1、IEC 60598-1:2014/COR2:2015 1 IEC 2015 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION LECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE _ IEC 60598-1 Edition 8.0 2014-05 LUMINAIRES Part 1:General requirements and tests IEC 60598-1 dition 8.0 2014-05 LUMINAIRES Partie 1:Exigences gnrales et essais C O R R I G E N
2、D U M 2 5.2 Supply connection and other external wiring 5.2.1 In the second dashed list item replace supply cords with plugs;appliance inlets;with supply cords;with plugs;appliance inlets;5.2 Raccordement au rseau et autres cblages externes 5.2.1 Cette correction ne sapplique qu la version anglaise.IEC 60598-1:2014-05/COR2:2015-12(en-fr)