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1、RAPPORTCEITECHNIQUEIECTECHNICAL1000-1-1REPORTPremiere editionFirst edition1992-04Compatibilite electromagnetique(CEM)Partie 1:GneralitesSection 1:Application et interpretationde definitions et termes fondamentauxElectromagnetic compatibility(EMC)Part 1:GeneralSection 1:Application and interpretation

2、of fundamental definitions and termsIECNumero de referenceReference numberCEI/IEC 1000-1-1:1992Validite de la presente publicationValidity of this publicationLe contenu technique des publications de la CEI est cons-The technical content of IEC publications is kept undertamment revu par la CEI afin q

3、uil reflete ltat actuel deconstant review by the IEC,thus ensuring that the contentla technique.reflects current technology.Des renseignements relatifs a la date de reconfirmation deInformation relating to the date of the reconfirmation ofla publication sont disponibles aupres du Bureau Centralthe p

4、ublication is available from the IEC Central Office.de la CEI.Les renseignements relatifs a ces revisions,a ltablis-Information on the revision work,the issue of revisedsement des editions revises et aux amendements peuventeditions and amendments may be obtained from IECetre obtenus aupres des Comit

5、es nationaux de la CEI etNational Committees and from the following IEC sources:dans les documents ci-dessous:Bulletin de la CEIIEC BulletinAnnuaire de la CEIIEC YearbookPublie annuellementPublished yearlyCatalogue des publications de la CEICatalogue of IEC publicationsPublie annuellement et mis a j

6、our regulierementPublished yearly with regular updatesTerminologieTerminologyEn ce qui concerne la terminologie generale,le lecteur seFor general terminology,readers are referred to IEC 50:reportera la CEI 50:Vocabulaire Electrotechnique Inter-International Electrotechnical Vocabulary(IEV),whichnati

7、onal(VEI),qui se presente sous forme de chapitresis issued in the form of separate chapters each dealingspars traitant chacun dun sujet dfini.Des dtailswith a specific field.Full details of the IEV will becomplets sur le VEI peuvent etre obtenus sur demande.supplied on request.See also the IEC Multi

8、lingualVoir egalement le dictionnaire multilingue de la CEI.Dictionary.Les termes et definitions figurant dans la presente publi-The terms and definitions contained in the present publi-cation ont te soit tirs du VEI,soit spcifiquementcation have either been taken from the IEV or have beenapprouves

9、aux fins de cette publication.specifically approved for the purpose of this publication.Symboles graphiques et litterauxGraphical and letter symbolsPour les symboles graphiques,les symboles litteraux et lesFor graphical symbols,and letter symbols and signssignes dusage general approuves par la CEI,l

10、e lecteurapproved by the IEC for general use,readers are referredconsultera:to publications:-la CEI 27:Symboles litteraux a utiliser en electro-IEC 27:Letter symbols to be used in electricaltechnique;technology;-la CEI 417:Symboles graphiques utilisables sur le-IEC 417:Graphical symbols for use on e

11、quip-materiel.Index,releve et compilation des feuillesment.Index,survey and compilation of the singleindividuelles.sheets;-la CEI 617:Symboles graphiques pour schemas;-IEC 617:Graphical symbols for diagrams;et pour les appareils electromedicaux,and for medical electrical equipment,-la CEI 878:Symbol

12、es graphiques pour quipements-IEC 878:Graphical symbols for electromedicalelectriques en pratique medicale.equipment in medical practice.Les symboles et signes contenus dans la presente publi-The symbols and signs contained in the present publi-cation ont ete soit tires de la CEI 27,de la CEI 417,de

13、cation have either been taken from IEC 27,IEC 417,la CEI 617 et/ou de la CEI 878,soit specifiquementIEC 617 and/or IEC 878,or have been specifically appro-approuves aux fins de cette publication.ved for the purpose of this publication.Publications de la CEI etablies par le memeIEC publications prepa

14、red by the samecomite dtudestechnical committeeLattention du lecteur est attiree sur les listes figurant a laThe attention of readers is drawn to the end pages of thisfin de cette publication,qui enumerent les publications depublication which list the IEC publications issued byla CEI preparees par l

15、e comite detudes qui a etabli lathe technical committee which has prepared the presentpresente publication.publication.RAPPORTCEITECHNIQUEIECTECHNICAL1000-1-1REPORTPremiere editionFirst edition1992-04Compatibilit electromagnetique(CEM)Partie 1:GnralitesSection 1:Application et interpretationde defin

16、itions et termes fondamentauxElectromagnetic compatibility(EMC)Part 1:GeneralSection 1:Application and interpretationof fundamental definitions and termsCEI 1992 Droits de reproduction rservs-Copyright-all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peut tre reproduite ni No part of this pu

17、blication may be reproduced or utilized inutilise sous quekque forme que ce soit et par aucun pro-any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical,lectronique ou mcanique,y oompris la photocopie et including photocopying and microlim,without permissionles microfilms,sans accord ecrit de lediteur.in

18、 writing from the publisher.Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale 3,rue de Varemb Genve,SuisseCommission Electrotechnique Internationale CODE PRIXIECInternational Electrotechnical CommissionPRICE CODEUMewyHapoAHaR 3neKTpoTexHecKa HOMHCCHPour prix,voir catalogue en vigueurFo

19、r price,see current catalogue-2-1000-1-1CEISOMMAIREPagesAVANT-PROPOS4INTRODUCTION6Articles1 Domaine dapplication82 Definition des termes82.1Termes de base82.2 Termes composes102.3 Termes de relation123 Application des termes et definitions de la CEM123.1 Generalites123.2 Relation entre les different

20、s niveaux123.2.1 Niveau et limite demission et dimmunite123.2.2 Niveau de compatibilite163.3 Aspects de probabilites et marges243.3.1 Essai normalise263.3.2 Essai in situ,superposition283.3.3 Carence en donnees32AnnexesA Interpretation des termes et definitions de la compatibilite electromagnetique.

21、34B Essai normalise et essai in situ.54References581000-1-1IEC-3-CONTENTSPageFOREWORDINTRODUCTION.7Clause1Scope.92 Definition of terms.92.1 Basic terms92.2 Combined terms112.3 Interrelated terms.133 Application of EMC terms and definitions.133.1 General133.2 Relation between various levels.133.2.1 Emission and immunity level/limit133.2.2 Compatibility level.173.3 Probability aspects and margins.253.3.1 Standardized test.273.3.2 In situ test,superposition.293.3.3儿aCk0 f data33AnnexesA Interpretation of EMC terms and definitions35B Standardized and in situ tests.55References59


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