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1、Designation:C 460 93Standard Terminology forAsbestos-Cement1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 460;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the yea

2、r of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1.Scope1.1 This standard covers terms and definitions,descriptionsof terms,and abbreviations of terms relating to asbestos-cement products.Additional definitions of terms relating toasbest

3、os are presented in Terminology D 2946.2.Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:C 150 Specification for Portland Cement2C 428 Specification for Asbestos-Cement NonpressureSewer Pipe3C 618 Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or CalcinedPozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in PortlandCement Concrete4

4、C 966 Guide for Installing Asbestos-Cement NonpressureSewer Pipe Lines3D 1067 Test Methods for Acidity or Alkalinity of Water5D 1126 Test Methods for Hardness in Water5D 2946 Terminology Relating to Asbestos3E 849 Practice for Safety and Health Requirements Relatingto Occupational Exposure to Asbest

5、os63.Terminology Terminology:Terms and Definitions,Descriptions of Terms,and Abbreviationsaccessoriessubordinate material such as fasteners,backerstrips,closure strips,ridge and corner rolls,roofing startersand finishing pieces,couplings,gaskets,pipe fittings or othersupplementary material necessary

6、 for the proper applicationof primary asbestos-cement products.aggressivity index,na measure of the corrosivity of watertoward asbestos-cement defined as pH+log(AH)wherepH 5 negative of the logarithm of the hydronium molarity(index of acidity of the water),pH units.A 5 total alkalinity,ppm as CaCO3,

7、as determined by Test Methods D 1067 andH 5 calcium hardness,ppm as CaCO3,as determined byTest Method D 1126.DISCUSSIONThe aggressiveness of water toward asbestos-cement isclassified as follows:highly aggressiveaggressivity index 10moderately aggressiveaggressivity index 5 10 to 11.9nonaggressiveagg

8、ressivity index$12American Methoda method of application for roofingshingles,generally rectangular in shape,to provide doublecoverage with head lap and no side lap.amositethe acronym assigned to grunerite asbestos,andderived from the name of the first developers of a majordeposit of this mineral.amp

9、hibole asbestos,nasbestiform amphibole silicate min-erals including the orthorhombic anthophyllite series and themonoclinic cummingtonite grunerite asbestos(amosite)series,the tremolite-actinolite series,and the alkali amphib-ole riebeckite asbestos(crocidolite)series among others.The amphiboles con

10、tain essential(OH)groups in the struc-ture,and the Si:O ratio is 4:11.A considerable amount ofelemental substitution can take place in these varieties ofasbestos.The crystal structures are composed of strips orribbons of linked polyhedra that join to form fibrils.Theindividual strips are made up fro

11、m three components;theseare two double chains of linked(Si,Al)O4tetrahedra and astrip of linked MgO6,FeO6,or A1O6octahedra.asbestosthe naturally occurring inorganic hydrated silicates,occurring in layered structures composed of chains of siliconand oxygen tetrahedra,that can subdivide into flexiblef

12、ibers6.asphalt felt,breather typean underlayment sheet materialsaturated with asphalt for use with asbestos-cement prod-ucts,which allows the transmission of water vapor.autoclaved products,nin asbestos-cement,those that havebeen treated in a saturated steam atmosphere at between 689and 1517 MPa(100

13、 and 220 psi)for at least 8 h,and thatcontain portland cement as defined in Specifications C 150and C 618,together with silica in the ratio of 3:2,that canreact to form calcium silicate reaction products.backer stripswater-repellent strips of asphalt-coated feltapplied behind each joint where the ve

14、rtical edges of twoshingles meet.battena long narrow strip of asbestos-cement,either flat orcorrugated,used to conceal the joints in butt joint applicationof flat or corrugated sheets.bloomsee efflorescence.caulkinga material ranging in physical characteristics fromplastic,to solid,to preformed,used

15、 to seal and waterproof1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C-17 onFiber-Cement Products and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C17.91 onEditorial and Terminology.Current edition approved March 15,1993.Published May 1993.Originallypublished as C460 60.Last previou

16、s edition C460 92.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Vol 04.01.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Vol 04.05.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Vol 04.02.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Vol 11.01.6Annual Book of ASTM Standards,Vol 11.03.1AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS100 Barr Harbor Dr.,West Conshohocken,PA 19428Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.Copyright ASTMNOTICE:Thisstandardhaseitherbeensupersededandreplacedbyanewversionordiscontinued.ContactASTMInternational(www.astm.org)forthe


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