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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1I believed him to be honest but his actions showed that he had _.Athe top dog Bthe feet of clayChis cup of tea Dthe apple of his eye2Lichun is a

2、Chinese word for one of the 24 solar terms, means the beginning of spring.AwhoBthatCwhoseDwhich3We offered to pay our half of the cost that was needed to restore the shared doorway but Charles would have of it.AnothingBanythingCnoneDany4lt was in December, 2018 _ Chairman Xi and President Trump met

3、in Argentina.AwhenBthatCbeforeDsince5To make a breakthrough in his scientific research, the scientist has been making a(n) _amount of effort.Amodest BmiserableCoptional Dtremendous6语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1. anything AmanyBmagazineCmanageDmatch2. achievedApractice

4、dBmarkedCoperatedDdamaged3. dealtA. deal BgreatCmeantDleader4. seize Aeither B. receive C. eight D. height5. youth Athus Bbreakthrough Cgather Dalthough7Why cant you give me another chance?_, but I dont think you are good at management.ANo offence BNo worries CNo need DNo wonder8During the 2008 fina

5、ncial crisis,the French president Nicolas Sarkozy agreed to provide millions of emergency fund aid to help unemploymentAreleaseBresembleCrelieveDrecommend9I am at a loss why Mike is always _ every time I meet him. Believe it or not, we used to be best friends.Agiving me the cold shoulder Bmaking my

6、dayCfollowing suit Dbeating around the bush10Not until the bus disappeared in the distance _ her school bag was gone.ATina had foundBhad Tina foundCdid Tina findDTina found11Kimberly _ an article, so dont disturb her.Awould writeBwritesCwroteDis writing12After the argument Colin ran away and_since.A

7、Isnt heard ofBwasnt heard ofChasnt been heard ofDhadnt been heard of13He was greatly shocked at Donald Trumps taking office. Never did he expect that the voters _ be so unreasonable.Ashould BcouldCwould Dmight14According to the school rule, no child be allowed out of the school, unless accompanied b

8、y his or her own parents.AshouldBmustCshallDcan15What about going abroad for further study?Great, but I never expected _ a chance for me before.Athere to be Bthere beingCit to be Dit being16Peter has previous experience, _ I think hes the right person for the job.Aor BbutCfor Dso17It was in the remo

9、te mountain areas _ I spent the gap year _ I learned how to work with a group of strangers and how to look after myself.Awhere; thatBwhen; thatCwhere; whenDthat; where18Will it be ages _ he goes back to school? Im so worried about him.AbeforeBafterCwhenDas19Backward somewhat technologically _ we are

10、 for the moment, we have confidence in our ability to catch up in time.Aalthough Bif Cas Donce20 How would you like your tea? _.AVeryquickly BAsitcomes,please CVerymuch DIdontliketea第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Ferry Services Fare TableEffective from 1st April 2019.Cash Onl

11、y is accepted onboard our Ferries.Return Fares for Mainland to Bressay;Mainland to Whalsay;Mainland to Yell;Yell to Unst.All Fares are RETURN - Payable on outbound journey onlyPassengerAdult5.50OAPs (With SIC Pass) & Children up to 191.00Disabled Concessionary SIC Pass Holders0.00Adult 10 Multi Jour

12、ney Ticket22.70Vehicles - Fares include driverVehicles up to and including 5.50m Return13.60Motorcycles Return11.00Motorhome 5.5m - 9m20.50Motorhome 9m - 12m23.50Motorhome 12m +27.00Vehicle (5.5m) 10 Journey Ticket90.00Motorcycle 10 Journey Ticket72.00*For Yell to Unst, the fare payable is the same

13、as the other “return fare” routes. However if your journey originated on the Mainland (you have had to use two ferries on the same day or after 18:00 from the day before) then you will only be charged the one fare on Yell. Please retain the ticket you were sold on the Yell ferry for presenting on th

14、e Unst ferry.685、How will you pay for your ticket on the ferry?AIn cash.BBy credit card.CWith SIC Pass.DAll of above.1、Which of the following is true?AThe information above is not effective on Childrens Day,2019.BIts free for the disabled without an SIC pass.CThe vehicles fares vary in the sizes of them.DYou can see the fare information for 3 routes in the table.2、Jack (10 years old) and his parents will travel from mai


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