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1、Designation:E252107aStandard Terminology forUrban Search and Rescue Robotic Operations1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2521;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in pa

2、rentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1 This terminology covers terms associated with UrbanSearch and Rescue(US&R)Robotics.By providing a commonand consistent lexicon,the purpose of this docu

3、ment is tofacilitate communication between individuals who may beinvolved in the research,design,and deployment of robots forUS&R operations.1.2 In order for the standard to be harmonious with thepractices in the field,definitions have been drawn from theliterature or other public sources when possi

4、ble.When newconcepts require definitions be drafted,or existing definitionsbe updated,a consensus-based approach will be employed toresolve them.The development of this standard is taking placein close coordination with the corresponding efforts in E54.08and E54.92 to ensure comprehensive and consis

5、tent coverage.2.Terminology2.1 Definitions:cache,nstock of tools,equipment,and supplies stored in adesignated location.DISCUSSIONOrganizations may standardize the items on the cachelists and the availability of the items.See Ref(1).2collapse hazard zone,narea established by the responsibleofficial f

6、or the purpose of controlling all access to an areathat could be impacted or affected by building collapse,falling debris,or other associated types of hazards includingelectrical,chemical,water,and aftershocks.DISCUSSIONThe area could contain a building or multiplestructures,above ground or undergro

7、und.A collapse hazard zone canalso be established when an occurrence of such disasters is deemedhighly probable or when a building is determined to be structurallyunsustainable.See Ref(1).emergency response team(ERT),nteam assembled by theinvolved organization in response to the occurrence of adisas

8、ter.DISCUSSIONThe composition,size,and capability of the team mayvary based on the nature and size of the disaster.See Ref(1).human robot interaction/interface(HRI),n(1)physicalactivities that users engage with robots to perform assignedtasks;(2)physical devices that facilitate the aforementionedact

9、ivities;(3)logical design and description of planned andanticipated interactions between the robot and the user.SeeRef(2).mission planning,nprocess used to generate tactical goals,routes,tasks,commanding structures,coordination,andtiming.DISCUSSIONThe mission plans can be generated either in advance

10、 orin real-time,can be generated either by an operator on an operatorcontrol unit or by the onboard software systems in either centralized ordistributed ways.The mission plans can be general or specific and canbe for a single robot or for teams of them.See Ref(2).mixed initiative control,ntype of co

11、ntrol for robotic sys-tems with which both the operator and the robot can take theinitiative to perform the assigned missions or tasks.remote control,ncontinuously controlling a robot from aseparate location and under direct observation.robot,nmechanical system designed to be able to control itssens

12、ing and acting for the purpose of achieving goals in thephysical world.sensor fusion,nprocess that combines,integrates,orcorrelates,or a combination thereof,data generated bymultiple sensory sources to create information that fits theneeds,including decision-making and display for user.DISCUSSIONThe

13、 fusion techniques include detection and classifica-tion.teleoperation,vcontrolling a distant robot on a continuousbasis and being provided with sensory or controlinformation,or both,through means other than direct obser-vation.See Ref(3).world model,nrobots internal representation of the world itis

14、 aware of,consisting of the parts of the environment thatare of interest to the robot and the operator.DISCUSSIONThe world model may include entitiesincluding therobot itself,objects in the environment,maps,and images.Theindividual representations may be complete or incomplete and may beassociated w

15、ith various levels of confidence.The world model may also1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E54 onHomeland Security Applications and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeE54.08 on Operational Equipment.Current edition approved Aug.1,2007.Published August 2007.Origin

16、allyapproved in 2007.Last previous edition approved in 2007 as E2521 07.DOI:10.1520/E2521-07A.2The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end ofthis standard.Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 contain information on how these individual elements might be relatedand how they might form certain situations given certain conditionsand,thus,affect robotic operations in particular ways.See Albus et


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