w in the competition will get a special gift.3.You should tell your parents that you need s when you are studying at home.4.We should believe the old saying “Practise makes p” in our study.5.Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are my favourite c. They bring me a lot of happiness during my

5、 growth.6.More and more wild animals are killed by humans. We should make laws to (stop sth. from happening) it.7.He has few friends, so he often feels (not happy because of being alone)8.What should I do to (make sth. better) my spoken English?You should practise pronouncing each word correctly and

6、 speaking more.9.There is a (very large) glass ball at Times Square in New York.10.Here is a park with (more than two) lakes, hills and a large green lawn in the centre of the city. It is a good place for people to relax at the weekend.根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Grandparents grow many (tomato) e

7、very year because we like eating them very much.2.Your room is too dark. Why not (turn) on the light?3.The family moved into a new flat last month and they live on the (twelve) floor now.4.The Great Wall runs across the (north) part of our country.5.The young man has (little) money than us, but he i

8、s generous and often donates it to Project Hope.6.A fashion show will take place in our class. I dont know what (wear).7.I think watching this match is (simple) a waste of time. I have no interest in it.8.In the test, Bill made many mistakes because of his (care).9.Jack and Peter are friends, and th

9、ey can share (feel) with each other.10.The high-speed railway (connect)Hong Kong and Guangzhou was open to the public on Sep.23rd, 2023.根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。1.将来人工智能机器人能像人类一样思考吗?Can AI robots think like humans ?2.写作占去了我四分之三的假期,但我乐在其中。Writing took up three quarters of my holiday, but I .3.当我度假时我姐姐帮我照看

10、猫咪。My sister will take care of my cat when I am.4.应当允许青少年做出自己的决定。Teenagers should be allowed to .5.那只兔子如此胖以至于无法穿过那个洞。The rabbit was so fat that it couldnt the hole.【2023学年参考答案】.1.importance2.straight3.devote4.capital5.imagine6.spread7.healthily8.impolite9.diary10.invented.1.waste2.winners3.silence4.perfect5.cartoons6.prevent7.lonely8.improve9.huge10.several.1.tomatoes2.turn3.twelfth4.northern5.less6.to wear7.simply8.carelessness9.feelings10.connecting.1.in the future2.enjoyed myself3.on holiday4.make their own decision(s)5.go through3


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