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1、Designation:E275610Standard Terminology Relating toAntimicrobial and Antiviral Agents1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2756;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in par

2、entheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon()indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1 The purpose of this terminology standard is to establishuniformity in terms used in the field of antimicrobial andantiviral agent testing.Terms are adap

3、ted from related fieldssuch as regulatory terms defined by law and definitions assupported by test requirements.1.2 The terms are appropriate to the wide range of interestrelated to standards developed in the area of antimicrobial andantiviral testing.2.TerminologyGENERAL ANTIMICROBIAL AND ANTIVIRAL

4、TERMSaccuracy,na measure of the degree of conformity of a valuegenerated by a specific procedure to the assumed or acceptedtrue value,and includes both precision and bias.ambient temperature,ntemperature of the environment inwhich a test method is performed.antibacterial,adjdescribes an agent that k

5、ills bacteria orsuppresses their growth or reproduction.antimicrobial,adjdescribes an agent that kills or inactivatesmicroorganisms or suppresses their growth or reproduction.antiseptic,na material for use on living tissue that eitherdestroys microorganisms or suppresses their growth.bias,na systema

6、tic error that contributes to the differencebetween the mean of a large number of test results and anaccepted reference value(ASTM Form and Style Manual).DISCUSSIONA statement of bias is not possible because standardreference materials are not available for most microbiological methods.biofouling,nt

7、he unwanted accumulation of organismsand/or their products on surfaces.cleaner-sanitizer,na physical or chemical agent that re-moves soil from an object and reduces numbers of microor-ganisms on non-food contact surfaces.carrier,na surrogate surface or matrix that facilitates theinteraction of test

8、microorganisms and treatment(s).cell monolayer,na single layer of eukaryotic cells typicallypropogated on a glass or plastic surface to which they aresecurely attached.cleansing wash,na procedure intended to remove soil orresidue.clastogen,nan agent that reduces chromosomal posite sample,na series o

9、f grab samples integrated intoa single sample or samples collected at specific times andintegrated into a single sample.cooling system,nequipment and coolant used for the re-moval of heat from processes,equipment,or both.cooling water,nany water-based solution that absorbs andtransfers heat in cooli

10、ng systems.cumulative effect,na progressively additive reduction in thenumbers of viable microorganisms measured from an estab-lished baseline following repeated applications of a materialor procedure.decontamination,na procedure that eliminates or reducescontaminants.The usual reference is to reduc

11、e potentiallyharmful or undesirable microorganisms.disinfectant,na physical or chemical agent or process thatdestroys pathogenic or potentially pathogenic microorgan-isms in/on surfaces or objects.D-value(decimal reduction time/log death time),nthetime or radiation dose required to achieve inactivat

12、ion of90%of one log10of a population of the test microorganismunder stated exposure conditions.effectiveness,na measure of the performance of a product.efficacy,nthe proven performance of a product establishedunder defined conditions of testing.envelope,na layer of host cell membrane-deprived lipid

13、thatsurrounds the capsid of some viruses.false negative,adjincorrectly indicating the absence of afinding or condition.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E35 onPesticides and Alternative Control Agents and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee E35.15 on Antimicrobial

14、 Agents.Current edition approved May 1,2010.Published December 2010.DOI:10.1520/E275610.Copyright ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959.United States1 false positive,adjincorrectly indicating the presence of afinding or condition.fomite(fomes),nan inani

15、mate object that harbors patho-genic microorganisms and may transmit infection.germ,nmicroorganisms pathogenic to humans.glove juice procedure,na process requiring placement oftest subjectshands into low bioburden plastic bags or sterilegloves that are powder-free and non-antimicrobial.Strippingsolu

16、tion is added to the glove,the hands are massaged,andthe stripping solution(glove juice)is sampled to recovermicroorganisms.grab sample,nsingle sample from process stream(flowing)or from source of confined geometry(stagnant)withdrawn ata specific time.inoculum,nthe viable microorganisms used to contaminatea sample,device,or surface,often expressed as to numberand type.intermediate-level disinfectant,na disinfectant that inacti-vates mycobacteria,vegetative bacteria,most fungi,andlipid and non-li


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