1、 D 607408 STANDARD GUIDE FOR CHARACTERIZING HYDROCARBON LUBRICANT BASE OILS ():2380-14/ASTM :18.06.2014 2014 (ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International ,ASTM International.-,ASTM International ,.This translation is executed by FBU“CIC“Interstandard”of F
2、ederal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology under the license of American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM International)100 rr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA 19428,USA.ASTM International does not approve and does not confirm these translations and in any cases only the English vers
3、ion published with a sign of ASTM International copyright can be considered as the original version.Reproduction of the specified translations by any Party,except for ASTM International or FBU“CIC“Interstandard”,is strictly forbidden according to the USA legislation and international copyright.-,.9,
4、-49,-1,119991.:(499)236-54-49:(499)230-13-72 E-mail:interstgost.ru http:/www.interstandart.ru/ASTM D 6074-08 D 607408 1 D 6074;,.().ASTM D02 .,.,1 ASTM D02 D02.P0 .15 2008.2008.1998.2005.D6074-99(2005).DOI:10.1520/D6074-08.1ASTM D 6074-08 .,.,.1.*1.1 ,.,.1.2 ,.1.3 ,.,2 40 2/()100C(50 3740 100F).1.4,
5、.*2ASTM D 6074-08 1.5 ,.,.2.2.1 ASTM:2 D 91 D 92 D 97 D 130 ()D 189 D 445 ()D 524 D 664 D 974 D 1298 ,2 ASTM,ASTM:www.astm.org ASTM :serviceastm.org.ASTM.Document Summary ASTM.3ASTM D 6074-08()API D 1401 D 1500 ASTM(ASTM)D 1744 D 2007 -D 2270 40 100C D 2622 D 2887 D 2896 D 3120 D 4052 ,API()D 4057 D
6、 4059 D 4175 ,4ASTM D 6074-08 D 4291 D 4294 D 4530 ()D 4628 ,D 4629 ,D 4739 D 4927 ,D 4929 D 4951 -D 5185 ,-(ICP-AES)D 5480 5ASTM D 6074-08 D 7042 ()E 1687 ,2.2 :EPA8120 -(EPA SW-846)3 2.3 :IP 346 4 CEC L-40-A-93 (NOACK)5 JPI-5S-41-93 B.(NOACK)6 29 CFR,1910.,50(245),.5182-5185.7 3.3.1:3 U.S.EPA,-,SW
7、-846.:Washington,DC 20402.4 .2.:London,61 New Cavendish St.,W.I.,England.5 :Rue De La Loi,B-1049B Rux Elles,Belgium.6 :Keidanren Kaikan,9-4 Ohtemachi 1-Chome,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo.7 :Washington,DC 20402.6ASTM D 6074-08 3.1.1 ,.D4175 ASTM .3.1.2 ,.3.1.3 ,().3.1.4 ,. ,-.,-.,.4.4.1 ,.,7ASTM D 6074-08
8、 ,.5.5.1 ,.,.,.,X1,.5.2 ,.5.3 ,.,.5.4 ,.8ASTM D 6074-08 .6.6.1 .,D4057 .7.7.1 :7.1.1 .,.7.1.2 .,-.7.1.3 ,9ASTM D 6074-08 .,.7.1.4 .,(HPLC),(SFC)(TLC).,.,E1687 IP 346,(,).1 .7.1.5 ,.1 2,.,.10ASTM D 6074-08 7.1.6 ,(,DXXXX.).1 A,D 1500 15C,/3 D 1298,D 4052 ,C D 92 40C 100C,2/()D 445,D 7042 ,C D 97 D 22
9、70 371C,%D 2887,D 5480%NOACK(CEC L-40-A-93 JPI-5S-41-93)(),30,D 1401 ,%D 524,D 189,D 4530,/D 4629 D 91 ,%D 2007,%D 2622,D 4294,D 3120 A ,.X1.X1. :7.2.1 ,. . ,11ASTM D 6074-08 ,.:D02-1416.8 2 A,KOH/0,10 D 974,D 664 ,KOH/0,30 D 4739,D 2896 ,/50 D 4929 ,3 100C 1 D 130 ,/:Mg,Na,Ba,C
10、u,B,Pb,Mn,Ni,Si D 5185 Al,As,Cd,Ca,Fe,P,Zn,Cr,Sn (D 4628,D 4927,D 4951 25 ),/5 D 4291 ,/2 D 4059 ,/5 EPA 8120,/150 D 1744 C,D,E E 1687,(DMSO),%IP 346 F G :-/(%)A ,.B.X1.(,).,E 1687 IP 346.-,8 -ASTM International RR:D02-1416.12ASTM D 6074-08 .D .E .X2.F ,.G.X1. X1.8.8.1 ;,()X1.X1.1 X1.1.1 ,.
11、(,.).,.X1.1.2 ,13ASTM D 6074-08.,.X1.1.3 15C 60F .X1.1.4 .,.X1.1.5 .,.X1.1.6 ,.14ASTM D 6074-08,().X1.1.7 -,40C 100C.X1.1.8 ,.,.X1.1.9 (),.-.X1.3.9.X1.2 X1.2.1 ,.,.15ASTM D 6074-08 X1.2.2 ,.,.X1.2.3 ,.,.X1.2.4 .,.X1.2.5 .,.X1.3.4.X1.3 X1.3.1 ,16ASTM D 6074-08 ,.,.X1.3.2 ,.X1.3.3 .X1.3.7 X1.3.8.X1.3.
12、4 ,.X1.3.5 ,.,17ASTM D 6074-08 ,.X1.3.6 ,.,.X1.3.7 ,().,.,.X1.3.8 ,.,.X1.3.3.X1.3.9 (18ASTM D 6074-08 .X1.1.9),.X1.4 X1.4.1 (MI)E1687 .-,.,.,(MI),.,MI IP 346(.X1.4.2).,(,.X1.4.3).E 1687 ,18 40C(90 100F),MI ,19ASTM D 6074-08 .(1,2)9.X1.4.2,(DMSO)(),.,.,.X1.4.2.1 IP 346 ,(DMSO).,300C.,3 7 (),.X1.4.2.2
13、 DMSO ,.DMSO 9 ,.20ASTM D 6074-08 ,.X1.4.2.3 ,.,E 1687(.X1.4.1).,(,.X1.4.3)(3).X1.4.3 ,/.25 100 -18 .:,.21ASTM D 6074-08 (4,5).X2.X2.1 X2.1.1 ,.,.X2.1.2 29 CFR,1910.(OSHA)IARC(),(6,7).OSHA .,.OSHA (8)(.29 CFR,1910).OSHA ,22ASTM D 6074-08 (29 CFR,1910).X2.1.3 (9).,(),3%,DMSO,IP 346.IP 346 ().,DMSO(3)
14、.X2.1.4 ,.,(OSHA).,.X2.2 ./,(10,11).,23ASTM D 6074-08 ,/.,(12).,.X3.X3.1 ,.X3.1.1 ,.,.(13,14).,-,24ASTM D 6074-08 ,(OECD),(US NTP),.(15,16,17).X3.1.2,(DMSO)(IP 346)IP 346 ().,;/(18).,3%,DMSO,IP 346(9).IP 346 ,(9).X3.1.2.1 IP 346 IP 346,(CONCAWE)25ASTM D 6074-08(9,18).:(1)IP 346 ()1 15%()(),300C ,5%-
15、.,.(2)IP 346 ,.(3),/IP 346.X3.1.3 (MI)E1687(),.,;/(19,20,21).,/26ASTM D 6074-08 .X3.1.3.1 E1687.:(1).(2),PNA(),.,.(3),PNA,250C(,18 40),(550).(1)Blackburn,G.R.,Deitch,R.A.,Schreiner,A.,Mehlman,M.A.,and Mackerer,C.R.,Estimation of Dermal Carcinogenic Activity of Petroleum Fractions Using a Modified Am
16、es Assay(),Cell Biology and Toxicology,Vol 1(1),1984,pp.40-48.(2)Skisak,M.,Venier,M.,and Baker,D.O.,Ames Tests of Lubricating Oil Products:The Mutagenic Potency Index(27ASTM D 6074-08.),In Vitro Toxicology,Vol 1,1987,pp.263-276.(3)CONCAWE Report No.94/51,The Use of the Dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO)Extract by the IP346 Method as an Indicator of the Carcinogenicity of Lubricant basic oils and Distillate Aromatic Extracts(DMSO)IP 346 ),The Hague,Netherland,February 1994.(4)McKee,R.H.,Lewis,S.C.,and Egan,