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1、m Designation:o 799-74(Reapproved 1995)Standard Specification for Liquid Toilet Soap 1 Tins stand;ud is issued under the fixed dcs;anation D 7)soap).2.Referenced Document 2.1 ASTM Standard:0460 Test Methods for Sampling and Chemical Analysis of Soaps and Soap Products1 3.Ordering Information 3.1 The

2、 material r.hall he purchased by net volume of soap as received.One gallon(3.6 lit res)or liquid soap is equal to 231 in.J(37lm tml at liOOF(15.5C).4.Genernl Recruiremcnrs 4.1 Typt A shall be a clear,uniform solution of potash soap in water,with or without glycerol or alcohol.The soap shall be produ

3、ced by the saponification of either whole veg-etable oils or distilled fatty acids or both,or rosin acids,with caustic potash.It shall be ready for use and shall form a satisfactory lather.4.2 Type B shall be a concentrate containing sufficient organic sequestering agent that when the concentrate is

4、 di-luted for use with 1.5 parts of ordinary tap water a clear stable solution having satisfactory lathering properties will result.4.3 Both types shall be mildly perfumed.The odor shall not be objectionable in the soap as received,or in a hot 1 This specification is untler jurisdiction of ASTM Comm

5、ittee D-12 on Soaps and Other Detersents and is the dir(ct responsibility of Subcommittee 012.22 on Specifications for Soaps and Synthetic Detergents.Current edition approved April 29,1974.Published June 1974.Originally published as D 799-44.Last previous cditinn D 799-69.Annual Book of ASTM Standar

6、ds,Vol 15.114.solution of the soap in water.The material shall not leave any ObJectionable odor on the skin or other surfaces.after washing with a water solution of the soap and rinsing thoroughly with plain water.4.4 Neither type shall have any undue corrosive action on the containers,liquid soap J

7、ines,dispensers,or valves.5.Chemical Composition 5.1 Liquid toilet soap shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table I.All constituents shall be calculated on the basis of the soap as received.6.Methods of Sampling and Analysis 6.1 The material shall be sampled an

8、d analyzed in accor-dance with Test Methods D 460.The purchaser shall have the right to use any additional available information to ascertain whether the material conforms to this specification.1.Keyword 7.1 toilet soap TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements Type A Total anhydrous soap,calculated as potash s

9、oap,15.0 min,Free alkati,calculated as KOH,max,!1.0.05 Free acid,calculated as oleic acid,max,%0.1 Matter insoluble in alcohol,max.!1.0.5 Maner insoluble in water,max,t.0.1 Chlorides.calculated as KCI,max,JIo 0.3 SuHates.max trace poni!ied plus unsaponiflable matter,max.%0.6 Titer of mixed fatty aci

10、ds,max Acid number ol mixed fatty acids max 270 min 215 Rosin acids,max 1.0 pH(5!1.solution)max 10.2 Organic sequestering agent.min Type B 30.0 0.12 0.2 1.2 0.2 0.7 trace 1.4 32 270 215 2.3 10.2 A A Type B shall contain sufficient organic sequestering agent to give a clear solution when one part of

11、the concentrate is diluted with 1.5 parts of water having 11 hardness of 300 ppm as caidum carbonate.The American Soc/ely for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned In this standard.Users of this standard ar

12、e e11prass/y advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of Infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standB!d Is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical commitlee and must be reviewed evety five years and if nol

13、 revised,either reapproved or wlthdrllWn.Yoor comments are invited either for revision of this standard or tor addltiorW standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a mttetlng of the responsible technical commintte,which you mey anend.If

14、 you fttel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your vlllWs known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,1916 Race st.,Philadelphia,PA 19103.81 NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.


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