1、48448910598146653NORMECEIINTERNATIONALEIECINTERNATIONAL715STANDARD1981AMENDEMENT 1AMENDMENT 11995-10Amendement 1Dimensions de lappareillage a basse tension-Montage normalise sur profiles-supportspour le support mecanique des appareilslectriques dans les installations dappareillagea basse tensionAmen
2、dment 1Dimensions of low-voltage switchgear andcontrolgear-Standardized mounting on railsfor mechanical support of electrical devices inswitchgear and controlgear installations.CEI 1995 Droits de reproduction rservs-Copyright-all rights reservedBureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Intern
3、ationale 3,rue de Varemb Geneve,SuisseCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleCODE PRIXIECInternational Electrotechnical CommissionPRICE CODEDMeAYHapoAHaR neTpoTexHecKaR HOMHCCHRPour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFor pnce,see current catalogueCopyright by the International Electrotechnical Commiss
4、ionWed Jan 14 14:45:56 20044844891059834759T-2-715 amend.1CE:1995AVANT-PROPOSLe present amendement a 6t6 etabli par le sous-comit 17B:Appareillage a bassetension,du comite detudes 17 de la CEl:Appareillage.Le texte de cet amendement est issu des documents suivants:DISRapport de vote17B/633/DIs17B/69
5、7/RVDLe rapport de vote indique dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le voteayant abouti a lapprobation de cet amendement.Page 104.1 Section en forme de chapeauAjouter les dessins suivants respectivement aux figures 1 et 2:Plan de referencePlan de reterence5.11.1TH 1510.1Rs0.40.1San
6、s bavure5.2ax150.2CE8795CE875刚Figure 1Figure 2Copyright by the International Electrotechnical Commissioned Jan141447:06200448448910598148426715 Amend.1IEC:1995-3-FOREWORDThis amendment has been prepared by sub-committee 17B:Low-voltage switchgear andcontrolgear,of IEC technical committee 17:Switchge
7、ar and controlgear.The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:DISReport on voting17B/633/DIS17B/697/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in thereport on voting indicated in the above table.Page 114.1 Top hat sectionAdd the following figures to figure 1 and figure 2,respectively:Reference planeReference plane.5.1TH1510.1R=0.40.1Burr free edges1.815.23max.150.210max.IEC 874195IEC 875195Figure 1Figure 2Copyright by the International Electrotechnical CommissionWed Jan 14 14:47:08 2004