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1、?Distillation and Vapor Pressure Measurement in Petroleum ProductsDistillation and Vapor PressureMeasurement in PetroleumProductsASTM International100 Barr Harbor DrivePO Box C700West Conshohocken,PA 194282959Printed in the U.S.A.ASTM Stock Number:MNL51Rey G.Montemayor,editorLibrary of Congress Cata

2、loging-in-Publication DataMontemayor,Rey G.,1944Distillation and vapor pressure measurement in petroleum products/Rey G.Montemayor.p.cm.?ASTM Manual Series:MNL 51?ASTM stock number:“MNL51.”ISBN 978-0-8031-6227-31.PetroleumRefiningStandards.2.Petroleum refineriesStandards.3.DistillationStandards.4.Va

3、por pressureStandards.I.ASTM International.II.Title.TP690.45.M66 2008665.5?3dc222007039107Copyright 2008 ASTM International,West Conshohocken,PA.All rights reserved.This material may not be reproducedor copied,in whole or in part,in any printed,mechanical,electronic,film,or other distribution and st

4、orage media,with-out the written consent of the publisher.Photocopy RightsAuthorization to photocopy item for internal,personal,or educational classroom use,or the internal,personal,oreducational classroom use of specific clients,is granted by ASTM International provided that the appropriate feeis p

5、aid to ASTM International,100 Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959;Tel:610-832-9634;online:http:/www.astm.org/copyright.NOTE:The Society is not responsible,as a body,for the statements and opinions expressed in this publication.ASTMInternational does not endorse any products

6、 represented in this publication.Printed in Mayfield,PASeptember 2008ForewordTHIS PUBLICATION,Manual on Distillation and Vapor Pressure Measurement in Petroleum Products,was spon-sored by ASTM International Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants,and edited by Rey G.Montemayor,Imperial Oi

7、l Ltd.,Sarnia,Ontario,Canada.This publication is Manual 51 of ASTM InternationalsManual Series.iii PrefaceASTM International has been developing standards that is widely used world-wide since 1898.The technicalcontent and quality of these standards are excellent,and these are largely due to the thou

8、sands of technicalexperts who volunteer and devote considerable amount of their time and effort in the standards developmentactivities.In ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants,one of the largest ASTM committees,atremendous amount of activity is spent in developing new test methods,

9、and revising existing test methods tomeet ever increasing demands for high quality standards in the industry.ASTM D02 is blessed with a consid-erable number of technical experts who,in one way or another,have contributed tremendously to standardsdevelopment related to petroleum products and lubrican

10、ts.This manual is the result of the selfless effort,time,dedication,and considerable expertise of some of these experts.vAcknowledgmentThis manual would not have been possible without the help and contribution from a number of individuals.Iwould like to sincerely thank the authors of the different c

11、hapters who have been very responsive in submittingtheir manuscripts,and who have been very patient in waiting for all the publication protocols to be satisfied.Their time,effort,dedication and expertise have proven to be invaluable in the preparation of this manual.Tothe anonymous reviewers who hav

12、e provided very helpful and constructive suggestions on their review of thecontent of the various chapters thereby making them easier to understand and minimize any potential misun-derstanding,I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude.Special thanks to a number of ASTM Staff who areinstrumental

13、in bringing this work to become a reality:to Lisa Drennen of Committee D02 who provided anumber of ASTM historical documents;and to Monica Siperko and Kathy Dernoga of the ASTM PublicationsDepartment who provided support,guidance,and encouragement throughout the preparation of the variouschapter man

14、uscripts.I wish to thank Imperial Oil Ltd.,for its continued support in the time and effort spentwith this work,and other ASTM International activities.I would also like to acknowledge ASTM Internationaland Committee D02 for sponsoring this work.And last,but not least,to Susanna,my sincere thanks fo

15、r beingso understanding and supportive of my involvement with ASTM International.Rey G.MontemayorImperial Oil Ltd.viContentsPreface.vAcknowledgment.viChapter 1:Introduction and a Brief Historical Background,R.G.Montemayor.1Coverage Of The Manual.1Distillation Measurement.1Vapor Pressure Measurement.

16、2Simulated Distillation Measurement.2A Bit Of History.2Distillation Measurement at Atmospheric Pressure.2Distillation Measurement at Reduced Pressure.3Simulated Distillation.4Vapor Pressure Measurement.5Chapter 2:Distillation Measurement at Atmospheric Pressure,R.G.Montemayor.6ASTM D86Distillation At Atmospheric Pressure.6Scope.6Terminology.6Summary of the Method.6Significance and Use.7Sampling.7Group Characteristic.7Sample Storage and Conditioning.8Wet Samples.8Manual and Automated D86 Apparatu


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