1、Designation:D593696StandardSpecificationforMultipurposeTestSpecimensUsedforTestingPlastics1Thisst a ndar disissuedundert hefixeddesignationD5936;t henum berim m ediat elyfollowingt hedesignat ionindicat est heyearoforiginaladopt ionor,int heca seofrevision,t heyearoflastr evision.Anum berinpar enthe
2、sesindicat est heyea roflastreapproval.Asuperscriptepsilon(e)indica t esanedit or ialchangesincet helastrevisionorreapproval.1.Scope1.1Thisst a nda rdspecifiesrequirem ent srela t ingt om ulti-purposet estspecimensforpla st icm ouldingm a t eria lsint endedforprocessingbyinject ionordirectcom pressi
3、onm oulding.1.2Specim ensofTypesAa ndBa retensilet estspecim ens,fromwhichwit hsim plem a chining,specim ensforava riet yofot hert est sca nbet a k en(seeTa ble1).Beca uset heyha vesuchwideut ilit y,t heset ensilespecim ensa r ereferredt oint hisISOst a nda rda sm ult ipurposet estspecim ens.1.3Thep
4、rincipa la dva nt a geofam ult ipurposet estspecim enist ha tita llowsa llthet estm et hodsm ent ionedinTa ble1t obeca rriedoutont heba sisofcom pa ra blem ouldings.Conse-quent ly,t hepropert iesm ea sureda recoherenta sa lla rem ea suredwit hspecim ensinthesa m est a t e.Inot herwords,itca nbeexpec
5、t edt ha tt estresult sforagivensetofspecim enswillnotva rya pprecia blyduet ounint ent iona llydifferentm ouldingcondit ions.Ont heot herha nd,ifdesired,t heinfluenceofmouldingcondit ionsordifferentst a t esoft hespecim ens,orbot h,ca nbea ssessedwit houtdifficult yfora lloft hepropert iesm ea sur
6、ed.1.4Forqua lit y-cont r olpur poses,them ult ipurposet estspecim enm a yservea saconvenientsourceoffurt herspeci-m ensnotrea dilya va ila ble.Furt herm ore,t hefa ctt ha tonlyonem ouldisrequiredm a ybea dva nt a geous.1.5Theuseofm ult ipurposet estspecim enssha llbea greeduponbyt heint erestedpa r
7、t ies,beca uset herem a ybesignifica ntdifferencesbet weenpropert iesoft hem ult ipurposet estspeci-m ensa ndt hosespecifiedinthereleva ntt estm et hods.1.6Thisst a nda rdisident ica lt oISO3167.1.7Th i sstan darddoesn otpurporttoaddressallofthesafetyc on c ern s,i fan y,assoc i atedw i thi tsuse.It
8、i stherespon si bi li tyofth euserofth i sstan dardtoestabli shappro-pri atesafetyan dh ealthprac ti c esan ddetermi n eth eappli c a-bi li tyofregulatoryli mi tati on spri ortouse.2.Refer encedDocument s2.1ASTMStan dards:D5937TestMet hodforDet erm ina t ionofTensilePr oper-t iesofMouldinga ndExt ru
9、sionPla st ics2D5939Pra ct iceforPrepa ringMult ipurposeTestSpecim ensa ndBa rsofTherm opla st icsbyInject ionMoulding2D5940Pra ct iceforPrepa ringSm a llPla t eTestSpecim ensofTherm opla st icsbyInject ionMoulding2D5941TestMet hodforDet erm iningt heIzodImpa ctSt rengt hofPla stics2D5942TestMethodf
10、orDeterminingCharpyImpactSt rengt hofPla stics2D5943TestMet hodforDet erm iningFlexura lPropert iesofPla st ics2D5944GuideforDescribingt heGenera lPrinciplesforDet erm iningt heTem pera t ureofDeflect ionofPla st icsUnderLoa d2D5945TestMet hodforDet erm iningTem pera t ureofDe-flectionofPla st icsa
11、ndEbonit eUnderLoa d22.2ISOStan dards:3ISO75:1987Pla st icsa ndEbonit eDet erm ina t ionofTem-pera t ureofDeflect ionUnderLoa d1Thisspecificat ionisundert hejurisdict ionofASTMCom m it t eeD-20onPlasticsandist hedirectr esponsibilit yofSubcom m it t eeD20.61onUSATechnicalAdvisor yGroupforISO/TC61onP
12、last ics.Curr entedit iona ppr ovedJune10,1996.PublishedAugust1996.2An n ualB ookofASTMStan dards,Vol08.03.3AvailablefromAm er icanNat iona lSt anda r dsInst it ute,11W.42ndSt.,13t hFloor,NewYork,NY10036.TABLE1RecommendedApplicationsforMultipurposeTestSpecimensorPartsMethodReferenceATypeofSpecimenor
14、engthtensileISO82568031034TemperatureofdeflectionunderloadISO75(GuideD5944andTestMethodD5945)(110or80)31034V icatsofteningtemperatureISO3061031034Hardness,ballindentationISO2039-1(20)32034EnvironmentalstresscrackingISO4599ISO4600AorBor8031034DensityISO1183,MethodA3031034OxygenindexISO45898031034Comp
15、arativetrackingindex(CTI)IEC1121531534ElectrolyticcorrosionIEC4263031034Linearexpansion3031034ASeeSection2.1AMERICANSOCIETYFORTESTINGA NDMATERIALS100BarrHarborDr.,WestConshohocken,PA19428Reprint edfromtheAnnualBookofASTMStandards.CopyrightA STMNOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and repl
16、aced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.Downloaded/printed byUniver sit y of Edinbur gh(Universit y of Edinburgh)pursuant t o License Agreem ent.No fur t her repr oduct ions aut horized.ISO178:1993Pla st icsDet er m ina t ionofFlexura lProper-t iesISO179:1993Pla st icsDet er m ina t ionofCha rpyIm pa ctSt rengt hISO180:1993PlasticsDeterminationofIzodImpactSt rengt hISO293:1986PlasticsCompressionMouldingTestSpecim ensofTherm opla st