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1、=900927b O020102 bL?Designation:D 31 1-84 4Ib,W E R I C A N SOCIETY FOR TESTING ANDMATERIALS 1916 Rato St.,Phikddphb.Pa.19103 Reprinted from the Annual Book of Am ses.Copyrmt ASlN If not listed in the current combinad index,will wr in the next dition,Standard Method for SIEVE ANALYSIS OF CRUSHED BIT

2、UMINOUS COAL This standard is issued under the fixed designation O31 1;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision.the year of iasl revision.A number in parentheses indicae the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(t)ind

3、icates an editonal change since the last eviuon or reapproval.1.Scope 1.1 This method covers the sieve analysis of rather coarsely crushed bituminous coal,less than 112 in.(37.5 mm)in size,such as is charged into coke ovens.It is not applicable to the testing of powdered coal as used in boiler plant

4、s.i.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.i.3 This standard may involve hazardous ma-terials,operations,and equipment.This standard does not purport to address all o f the safely prob lems associated with its use.It is the responsibil-ity qf whoever uses ihis sta

5、ndard to consult and establish uppropriare safity and healih practices and dcierrnine ihr applicability o f regulalory lirni-tations prior to use.2.Applicable Documents 2.1 ASTM Srandards:D346 Method of Collection and Preparation 19.0 mm 26.5 mm 0.750 1.o6 4.2 Sieves of double-crmped wire with circu

6、-lar frames about 18 in.(457 mm)in diameter are satisfactory.5.Collection of G r o s s -pie 5.2 For collecting gros samples of crushed bituminous coal,the procedure described in Method D 4 I O shall apply.6.Preparation of Laboratory Sample 6.1 The gross sample of coal shall be thor-oughly mixed and

7、reduced by quartering,with-out crushing,to a laboratory sample of approxi-mately 60 ib(27 kg)in accordance with Method D346 and Method D410.In case the coal is wet,airdry the gross sample before redpction to the 60-lb laboratory sample.of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis D 4 1 O Method of Sieve

8、Analysis of Coal2 E 11 Specification for Wire-Cloth Sieves for 7.Procedure 7.1 Accurately weigh the laboratory sample(approximately 60 Ib(27 kg).starting with the sieve having the largest opening,sieve the labo-ratory sample of coal in such increments as will allow the pieces to be in direct contact

9、 with the meshes after the completion of the shaking of each increment.In shake the coal rather Testing Purposes3 3.Significance and Use 3.1 This method concerns the separation of crushed bituminous into definite size fractions for puvoses Of characterizing the for vigorously,in order to upend the p

10、ieces,further processing or for commercial purposes.practically no more coal will pass through the 4.Sieves 4.1 Square-hole sieves of the following sieve openings,conforming to Specification E 1 1,shall be used:Size Sieve Opening,in.3.35 mm(No.6)4.75 mm(No.4)O.I32 O.187 6.7 rnm 0.265 9.5 rnm 0.375 1

11、3.2 mrn 0.530 openings.Weigh separately the coal retained on each sieve and that which passes the smallest sieve.This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-5 on Coal and Coke and i s the d i r e c t responsibility of Sub-committee W5.07 on PhyPd charaaeristics of Coal.Current edition

12、approved Nov.M,1984.Published January 1985.Originally published as D31 I-29T.Last previous edi-tion D3 l l-30(1976).Annual Book ofASTMStundarh,Vol 05.05.Annual Book ofASTMSlandards.Vol 14.02.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM In

13、ternational(www.astm.org)for the latest information.8.Report 8.1 The sieve analysis of the coal shall be reported in percentage to the nearest 0.1%as follows:26.5-mm sieve 26.5-mm sieve.19.0-mrn sieve 19.0-mm sieve.13.2-mm sieve 13.2-mm sieve.9.5-mm sieve 9.5-mm sieve.9.Precision and Bias 8.2 In cas

14、e the sum of the percentages does not total 100.0,correct the quantity passing through the smallest sieve so that the total will be 100.0.However,if the sum of the weights retained on each sieve and that which passes the smallest sieve shows a loss of over 0.5%,reject the analysis and make another t

15、est.Passing Retained on percent 6.7-mm sieve 6.7-mm sieve.9.1 The precision and bias of this method is 4.75-mm sieve 4.75-mm sieve.3.35-mm sieve 3.35-mm sieve.being investigated by a task group.At this time,Toul 100.0 these values have not been determined.The American Societ.vj)r Testing and Materia

16、ls takes no posirion respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any irem mentioned in his standard.Users of this standard are express1.v advised rhat determination ofthe vaiidity of an-v such patent rights.and the risk o f infiinRement ojsuch rights.are entirely heir own responsibilily.This standard i s subject to revision at any rime by the responsible technical committee and murt be reviewed everyjive years and fnot revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comm


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