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1、/-of-Y S ASTM D4173 82 0757530 0034134 4 I I Designation:D 41 73-82#Il AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS.1916 Race St.,Philadelphia,Pa.19103 Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Copyright ASTM If not listed in the current combined index,will appear in the next edition.Standard P

2、ractice for EVALUATING SHEET METAL FORMING LUBRICANT This standard is issued under the fxed designation D 4173;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of l

3、ast reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTION A selection of tests is recommended.The major purpose is to standardize the variables possible with available equipment and procedures and to provide data significant to lubricatio

4、n during press forming.More than a single test will be required to completely evaluate a product.Prediction of a lubricants effectiveness in making a specific part has been based mainly on prior experience with similar processes.T h i s has led to empirical formulations,occasional lubricant failures

5、,and high plant inventories of drawing compounds of similar formulations.Pretesting with procedures effective to lubricant selection relating to end use should make lubricant selection and factory testing more efficient.Existing tests were examined as they related to manufacturing processes.Friction

6、 in some metal-forming processes may be reflected to some extent in the four-ball test,disk and b-all,pin and ring,etc.,but they do not include vital factors such as appropriate sheet material used in stampings.O n l y tests that include sheet stock and that reflect other conditions in forming press

7、es are considered to be realistic.It is recognized that a single type of simulative laboratory test cannot closely correspond to the variety of parameters encountered in drawing various parts.Some relationships exist between some laboratory tests and major forming parameters such as stretch and draw

8、.Studies using these tests have led to analytical methods such as shape analysis and forming limit diagrams.Lubrication variations during these tests have been found to rank the lubricants,and a number of industries have been using these rankings in preliminary evaluations.However,care is required t

9、o separate the tests significant to lubrication from those portions of the tests which test the mechanical properties of the metal in use.The laboratory tests presently tend to fall into two groups based on sliding of strip stock and cup-forming tests.In the fmt group are strips sliding between flat

10、 blocks or draw beads.The second group includes stretching over punch nose,deep drawing,and bending.Factors observed in press forming include:1.Sliding of sheet metal over tooling surfaces=friction 2.Pressure variations on the sheet surface 3.Speed variations during a forming stroke 4.Elongation of

11、sheet metal in one direction only=plane strain 5.Elongation of sheet metal in two directions=biaxial stretch This practice is under the jurisdicfion of ASTM Commitfee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants.Current edition approved Aug.27,1982.Published December 1982.-.-F t _L_ 1 NOTICE:This standa

12、rd has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.ASTM D4373 82 m 0757510 0034335 b m-6.Elongation in one direction and contraction in the other=deep draw 7.Bending along a straight or curved line.The relati

13、ve effect of each factor on the final result is modified by every other factor present.For instance,speed is important because many drawing lubricants respond to it in a non-Newtonian manner.Results are also affected strongly by:temperature,tool surface hardness,roughness,tool geometry such as die r

14、ing and draw beads radii,forming and clamping pressures whether application is mechanical or hydraulic,cup size,which parameters are measured and methods of measurement;also specific properties of the sheet metal stock including pertinent physical properties,age hardening,and surface roughness.The p

15、receding factors may or may not be present in a specific test.Those present are:a.Sliding strip test(flat dies)-1 b.Sliding strip tests(beaded dies)-l,-2,4,7 c.Biaxial stretch cup tests-l,2,3,4,5,7 d.Deep draw cup tests-l,2,3,5,6,7 Nom I-Underlined fact&are fact%of greater importance.Tests for compl

16、ete evaluation of lubricating and mechanical drawing properties would be desired to give data significant to each of the above properties.Standardization i s essential to correlate the data obtained and to determine the applicability of this data to press forming.Although lubrication on different types of test apparatus gives different results,our test results(see Appendix X1 Figs.X1.1 through X1.12)indicate the possibility of similar rankings among drawing lubricants even with somewhat differen


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