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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。奥巴马在911十周年纪念仪式的讲话of our armed forces and most of all, the survivors who bear the wounds of that day and the families of those we lost, it is an honor to be with you here again to remember the tragedy of twelve septembers ago - to honor the greatness of all wh

2、o responded and to stand with those who still grieve and to provide them some measure of comfort once more. together we pause and we pray and we give humble thanks - as families and as a nation - for the strength and the grace that from the depths of our despair has brought us up again, has revived

3、us again, has given us strength to keep on.国防部长哈格尔、登普西将军、我国武装部队成员,最重要的是,饱含那一日伤痛的幸存者以及遇难者家属,我有幸与你们一起再一次回忆XX年前的那场悲剧,纪念全体有关人员的伟大精神,他们纷纷参加抢救工作,支持那些至今仍然悲不自胜的人们,再一次给他们一些慰藉。我们一起静默片刻,我们一起祈祷。我们作为一个个家庭、作为一个国家,一起谦卑地感谢我们获得的力量和恩典,使我们再一次从深度绝望中得到拯救,使我们再一次重振旗鼓,给予我们继续蹈厉发奋的力量。we pray for the memory of all those taken

4、 from us - nearly 3,000 innocent souls. our hearts still ache for the futures snatched away, the lives that might have been - the parents who would have known the joy of being grandparents, the fathers and mothers who would have known the pride of a child’s graduation, the sons and daughters w

5、ho would have grown, maybe married and been blessed with children of their own. those beautiful boys and girls just beginning to find their way who today would have been teenagers and young men and women looking ahead, imagining the mark they’d make on the world.我们为从我们身边被夺走的生命祈祷;近3,000名无辜的亡灵。我

6、们的心依然悲哀,因为他们的未来被无情地掠去,原来应该享有的生活被扼杀;作为祖父母,本应享受子孙绕膝之乐;作为父母,本应看到儿女毕业感到自豪;作为儿女,本应长大成人,也可能结婚并生儿育女;那些奔向把戏年华的漂亮的男孩和女孩,本应成长为今天的翩翩少年或青春少女;那些年轻的男男女女本应憧憬着未来,想象着他们将给这个世界留下什么样的印记。they left this earth. they slipped from our grasp. but it was written, “;what the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose.;

7、what your families lost in the temporal, in the here and now, is now eternal. the pride that you carry in your hearts, the love that will never die, your loved ones’ everlasting place in america’s heart.他们离开了这个世界。他们从我们的手中被夺走。但有人曾这样写道:;心中珍惜和挚爱的东西永远不会丧失。;你们的家庭暂时失去的,此时此刻已永世长存。你们心中承载的骄傲、永不消逝

8、的爱、你们所爱的人永远活在美国的心中。we pray for you, their families, who have known the awful depths of loss. and in the quiet moments we have spent together and from the stories that you’ve shared, i’m amazed at the will that you’ve summoned in your lives to lift yourselves up and to carry on, and

9、 to live and love and laugh again.我们为你们祈祷,为他们的家人祈祷,你们深深体会到失去亲人的无限伤悲。在我们共同静默的时刻,通过你们讲述的故事,我感慨万分,你们在日常生活中表现了坚强意志,精神抖擞,兴微继绝;你们继续人生之路,重施仁爱,再展欢颜。even more than memorials of stone and water, your lives are the greatest tribute to those that we lost. for their legacy shines on in you - when you smile just

10、like him, when you toss your hair just like her, when you foster scholarships and service projects that bear the name of those we lost and make a better world. when you join the firehouse or you put on the uniform or you devote yourself to a cause greater than yourself, just like they did, that&rsqu

11、o;s a testimony to them. and in your resilience you have taught us all there is no trouble we cannot endure and there is no calamity we cannot overcome.你们的生活是对亡者最好的祭奠,胜于砖墙水泥建成的纪念碑。当你像他那样露出微笑,像她那样意气风发,或者为改善这个世界建立以亡者命名的奖学金和效劳工程时,他们留下的精神就通过你们得到发扬光大。当你像他们一样成为消防队的一员,穿上军装或者投身于为他人的崇高事业时,就向他们证明了这一切。你们以坚韧不拔的

12、毅力教导我们所有的人:没有我们不能承受的困难,没有我们无法战胜的灾难。we pray for all those who have stepped forward in those years of war - diplomats who serve in dangerous posts, as we saw this day last year in benghazi, intelligence professionals, often unseen and unheralded who protect us in every way - our men and women in unifo

13、rm who defend this country that we love.我们为所有在战争岁月中挺身而出的人员祈祷;坚持在危险岗位上效劳的外交人员,正如去年的这一天我们在班加西看到的;往往默默无闻却以各种方式保护我们的专业情报人员,以及保卫我们所爱的祖国的男女将士。today we remember not only those who died that september day. we pay solemn tribute to more than 6,700 patriots who have given their full measure since - military a

14、nd civilians. we see their legacy in the friendships they forged, the attacks they prevented, the innocent lives they saved and in their comrades in afghanistan who are completing the mission and who by the end of next year will have helped to end this war.今天,我们不仅缅怀那些在9月的那一天失去的生命。我们还向自那时以来作出了最大奉献的6,

15、700多名爱国者;军人或平民;表达诚挚的敬意。通过他们缔结的友谊、他们阻止的袭击、他们挽救的无辜生命,以及他们在阿富汗正在最后完成使命并在明年年底结束这场战争的战友们,我们看到他们留下的财富。this is the path that we’ve traveled together. these are the wounds that continue to heal. and this is the faith in god and each other that carries us through, that restores us and that we summon on

16、ce more each time we come to hallowed ground - beside this building or in a pennsylvania field or where the towers once stood. here, in such moments of grace, we are renewed. and it is here that we reaffirm the values and virtues that must guide us.这是我们一起共同走过的征途。这些是需要继续愈合的创伤。这些说明了对上帝的信仰和我们彼此之间的信任,由此引领我们前进,让我们重振雄风,使我们每一次来到这些令人激越悲壮的地方;在这栋大楼旁,在宾夕法尼亚州的田野,在双子塔曾高高耸立的土地上;我们都会再一次听见信义的召唤。在这里,在这个庄严的时刻,我们获得新生。在这里,我们重申必须指引我们前进的价值和美德。let


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