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1、2023口译练习文本材料2023口译练习文本材料听辨实力不过关,不能很好的区分意群和主次信息。会导致在训练有笔记口译训练的时候,陷入听的懂却不记不下来或者一记笔记就无法听的逆境。为了帮助大家练习,我整理了一些口译练习材料,希望能帮到大家!合资意向我国的低税收,低工资,大市场以及稳定的政治与社会环境吸引了越来越多的海外投资者。贵公司欲与我们建立一种长期合作的想法与我不约而同。China’s low taxation, low wages, large consummer market and stable political and social environment have a

2、ttracted a growing number of overseas investers to this country. Your wish to establish a long term cooperative relationship with our company coincides with ours.我们希望与贵公司建一家立合资企业,共同生产被我们称作为中国概念型轿车。我们希望在合资企业中占有50%以上的资本份额。我们合资期可为15年。我们希望贵公司能向这家合资企业提高先进成套和牢靠的设备。We hope to enter into a partnership with

3、your company in the form of joint venture to manufacture what we call china concept cars. We expect to hold a minimum 50% of the capital equity.in this joint venture with a term of 15 years. We hope that your corperation will provide the venture with truly advanced, integrated and reliable equipment

4、s.科教兴国我们要实施科教兴国的战略。科技进步是经济开展确实定性因素,开展教化是科技进步的根底。世界范围内日趋剧烈的经济竞争和综合国力的较量归根结底是科技和人才的竞争。我国只有大力开展教化和科技事业,把经济开展切实转到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素养的轨道上来,才能加快现代化进程,缩小与兴旺国家的差距。We should implement the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education. Scientific and technological progress is a decisive fa

5、ctor in economic development and educational development is the foundation of scientific and technological progress. The increasingly acute world-wide econimic competition and over-all competition between nations is in the final anylisis competition in science and technology and full competence of p

6、eople. Only by vigorously developing education and science and technology and really stting in force the process of developing our economy by relying on scientific and technological advancement and improving the qualities of our labors can we accelerate the process of mordenization and narrow the ga

7、p between china and developed countries.科教工作的根本任务是提高全民族的思想道德素养,科学文化素养和创新实力,这是我国现代化事业进一步开展的须要,也是适应世界科技革命和经济竞争新形势的须要。The foundamental task of our working in science and education is to elevate the ideological and ethical standards, the scientific and cultural level of the entire nation and its creativ

8、e capabilities. This is the imperative task which is addicted by china’s need to further its modernization drive, to meet the requirements of the world’s immerging scientific and technological revolution and to compete well economically in the world market.科技工作要注意在社会生产流通消费和环境保护等领域大力推广先进适

9、用技术,促进科技成果,尤其是信息技术成果的商品化,完善社会化科技效劳体系,使科技进步更好的为经济和社会效劳,为人民生活效劳。大力推动高等教化管理体制改革,合理配置和充分利用教化资源,提高教学质量和办学效益,实施全面素养教化,加强思想品德教化和美育,改革教学内容,课程设置和教学方法,以适应社会对各类人才的须要。In our working in science and technolygy, we should strive to promote the use of practicable and advanced technologies in the fields of productio

10、n, distribution, consumption, environmental protection and other fields. We should also promote the comercialization of scientific and technological achievements and especially advances in information technology. We should improve the system of socialized scientific and technological services, so th

11、at the achievements in science and technology will in turn better serve economic and social development and the well being of the people. We should vigorously promote the reform of management of higher education by neans of judicious allocation and full use of educational resources so as to improve

12、the quality of education and the efficiency in school management. Emphasis should be laid on improving students's overall quality as well as on the promotion of ideological, moral and aesthetic education. Reform should be carried on school course content, curriculum and teaching methods in order to satisfy the sociey's need for all types of qualified personnel.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第6页 共6页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页


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