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1、Designation:D 1553-83 4cn3 I.AnAmericanNationalStandard AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS 1916 Race St.,Philadelphia,Pa.19103 Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Copyright ASTM If not listed in the current combined index,will appear in the next edition.Standard Methods for ANAL

2、YSIS OF GRAPHITES USED AS LUBRICANTS This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1553;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.

3、A superscript epsilon(c)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.NH 67-“jc/ASTM D3553 83 m 0757530 0022243 4 m 1.Scope 1.1 These methods cover the determination of volatile matter at 105C(including moisture)and of incineration ash of natural or manufac-tured graphites used

4、 as lubricants.The graphites shall not contain other solids or liquids.1.2 This standard may involve hazardous ma-terials,operations,and equipment.This standard does not purport to address ali o f the safity prob-lems associated wlh its use.It is the responsibil-ity o f whoever uses this standard to

5、 consult and establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the appicabilty o f regulatory limi-tations prior to use.VOLATILE MAITER AT 105C 2.Summary of Method 2.1 A weighed sample is heated for 2 h at 105C and the loss of weight is calculated as the percent volatile matter includi

6、ng moisture.3.Apparatus 3.1 Drying Container-A widemouth cylin-drical giass weighing bottle approximately 30 mm high and 50 mm wide provided with a ground-glass stopper,or an aluminum dish a p proximately 50 mm high and 90 mm wide with a tightly fitting cover.3.2 Drying Oven capable of maintaining a

7、 temperature of 105 f 2C.4.Procedure 4.1 Heat a clean drying container and cover in an oven for 2 h at 105C.Cool it to room temperature and weigh it to the nearest 1 mg.4.2 Transfer 5&O.1 g of the thoroughly mixed sample,weighed to the nearest 1 mg,to the container.With the cover removed from the co

8、ntainer,heat the sample at 105C for 2 h in an oven.At the end of the heating period,affix the cover while hot and transfer the container to a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium sulfate,Cool to room temperature and weigh to the nearest 1 mg.Save the dried sample for deter-mination of incineratio

9、n ash(see 10.2).5.Calculation weight percent as follows:where:A=loss of weight on drying,g,and S=weight of sample,g.6.Report 0.01%.7.Precision 7.1 The precision of the method as deter-mined by statistical examination of interlabora-tory results is as follows:7.1.1 Repeatability-The difference betwee

10、n two test results,obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus under constant operat-ing conditions on identical test material,would in the long run,in the normal and correct oper-ation of the test method,exceed the following values only in one case in twenty:If differs by more than 0.03%7

11、.1.2 Reproducibility-The difference be-tween two single and independent results ob-5.1 Calculate the volatile matter expressed as Volatile matter,%=(A/S)x 100 6.1 Report the results of the test to the nearest These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-mittee D-2 on Petroleum Products and L

12、ubricants and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D2 L on Joint ASTM ASLE Committee on Industrial Lubricants.Current edition approved e t.28,1983.Published January 1984.Orinally published as D 1553-58 T.Last previous edi-tion D 1553-64(1978).NOTICE:This standard has either been superseded

13、and replaced by a new version or discontinued.Contact ASTM International(www.astm.org)for the latest information.ASTM DI1553 83 W 0757510 00222LiLi b tained by different operators working in different laboratories on identical test matenal would,in the long run,in the normal and correct operation of

14、 the test method,exceed the following values only in one case in twenty:If differs more than O.13%INCINERATOR ASH 8.Summary of Method 8.1 A weighed portion of the dried sample(see 4.2)is heated at 950C and the resulting inorganic residue calculated as percent ash.9.Apparatus 9.1 Combustion Capsul2-G

15、lazed porcelain with flat bottom and rounded sides.Diameter at rim,49 mm;height,11 mm;capacity,10 mL.9.2 Mufle Furaace,electrically heated,with provision for circulation of air.It shaii be capable of maintaining a temperature of 950 f 25C.10.Procedure 10.1 Heat a clean combustion capsule in the mume

16、 furnace for 30 min at 950C.Cool it to room temperature and weigh it to the nearest 1 mg.10.2 Using the sample dried in Section 4,transfer 1 f 0.2 g,weighed to the nearest 1 mg,to the combustion capsule,spreading the mate-rial evenly over the bottom of the capsule.Place the capsule in the hot muffle furnace until all of the combustible matter is burned,usually about 3 h,or until the loss on igniting for an additional period of*/2 h is less than 1 mg.10.3 Remove the capsule from the muffle fr-nac


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