1、NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD34-18-11992AMENDEMENT 1AMENDMENT 11996-11 Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Electrotechnical CommissionCODE PRIXPRICE CODEPour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFor price,see current catalogueJAmendement 1Machines lectriques tournantes
2、 Partie 18:Evaluation fonctionnelle des systmes disolation Section 1:Principes directeurs gnrauxAmendment 1Rotating electrical machines Part 18:Functional evaluation of insulation systems Section 1:General guidelines CEI 1996 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright-all rights reservedBureau central
3、de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 3,rue de Varemb Genve SuisseCopyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2 34-18-1 amend.1 CEI:1996AVANT-PROPOSLe prsent am
4、endement a t tabli par le sous-comit 2J:Classification des systmesdisolation des machines tournantes,du comit dtudes 2 de la CEI:Machines tournantes.Le texte de cet amendement est issu des documents suivants:FDISRapport de vote2J/53/FDIS2J/60/RVDLe rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus do
5、nne toute information sur le vote ayantabouti lapprobation de cet amendement._Page 6INTRODUCTIONLes corrections ne concernent que le texte anglais.Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l
6、icense from IHS-,-,-34-18-1 Amend.1 IEC:1996 3 FOREWORDThis amendment has been prepared by sub-committee 2J:Classification of insulation systemsfor rotating machinery,of IEC technical committee 2:Rotating machinery.The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:FDISReport on voting2J
7、/53/FDIS2J/60/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report onvoting indicated in the above table._Page 7INTRODUCTIONReplace the text in the fourth paragraph by the following:IEC 85 deals with thermal evaluation of insulating materials and insulation
8、 systems used inelectrical equipment.In particular,the thermal classes of insulation systems used in rotatingmachines such as A,E,B,F and H,as well as the temperatures usually associated with thesethermal classes,are established in IEC 85.In the past,materials for insulation systems wereoften select
9、ed solely on the basis of thermal endurance of individual materials.However,thesecond edition of IEC 85 recognizes that such selection may be used only for screeningmaterials prior to further functional evaluation of a new insulation system which is not service-proven.This evaluation is linked with
10、earlier service experience through the use of a service-proven reference insulation system as the basis for comparative evaluation.Serviceexperience is the preferred basis for assessing the thermal endurance of an insulation system.Replace the text in the ninth and tenth paragraphs by the following:
11、In the winding of an electrical machine,different factors of influence can be dominant indifferent parts(e.g.turn insulation and end winding insulation).Therefore,different criteria maybe used to assess those parts of the insulation.It can also be appropriate to apply differentprocedures of function
12、al evaluation to these parts.The large differences found in the rotating electrical machine windings,in terms of size,voltageand operating conditions,necessitate the use of different procedures of functional evaluation toevaluate various types of windings.These procedures can also be of different co
13、mplexity,thesimplest being based on a single ageing mechanism(e.g.thermal or electrical).In the presentstate of the art,only thermal and electrical endurance testing procedures can be specified insome detail.Principles of mechanical,environmental and multifactor functional testing arebriefly describ
14、ed to provide a basis for provisions to be developed later where appropriate.Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Provided by IHS under license with IECNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 34-18-1 amend.1 CEI:1996Page 103 DfinitionsLes c
15、orrections aux paragraphes 3.2.2 et 3.3.1,en page 12,ne concernent que le texteanglais.Remplacer le paragraphe 3.3.2 par ce qui suit:3.3.2 facteur de vieillissement:Facteur dinfluence qui peut produire un vieillissement.Remplacer,la page 14,le paragraphe 3.4.2 par ce qui suit:3.4.2 essai fonctionnel
16、:Essai dans lequel le systme disolation dune prouvette estexpos aux facteurs de vieillissement simulant les conditions du service,afin dobtenir desrenseignements sur laptitude au service,y compris lvaluation des rsultats des essais.4.1 Effets des facteurs de vieillissementLes corrections au troisime alina,la page 16,ne concernent que le texte anglais.Remplacer le quatrime alina par ce qui suit:Les trs grosses machines,qui utilisent gnralement des enroulements du type barres etqui peuvent fonctio