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1、 Designation:0 2393-86 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1916 Race St.,PhiladelphIa,Pa.19103 Repr.lnted Irom the Annual Book 01 ASTM Standards.Copyrlghl ASTM II not listed in the Current combined inde.will appear In the next edition.Standard TEtst Method for VISCOSITY OF EPOXY RESINS AND RE

2、LATED COMPONENTS1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 393:the numhcr immlodiatdy following the desinatilln indkatls the lar llf original udoption or.in the lase of revision,the year of last reision.A numhcr in parentheses indkatcs th,lar uflJM reapprllal.A sUJ)l:r5eript epsilon(c)i

3、ndilUtes an editorial change since the last reisiun or reappnwal./1,;.II/.tl/llclllll.CII IIp/mllltI;,IISI II.WIlIiI_ 1!tthl/)I/lIrtmlIIII,(lh:/(l/SI,II/e/;Iiwill.c/I,h./l,!IlIcI,.,S,nti,dllrl/.111/1/Stili/clunk-I.Scope 1.1 This tcst method covcrs the mcasurt:t11cnt of tltl viscosity or epoxy resins

4、.other epoxidized compounds.modificrs.and diluents uscd in Ihr-mulating cpoxy systcms.ljquid curing tgents that clTect the hardening of epoxy resins.and t:poxy resin-curing agent systems or mixtures.1.2 The viscosity of other liquid materials.either dear or opaque.can he determined hy this test meth

5、od.1.3 While the test method described is vulid I()r viscosities hctwcen 0.1 and 2000 Pa s(IOU and:!000 UOO cPl.the usc of u kinematic method of measurement is recommended-I()r viscosities hetween()and U.5 Pu s(0 and 500 cPl.NOTI I-For untilled systems.mnre precise results may he ohtuincd hy using a

6、 kinematic pflleedurc Itlr visc(lsities up to 50 Pas(50 non cPl.1.4 1llis s(ill/e/ard 1I1l1.l il/lOb IW=lIrc!Olls ilia-eria/s.O/I(llIliofl.i.(II1l/eqllip1llel/(.nlis slalldard dolS/1111 fllfI11Or/(0 address all(!the s(/i.I.!prob-/ellls 1I.uocitl/(c/wilh_ il.i liS.II i.Ih,lCs/IOII.ibi/-iff(!IIIIC IIs

7、(r(lhis slandard(I C.whlish C11IO-Witllc sqli.l.l alld hea/lh WliClic(s lIlIt!de/ermine Ih(lIPplicabili/y(!rlCl!lIll11or.l limi/aliolls,/ior/0 11.(.2.Referenced Documents 2.1.1ST;!SIt/Ile/lllll:D I R:!4 Test Method lor Apparent Viscosity of Plaslisols and Organosols at Low Shear Rates hy Brookfield

8、Viscometer E I Specifications ror ASTM Thermometers I.3.Sinificance and lsc 3,1 The procldures for tlsling permit the ue-lurate determination of the yiscosity of materials within the range from 0.1 to:!OOO Pa s(I no to:!000 000 lP),J.:!Thl tests Illay he used Itlr hoth the lhar-ucteriling I1d thl qu

9、ality lontroltesting.of liquid materials.3.3 This pnllldure is related to Tlst MClhud D I H.t,hut is uf morl glIllml:1pplkltilln.Apparatus 4.1 J is(oll/(/(r.Brooklield Model RVF or equi,alCnt.Nml 2-This test ml!thud is hasl!d un thl!US!or a Rruuklkld isellmeter.Any othlr lllmparahlc isloill-ctl!r ma

10、y hi!uSl!d.pfllidcd that thl limitatillns an(i procedures SllClilicd hy the manutulturcr arc 1l)Il11W.N(ll:J-Any jSlllmctlr must he ched;cd tiJr at:-CUnlly against standard liquids nwering the nornial range of llpl!ration of the instrumcnt.The time lupse hetwcen lhecks must not cxcl:cd 6 months.A dc

11、lCltin instrument must hl recalihratcd hl!lorc further usc,prclcmhly hy the munufacturer of the instrument.4.2/Jail!.temperature-controlled.controlla-hIe to O.I C(O,2F).either oil or water type.4.3 71/(,.11/0111/(1.Cclsius.with 0.1 divisions.I This test method is under the jurisdiction or ASTM Com m

12、ittee D-:!()on Plastks and is the direct responsibility of Sub-commillee 020.16 on Thermosetting Materials.(urrent edition approved July 25.19116.Published Septem-ber 19116.Originally published as 02393-bS T.Last previuus edition 02393-110.11/1/111/Bok r.ofS7:(SlUlIdard.Vol OR.O:!.).4l1l1l/al Bt/ok

13、t!rAST./Standards.Vols 05.03 and 14.01.Available from Brookfield Engineering Laboratories.hiC.Stoughton.MA.NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.or Fahrenheit.with 0.2 divisions

14、.A suitable ther-mometer is ASTM Solidification Point Ther-mometer having a range from 20 to 500e and conforming to the requirements for Thermome-ter 91 e as prescribed in Specifications E 1.For other temperature ranges.other ASTM standard thermometers are available.4.4 Glass Beaker.600-mL capacity.

15、or t-qt open-top paint can.approximately J 0.4 cm(4.l25 in.)in diameter and 11.8 cm(4.625 in.)deep.5.Conditioning 5.1 Cover the sample and place in a temper-ature-controlled bath at the test temperature for at least 4 h prior to being tested.or for however much longer time is needed for aIt parts of

16、 the sample to reach the test temperature within O.Ie(0.2F).This conditioning may be car-ried out in the beaker or can in which the mea-surements arcto be made.NOTE 4-lr the sample is a reacting mixture.such as a mixture or a resin with a hardener or catalyst.the resin component and.the har.dener component shall be brought to the test temperature separately.hen both components have reached the test temperature.the resin and hardener shall be combined by slow agitation with a stirring rod or mixi


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