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1、ASTM D2602 86 I I 0757530 O026255 7/-SC*a/.-.Designation:D 2602 i 86 4cni Designation:350/81 An American National Standard AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1916 Race SI.,Philadelphia.Pa.19103 Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.Copyright ASTM If not listed in the current combi

2、ned index,will appear in the next edition.Standard Test Method for APPARENT VISCOSITY OF ENGINE OILS AT LOW TEMPERATURE USING THE COLD-CRANKING SIMULATORI This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2602:the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adopti

3、on or.in the case of revision.the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This melhoti was adopted as an ASTM-IP Slanard.1.scope 1.1 This test method covers the lab

4、oratory determination of apparent viscosity of engine oils at OF(-17.8C)and at high shear rates.The results are related to engine-cranking character-istics of engine oils(Notes 1,2 and 3).1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are

5、 for information only.1.3 This standard ma-v involve hazardous ma-terials,operations,and equipment.This standard does not piirport to address all of the safety prob-.lems associated with its use.It is the responsibil-ity ofthe user of this standard to establish appro-priate safity and health practic

6、es and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.NOTE-The CRC test oils used to establish this test method cover the range from 600 to 8400 CP(mPa.s)at OF(-17.8C)and 2000 to 20 000 CP(mPa-s)at-20F(-28.9C).Precision data for this test method are based only on the data at OF.N

7、OTE 2-The detailed relations between the appar-ent viscosities determined by this test method and enginexranking performance as determined by the Co-ordinating Research Council(CRC)L-49 test are shown in Appendixes I and II of Test Method D2602.See also CRC Report No.409(available from Coordinating

8、Research Council,Inc.;2 i9 Perimeter Center Parkway,Atlanta,GA 30346).It is important to be aware that the CRC L-49 test is much less standardized and precise than this test method.Therefore,apparent viscosity values obtained by this test method may not predict accurately the engine-cranking viscosi

9、ties in individual engines,even though the correlation with average en-gine results is satisfactory.NOTE 3-Since this test method w a s developed solely for use in relation to engine cranking character-istics of engine oils,the apparent viscosity values ob-tained should not be used to predict other

10、types of performance.For example,the method is not suitable to predict flow rates to rocker arm bearings.or other engine locations at low temperatures.NOTE 4-Originally many specifications using the cold cranking simulator were set at OF(-i7.78C).Around 1977 many of these specifications were changed

11、 to-i 8C.At all places in this test method.the use of-i 8C may be substituted for OF(-I7.78C).If-18C is used.the calibration of the sensor and the calibration of the viscometric cell must be carried out at-i 8C using standard oils with known viscosities at-18C.Section 12 on Precision and Bias applie

12、s to measurements made at-18C as well as OF(-17.78C).2.Terminology 2.1 Definitions:2.1.2 viscosity-the ratio between the applied shear stress and rate of shear,It is sometimes called the coefficient of dynamic viscosity.This coefficient is thus a measure of the resistance to flow of the liquid.In th

13、e SI the unit of viscosity is the pascal-second;for practical use a submul-tiple(miIlipascal-second)is more convenient.The centipoise is 1 mPa.s and is customanly used.2.1.3 Nenitonian oil or Jiiid-an oil or fluid that exhibits a constant viscosity at all shear rates.2.1.4 non-Newtonian oil or fluid

14、-an oil or fluid that exhibits a viscosity which varies w i t h changing shear stress or shear rate.2.1.5 apparent viscosity-the determined vis-cosity obtained by use of the method under de-scription.Since many engine oils are non-New-This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-mittee D-2

15、 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W2.07 on How Proper-ties.Current edition approved Oct.3 I.1986.Published December 1986.Originally published as D 2602-67 T.Last previous edi-tion D 2602-75(1980).NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded and

16、 replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.ASTM D2602 86=0759510 0026256 O tonian at low temperature,apparent viscosity may vary with shear rate.2.1.6 density-the mass per unit volume.In the SI the unit of density is the kg/m3,but for practical use a submultiple is more convenient.The g/cm3 is 1 O kg/m3 and is customarily used.3.1.7 kinematic viscosity-the ratio of the vis-cosity to the density of the liquid.It is a measure of th


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